The Real Taste Of Chaos

Call... from the guys...

“Hello?” Jade asked as she answered her phone. Who the hell is calling me now?!

“Hey Jade.”

“Mikey? Hey! How’s the tour going?”

“Fine. Um, hey, we’ll be in Denver next week, and the guys and I were wondering if you would like to go on the rest of the tour with us?”



“Awesome! I’ll go with you guys! Fo sho!”

“Hell! Don’t tell me you’ve gone all gangsta on us!”

“Ha! Like that would ever happen! I just love to mess with your head!”

“Anyway… See you at the concert then.”

“Yeah, see ya.”



Jade hung up her phone and tucked a strand of crimson red hair behind her ear. She got up from her desk and walked across the room. It had been weeks since she last heard from Mikey.

Mikey was on tour with his band, My Chemical Romance. The other members, Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro, and Bob Bryar, were her only other friends.

She met Mikey in seventh grade. They were stuck as partners for a science project, and were best friends ever since. She met the guys when Jade went over to Mikey’s house to watch some movies. They made fun of Mikey for hanging out with her for months.

Either way, Jade grew fond of Gerard. She liked him, and wanted to tell him, but was way too afraid of rejection.