Everything Ends


"Are we there yet?" Ember asked as Jane followed the Japenses piece of shit, as Corey referred to it.

"How am I suppost to know? Jane replied. "I'm the one who's following them!" Jane and Ember were going to hang out with Slipknot at Olive Garden of all places. Kristen decided she was going to ride with Joey in his car. Corey and Sid decided they would ride withe and Ember since the other car was filled with 6 other people. Corey rode shotgun while Ember and Sid sat in the back. Ember was practically up against the car door.

Jane could tell that there was a lot of tension in the back. She could feel it like a heat wave. Every few minutes one of them would try to start conversation, but found it difficult.

Suddenly Jane heard the song "No One Gets Left Behind" by Five Finger Death Punch come on the radio station and screamed, "Fuck yeah!" She turned the volume up all the way knowing it would liven the spirits in the backseat.

Jane was right because she could start to feel Ember headbang behind her. Even Jane herself who was driving started headbanging. Then Corey and Sid started headbanging. Now the whole car was shaking from the music and the thrashing.

"OH SHIT! JANE LOOK OUT!" Ember yelled at Jane who was about to crash into the Joey's car and almost killed them all. Jane slammed on her breaks.

"Motherfucker!" she was inches away from Joey's bumper. Jane was breathing very heavily and both of her arms were outstretched on the wheel. She even started to shake. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" the owner of the hand asked her in one the most sweetest voices she had ever heard. She looked over at Corey and nodded. She looked into his eyes. The brightest shade of green she had ever seen. 'They're so beautiful.' she thought.

Jane was released from her trance when she heard excessive honking from the car behind them. "Well, that was some scary shit, huh guys?" she said trying to avoid looking into his eyes and falling into a trance again.

After about another ten minutes of driving, they finally made it to the restaurant and got out of the car just to get caught up with the rest of the guys and Kristen.

"You almost crashed into us!" Kristen yelled as soon as she saw Jane.

"He he. Umm... yeah about that. He he. Umm... who's hungry?" Jane changed the subject.

"Yeah, I'm starving"

"Let's go eat!"

So they all headed inside to find no wait and were seated straight away.

"Yeah, you're gonna need to push three tables together." said Mick.

"No problem." said the waitress as she called over for the other waitress to help her push tables together. Once they got the tables together the group of twelve sat down and started to look at the menus.

"Hey guys I'm Mindy and I'll be your server tonight. The special tonight is shrimp alfredo. Can I start you off with a couple of drinks?"

"Ha! Who knew Kristen and Joey are so special they'd be on the menu tonight?" Mick said while everyone laughed.

"Hey! Shut it oaf!" Joey yelled back.

While the waitress was taking the other's orders Ember looked across the room to another occupied table and recognized a girl from high school that she hadn't seen in three years. The guy she was sitting with one of Kristen's ex-boyfriends, Mathew.

"Hey Kristen," Ember nudged her friend. "Look at who's with Crazy Katie." She looked and started laughing.

"What's goin on guys?" Jane asked her friends wondering what all the excitment was all about. When Ember pointed them out to her she started laughing. "Wow who knew he would end up with her." she said.

All of a sudden Katie got up from her seat and started walking over to our table. The girls could make out her shirt. It was a Slipknot shirt. God, how they hoped she wasn't coming over for an autograph. There was nobody in Kristen, Jane and Ember's high school that didn't know crazy katie. Whenever you would talk to her she would bitch you out. She would even bitch you out if weren't doing anything. She was one of those outcasts that nobody liked because of how bitchy she was. People would not have made as much fun of her in high school if she just minded her own business, but no she just had to show how out there she was and how much she hated everything. News flash nobody cares!

"We'd really like it if you guys would stop laughing and be more quiet." Obviously she hadn't noticed that she was talking to Slipknot because she didn't mention anything about them. She must have been one of those posers that wear band merch and pretend they actually like the band.

"Ha ha nice shirt." Paul commented.

"What's it to you ass-hole?" Katie replied back.

"Wow, you really are a dumb shit aren't you?" Jane asked not expecting a response.

"Hey guys just chill." Corey said trying to take control of the situation.

"I will not fucking chill!" Jane stood up. "She's talking shit, and she doesn't even know who you guys are!" Jane's voice started to raise with every word.

"Hey skanks why don't you just take your boy toys and beat it," Katie said.

After hearing this Jane jumped over the table and flung her fists at Katie's face. She hit her in the jaw and made her fall to the ground, but Ember was right behind her. She was extremely pissed at the 'skank' comment. She was on top of her faster than you could spit, and she was punching Katie with every force of her being. Jane wanted to join in on the fight, but Mick was now holding her back.

Kristen could see out of the corner of her eye that Matthew was now running towards Ember with rage in his eyes. When she knew what he was going to do, Kristen got up, took a waitress's metal tray, ran up to him and smashed his face in. She saw blood and a couple teeth fly from his face. "Who knew you even you would go there," Kristen said as he looked up at her in horror.

The huge manager finally got over to them and picked Ember up off of Katie. "Break it up, and get the hell out of my restaurant!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh.... dramalicious! Lol is that even a word? Well, hope you guys liked this chapter.

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