Everything Ends


“I cannot believe I am seriously watching Slipknot perform from backstage. This is amazing.”

Jane nodded in agreement, her eyes glued to Corey, who was bending over and tying his shoe in the middle of ‘Surfacing’.

Ember rolled her eyes at her friend, letting her own gaze travel to a few feet in front of her, where Sid sat scratching his records and being badass.

No surprise there.

“I bet you’re used to this, huh, Kris?” Ember asked, now staring in awe at James and Mick, whose insane guitar skills made Ember weak in the knees.

Among other places.

Kristen shrugged, “Not really. Watching these guys from back here never gets old.”

“I can imagine.”

Ember continued to watch the guys perform, never a dull moment happening. They went into some of Ember’s favorites, and she found herself head banging with Jane off to the side of the stage. That is, when Jane didn’t have her eyes on a certain lead singer.

“Jane, stop eye fucking Corey. That shit’s getting old,” Kris said, rolling her eyes like Ember had earlier.

Jane gasped, “I am not!”

Ember chuckled, “Are too!”

Kristen tapped Ember on the shoulder, “Someone wants to say ‘hi’.”

Ember looked at her, confused, “What?”

Kristen pointed in the direction of Sid, who was frantically waving at Ember. She bit her lip and waved back.

“Aww. I bet you made his night,” Kristen cooed, pinching Ember’s cheek.

Ember slapped her away, “Fuck off, midget.”

Kristen frowned, “Hey! Don’t turn into Mick!”

“If I could turn into Mick I would be doing way better things than calling you a midget. Wait that sentence sounds weird…”

Jane and Kristen laughed at their clueless friend.

“Sometimes I wonder about you, Em,” Jane said.

“I could say the same for you,” Ember deadpanned. Jane was already back to watching Corey jump around and pump up the crowd.

“And I meant his mad guitar skills! If I were Mick Thomson I would just sit and play guitar all day and admire how amazing I was.”

“And hit on Sid?”

“Ye-what? No! Fuck off, Jane!”

“Fuck you too, bitch!”

Kristen shook her head, “Both of you shut the fuck up and watch the guys, okay? Seriously.”

Jane crossed her arms and averted her eyes back to the stage, glaring at nothing in particular.

Ember frowned, giving her attention back to Sid, who had jumped off his DJ booth and was running towards Clown’s rising drum set.

Sid jumped onto the drums, clutching on for dear life and flailing about. Ember had to laugh while she watched him. He looked like a monkey.

“You’re staring, Em.”

Ember looked at Jane, a disbelieving look on her face.

“I know. And you’re one to talk! Your eyes have been all over Corey all night!”

“It’s Corey fucking Taylor! How can you not fucking stare at his awesomeness?”

Ember shrugged, “You got me there.”

Jane smiled proudly and went back to watching the stage. Ember looked over to see Kristen doing the same, though Kristen had her eyes glued to the man behind the drums at the back of the stage.

Aww, how cute.

Ember nudged Kristen in the side, snapping her from her daze.

“Talk about staring, Kristen.”

Kristen shoved Ember away, laughing, “He’s my boyfriend! I’ll stare if I want!”

Ember smiled, easily overpowering the smaller woman, “True, true.”

Ember tapped her foot along, being the musical nerd that she was, along with her head banging. Jane was going absolutely bonkers, and Ember was positive both of their necks would hurt in the morning.

“Oh! Hey! Let’s start our own little mosh pit!” Jane suggested.

Ember grinned evilly, giving Jane a shove as the drums of ‘I Am Hated’ echoed through the arena.

“Let’s do it.”

What started as an innocent game of ‘start a mosh pit’ soon became a full on fight for Ember and Jane. Sure, it was all in good fun, but sometimes Jane’s temper got the best of her and she felt the need to win over Ember.

Kristen shoved both of them, “Knock it the fuck off and watch the show!”

“No!” Jane yelled, tapping Ember in a headlock.

Ember elbowed Jane in the side and bit her arm, “Let go of me, bitch! It’s a game! And I want to fucking see Slipknot, damn it!”

Jane tightened her grip, “Come on, Em, put those stripper muscles to use!”

Ember frowned and gave one final shove, effectively getting Jane off. She sighed, tired of Kristen and Jane’s endless jokes on her being a stripper. It wasn’t like she had much of a choice, anyway.

She let her eyes wander back over to the stage, and couldn’t help but smile when Sid waved at her again, his arm moving rapidly back and forth.

Ember let out a small smile and gave a tiny wave back.

Maybe tonight wouldn’t be so bad after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
hah! I got nine, bitches!
nine...get it? haha...

well, yeah...sorry it took so long. and it kind of sucks. but at least it's something....right?

HC will have an awesome chapter up for ya'll soon! yay!

comments are sex ;)