Everything Ends


Kristen felt an arm wrap around her waist, and she turned from cooking pancakes. Joey smiled and kissed her cheek. She smiled bringing her lips to his.

"Mornin', Krissy," he said. "You look absolutely beautiful today."

Kristen looked down at the outfit she'd thrown together. Joey's Korn shirt fell over her short shorts, and her hair was pulled back into a messy bun. She smiled at him.

"You're just saying that," she said.

"No, I mean it," Joey replied. "You look good in my shirt."

Kristen flipped the pancakes over and said, "Feels nice, too."

"Mhm," Joey chuckled.

He began massaging her lower back, and she closed her eyes, leaning back against him. He brought his lips down to her, and he smiled. She sighed dreamily and-

Her phone rang. She dropped her head and handed Joey the spatula.

"Watch the pancakes," she sighed.

He chuckled, "Don't blame me if they come out burnt."

Kristen smiled and picked up her phone. "Hello?"

"Kristen," said Ember. "Jesus Christ, when are you coming home?"

"It's nine in the morning, Em," Kristen said. "Don't freak out. What's wrong?"

"I- nothing," Ember said. "I just...Sid and Corey are still here-"

"What?" Kristen said, turning to look at Joey.

"Nobody did anything," said Ember quickly. "I was just wondering if maybe Joey could bring you home and pick up these two."

"Can't you have someone else do it?" Kristen groaned.

"I thought we were gonna go shopping today-"

"Kristen Williams, you get your ass back here now!" came Jane's voice.

Kristen sighed. "I don't wanna leave, Em."

"I know. I know," Ember said. "Trust me, I know. But you did promise a week ago that since you had today off you would go shopping with us."

Kristen nodded. "Can you give me an hour?"

"Just hurry, okay? Corey's about to start humping Jane over here," Ember replied.

"And you tell your boyfriend to come get his friend off my ass!" shouted Jane.

"Just get here," sighed Ember.

She hung up without another word, an Kristen did too. She turned back to Joey and smiled.

"I gotta get home in an hour," she said.

"You gotta?" said Joey.

"I'm sorry," said Kristen. "I promised the girls I'd go shopping with them." She giggled a bit and put her arms around his neck. "Besides, Jane says Corey won't get off her."

"Manwhore," mumbled Joey. He kissed Kristen's cheek. "You wanna eat, then?"

Kristen scrunched up her nose and shrugged. "I'm not hungry. Just wanted to surprise you, I guess."

"Well, it worked," said Joey.

"I'm gonna get dressed," Kristen said, beginning to walk back down the hall.

Joey smiled and stabbed a pancake with a fork. He shoved part of it in his mouth before he heard, "Don't you want to help?"

He looked up and set the fork down, hurrying down the hall to where Kristen was. If she needed help, then help she would get. He couldn't deny her that.

She was pulling the shirt off over her head, and she turned to look at him. He gently touched her bare shoulder, and she shivered. She smiled at him, and he kissed her again. Her phone buzzed, but this time Joey picked it up.

"Hurry home. Corey Taylor is showering in our apartment and I think Jane is gonna blow a load," read Joey, laughing.

Kristen rolled her eyes and said, "She would. Leave it to Corey to ruin it for the rest of us."

"Ah, we'll get over it," Joey said, tossing her phone onto the chair. "Besides, I'll see you tomorrow, won't I?"

Kristen blushed and said, "I should hope so. Here?"

Joey bowed. "As you wish, my dear."
♠ ♠ ♠
Meh. Boring filler shit. Syd will have something for ya next chapter though! Updates are slow, but we have busy lives.

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