Summer Romance

Chapter One

I walked around my grandmothers front yard a bit. Playing fetch with the dogs, watching the squirrels, listening to the birds chirp, and just swinging on the tire swing. I got up late-as usual-that morning, noon. I didn't know what to do. So I just walked around waiting for the time he'd get on, 3 o'clock. I couldn't wait to talk to him again. I couldn't stop thinking about him, though I've only known him for a day or so. I thought that I might like him? No. I couldn't. I had just met him online last night. I felt bad for the pain he was in. But I knew what he was going through. I've been the heartbreaker, and the heartbroken. It wasn't pleasant on either sides. It hurts like hell in the begining, but then you get used to it. Except, when you fight with them after. The stuff they say isn't always...pleasant? Yes, what she had said hurt. Like hell. Not like she had cared anyways.

The dogs ran inside as my grandma woke up. She wasn't a really good morning person, the earliest she was probably up is about.....Noon. Unless my drunken grandfather decides that it's a good idea to just wake her up by yelling at one of his buddies 8 o'clock in the morning. Who the hell gets up that fucking early? I thought to myself.

I walked inside and grabbed a Pepsi out of the fridge and said good morning to my grandma. She wasn't the nicest person in the world, but she sure as hell wasn't the worst. My grandma is an english teacher. She teaches it as a second language. Which is quite cool in my opinion.

"Good morning sweetie," She said in a frill voice. I made sure she has had her cup of coffee before I went in there. She isn't the happiest person when she doesn't. "I have to go to the bank and run some arrons. Would you like to come with me?" She asked softly. I loved going out with her it was calm, and quite. Unlike when I'm home. I'm here for the summer. Till August, I got her a week or so ago. A week, yes, because I got her on the June 17. That was the first day of vacation out of school. I was happy I didn't have to deal with my family at home. It was boring there, nothing to do out in no mans land. So I came here. I mean, sure it's in the middle of the woods, but I loved the woods. It smells great out here. And i get to go fourwheeling--in the mud--when my uncle comes to visit. it's fun.

"Sure, grandma. I'd love too go." I said.

"Alright, let me wake up and take my pills. Then I'll get ready and we'll be on our way!" She said

"Okay." Was all I said. She was happy in the morning when my grandpa wasn't here. He was almost always drunk. It's disgusting. But, I went and got her laptop she was letting me borrow while I was here to check my myspace and things. I went to a creative writing website, Mibba. My friend, or as I should say.. Exgirlfriend showed me. And sent him a message.

This is what I told him:
Hello, Sebastian. If I'm not on when you get home, it's cuz I went with my grandma to do some shopping. Sorry.... Anyways, I guess I'll talk to you when.. I can? Okay.. Well... bye.


I pressed sent, logged out and shut the computer. I pulled out my phone while walking out to the front yard to go swing on the tire swing a bit. I texted Paul. I haven't known him long, but he was a great friend. He's the same age as me, and wanted to be roomies when we were older. We planned on moving to New York city and renting an appartment. I had no problem with it.

mornin' paul was all I had said and immediatley he replied.

mornin' bells! he said with entusiasm. Which always brought a smile to my face. I texted him for awhile, and my grandma called me into the house so the dogs would follow me so we could leave. She didn't want the dogs out while we were gone. I haven't realised why yet...But it doesn't bother me so I'm alright. We got into her car and headed off too do our arrons.
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Umm... yeah, i dunno. Tell me if i should continue or not.. >> thanks!
