Everything Ends


"Wow, she sped out of here like a fuckin' jack rabbit." Ember said while looking out the front window and seeing no trace of her friend.

"Yeah, that was weird." Jane replied with a question mark plastered on her face. "You don't think that she was lying did you. I mean we both know she wouldn't miss out on a Slipknot concert with out at least throwing a hissy fit about it. Plus who dashes out of the house to see their Grandma?"

"Psh! No way sista! Our Krissy wouldn't skip out on a concert by one of her favorite bands with her best amigas and lie about it." Jane chuckled at Ember's lack of knowing any Spanish except for a few words like 'amiga' or 'hola', but she did take French in high school after all. "Now let's go girl. We gotta get there early if we wanna be up against the baracade."

Jane laughed and said "That sounded dirty. I'm almost done. Just need to brush my teeth. I want them to smell minty fresh for Slipknot."

"Yeah, that might be a wise idea. They'll probably be able to smell your horrid taco breath once we are within a mile of the venue." Ember started laughing in a fit of giggles.

"Hey! I believe you had three of those tacos bitch!"

"Jeez Jane, save that language for the concert you fucking whore."

They both started laughing while walking out to Jane's piece of shit, beat up, blue 2003 Taurus. They both got in and Jane jammed the keys into the ignition and turned the key all the way to hear a noise sounding like a dull whining then to *click-click-click* "Fuck! I left my lights on! Ugh, I can't fucking believe this! Fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck!" ever since Jane was a child she has had anger management problems which either resulted in violence or cursing loudly.

"Hey look over there!" Ember pointed straight to the guy across the street. Ember and Jane both recognized him as one of the HUGE nerds in their math class. Totally geeky with glasses, turtle neck, and suspenders; the whole enchilada. The good thing for them was that he was standing right next to his car. The bad thing was they were desperate enough to go over and talk to him.

"You know what this means E?" Jane said with wide grin on her face.

"Do I have to?"

"Do you not wanna see Slipknot?"

"Ugh, fine." Lucky for Jane, Ember was the one who worked as a stripper in a bar (matter of fact the same bar that Jane worked as a waitress in) and just happened to be wearing a low cut black tank top that showed out a lot of clevage, so Jane wouldn't have to do any hoeing herself. With a huff, they both got out of the car and walked across the street to the nerd. They hadn't actually learned his name, but hey it's freaking college. Who actually keeps track on names and social activities anymore?

They finally got up to him and the boy went stiff. Ember jumped straight into the hoeing herself out part.

"Well hey big boy. Do you mind helping me and my girlfriend out? We're kinda in a sticky situation." she went up and put her hand on his shoulder.

The boy was quivering. It was obvious he hadn't this close to any other woman except his mom. "Ummm, sh-sh-sh sure. Wh-what do you ne-need?" You could tell that he was trying to hide the fact that he really had gone stiff now by covering his area with the newpaper he was holding. Jane's eyes looked like they were gonna pour out of her skull from holding in her laughter.

"Well you see our car won't start, and we were just wondering if you could jump it for us."

"Sh-sh-sure! I'll j-jump you. I mean I mean your car! I can jump your car. Just ho-hold on a sec-second. I'll b-be right over." God could this guy stutter any more?

Once the guy was in his car the two girls started walking back to the blue car to get the jumper cables. Trying to hold in as much laughter as they could.

After about 15 minutes they finally got the car to start the only problem is they would have to wait about 10 more minutes for the battery to charge. Ember gave one last sexy wink over to the nerd, who they have now learned is named Carl. "Thanks Carl. We owe you one." and flipped her hair one last time for him. He waved awkwardly and then walked away, looking like he was going to throw up.

So, the girls got in the car and passed the time by laughing their asses off about the nerd and his stuttering. Then talking about how amazing the Slipknot concert would be.
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Hey guys! This is my first 3-way... 0.o whoa that came out wrong. I meant that this is my first story also written with Hannah Christ and Melanie Vengeance. Hope you liked it! Melanie's in line to write the next chapter.

Comments are greatly appreciated! <3