Everything Ends


Ember looked around, trying to appear nonchalant. Her left leg was crossed over her right at the knee and her right arm rested on the arm rest of the couch. Her cheek sat in her palm and she let her eyes shift over to Sid before returning back to the floor in front of her.

It had been like since every since Corey had left to go help Jane with the popcorn in the kitchen. Sid was pressed against the far left side of the couch while Ember was as close to the right edge as possible.

It wasn’t that they didn’t want to sit next to each other; it was quite the opposite, actually. Neither of them knew how to approach the other, and thus they settled for sitting as far away from each other as possible. If anything it just added to the tension.

Ember was very weary of the situation since it was something she wasn’t used to experiencing. She was used to being able to tell someone how she felt, even if it was just telling someone she was interested. For some reason, she just couldn’t spit it out to Sid. She couldn’t even talk to him without her mind blanking.

Not to mention she was still seeing red from Jane basically showing off to everyone where she worked. She didn’t appreciate people knowing about her…occupation. She was rather embarrassed about it, truthfully.

Sid coughed uncomfortably, “So…do you like your job?”

Ember looked his way and shrugged, “Not at all. I just do it for the money.”

“It pays good then, I take it?”

Ember shifted, growing uncomfortable with the conversation. She hated talking about what she had to do for a living.

“Enough to pay the bills.”

Sid, sensing Ember’s discomfort, nodded and said nothing more. He eyed the open DVD case before clearing his throat again.

“You like horror movies?”

Ember followed his eyes to the case and shook her head, laughing a bit, “I’m not a huge fan. I was terrified of them when I was younger. Jane’s the huge horror freak here.”

Sid chuckled, “Well, uh, if you get scared…let me know.”

Ember smiled sweetly at him, “Will do.”

Corey sauntered back into the living room, eyeing Ember and Sid with curiosity.

“Why are you guys sitting like that?”

He gestured to their positions, each nearly hugging opposite sides of the couch. Sid shrugged sheepishly.

Corey shook his head and laughed, “Weird people, you are.”

Ember watched Jane walk in after him, large bowl of popcorn in hand. She tripped lightly as the wooden floor transitioned to carpet in the living room, Corey stabilizing her. She mumbled a ‘thank you’ and neared the couches with her head down and hair covering her face. Ember wondered why she was so flustered.


Ember was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t notice weight next to her. She was a bit shocked when someone’s leg shoved against hers and a voice sounded displeased.

“What the fuck, Cor?”

It was then that Ember noticed Sid sitting next to her and Corey pushing him to make room for Jane. Ember sent Jane a confused look, which Jane responded with a shrug and dug her hand into her popcorn. The bowl was passed around and soon Ember got used to Sid sitting so close to her. She was actually starting to get pretty comfortable.

She spoke too soon and let out a tiny squeak at the roar of the chainsaw on the television. She hid her face in Sid’s arm, peeking out every now and then to see what was going on in the movie, despite having seen it multiple times already. She just never could get used to those damn horror movies.

Jane was laughing, as was Corey, while Sid and Ember were beginning to cuddle up to each other for comfort. Little did Ember know, Sid wasn’t the biggest fan of horror movies either.

“That is so retarded! Run bitch!” Jane laughed. Corey joined her and the two began discussing how lame some horror movies could be.

Sid and Ember, on the other hand, were watching the movie with wide eyes. Ember had since curled up into a little ball and was facing Sid, clutching his arm like a scared child would their favorite teddy bear. Sid was leaning in the direction of Ember and allowed him to hold his arm as tight as need be.

Jane looked over at the two and laughed, trying to put the fact that Corey has his arm around the back of the couch behind her and focus on her friend instead.

“You know it’s not real, Em. I don’t understand why these movies freak you out so much.”

The sound of a chainsaw roaring to life filled Ember’s ears again and she whimpered slightly, coughing in an attempt to hide it.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m fi--”

She took in a sharp breath and buried her face in Sid’s arm again, mumbling into it about how she was fine and this gay shit didn’t scare her.

Corey tried not to laugh. Sid had regained his composure and was no longer showing fear for the movie, but more shock at the fact that Ember was holding his arm so tightly.

Corey patted his friend and fellow bandmate on the shoulder, “Of course you’re fine, Ember. Sid’s here to protect you!”

Jane snickered, though not in an offensive way. Corey sent her a grin and she shut up immediately, choosing to admire him instead of laugh at Ember’s expense.

Eventually, Ember grew tired and felt her eyes get droopy, despite the fact that murder was happening in front of her eyes. She closed her eyelids and rested her head on Sid’s arm, falling asleep moments later.

“I think she fell asleep,” Sid said, astonished that Ember could fall asleep with the loud screaming blaring through the somewhat cheap surround sound system around the living area.

Jane popped another handful of popcorn into her mouth, noticing the movie was almost over. She’d have to pick out another one, probably, “She does it all the time. Bitch can sleep through anything.”

A particularly brutal and blood curdling scream erupted through the speakers and Jane had to clutch her ears. Corey and Sid winced at the sound, but Ember didn’t move a muscle.

Corey was surprised and greatly impressed, “Well I’ll be damned.”

Jane chuckled quietly while Sid stared at her with a mix of disbelief and admiration for her sleeping through that.

“Told you so.”
♠ ♠ ♠
an update! yay!

Hannah's got an epic one comin' up, I'm sure.

comments are appreciated! :D