Another Night on the Road

Chapter two

Gerard only let go of my hand once, and that was so he could get in the car. After he turned the engine one, he grabbed my hand. Wherever we were going, it was far away. We had been driving for maybe an hour?

"If you live so far out of town, then why were you back there?"


"Why were you in town, if you live so far out of it?"

"Oh, I don't. I just enjoy driving."


Suddenly Gerard let my hand go, grabbed the steering wheel, and made an incredibly sharp turn. I grabbed the armrests of the passenger seat, regretting about not wearing my seat belt.

When the tire screeching finally stopped, I opened my eyes. Great, now we were going 100mph.

"I LOVE driving fast! We should be there in about two minutes."

"Where's 'there,' exactly??"

"It's a place me and Mikey found when we were younger. Us, Bob, and Ray just.. live there now. And make that 15 seconds."

And again with the tire screeching. We stopped in front of an old looking house. Gerard cut off the engine, and leaned over me to open my door.

"Hop out. I'll get your bags."

I Slowly got of the car. I took so long, that Gerard was already at the door.

"Come on!"

I walked up to him. He snaked his arms around my waist, and led me inside.

"Gerard has a new boyfriend!!"

I tried to cover my face so no one would see me blush.

"Bob, not everyone I bring home is my boyfriend."

I instantly felt rejected.

"Now, Frank, that's Bob, the thing on the counter is Ray, and this little muffin," Gerard walked to the couch, "Is my lovable brother Mikey!" He ruffled Mikey's hair.

"Stop Gerard! I'm trying to sleep!"

"Good luck doing that while sitting up."

Gerard grabbed my hand and led me into a room.

"Couples' room only."


"Ignore Bob." He said to me. "Bob! We're not a couple!"

"Says you!"

"If Bob drags someone home, you might not wanna come in here. It's like watching two
lions going at it."

I laughed a little.

"Gerard?" Bob asked.


"If y'all aren't a couple, why are you holding his hand?"

"Wha-?" Gerard quickly dropped my hand and went to sit on the couch.

"Make yourself at home, Frankie!"

"Bob, I don't think he wants to be called that." Mikey said.

"No, I don't mind. It sounds... Less serious." I smiled and sat on down on the floor. There
was no electricity, but I was entertained by watching Gerard mumble to himself.
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