Status: Done! Look for the sequel :)

Oh Baby, You Can Do So Much Better.


The rest of that week Laney bugged me to go with her to see All Time Low play that Friday. It turns out they had gotten a pretty good gig at this bar and everyone was gonna be there. Luke didn't really want me to go but I didn't want to become one of those girls that didn't do anything their boyfriends didn't want them to do and Laney and I hadn't hung out together in weeks. Unless you count her rushing to my house with a pregnancy scare as hanging out. So that's how I found myself getting ready to go to Alex's concert on Friday night. I was a little worried Laney might notice if I didn't drink anything but I really didn't want to risk hurting the baby in any way. As soon as I had found out I pretty much put myself on a diet. I wanted the baby to be as healthy as possible and I really didn't want to add any more weight onto myself than was necessary.

Laney picked me up at seven and we headed towards downtown Baltimore. Once we found the bar, it took us about twenty minutes to find a parking space due to the amount of people who ended up coming. We finally made it inside only for Laney to drag me backstage. Apparently being best friends with a band members girlfriend gets you in.
"I know that you don't get along with Alex or anything but please just try for me tonight. They really deserve this, they've worked so hard" she said as we walked down a hallway towards their make shift dressing room.
"I will, don't worry" I promised as she knocked on the door and then opened it anyways. All four boys lifted their heads to look at who entered. Jack smiled and got up to give Laney a hug and kiss while the other boys just went back to whatever they had been doing. Alex sent a quick glare my way before he started texting again.

We had been in the dressing room with them for about ten minutes and they were set to go on in about five. I had been awkwardly sitting there making small talk with Rian and Zack while Jack and Laney made out in the corner when the door opened once again.
"Baby!" Lisa practically screamed as she ran over to Alex. "Hey Lis" Alex responded by basically shoving his tongue down her throat. No matter how much I tried to ignore the aching in my heart I couldn't and I found myself getting up and leaving the room. I walked out the back exit and sat on the ground when I heard Laney come outside and yell my name.
"I'm right here" I said as I got up and walked towards her.
"What's the matter? Come on! The boys are on! You're gonna miss it!" Before I had a chance to say anything she grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the side stage to watch.

The boys were amazing and Alex had never sounded better. As each song passed I remembered times he had sung me to sleep or showed me his new stuff. As much as I loved hearing the other three boys play their instruments along with Alex, nothing compared to the nights when it was just him sitting in my room with a guitar and no shirt on, singing to me and only me. I didn't know I had been crying until the boys had walked past us off stage and Laney had pulled me into her arms.
"Please tell me what's going on because I know you well enough by now to know its not stress that's making you sick" she whispered in my ear.
"How much time do you have?" I whispered back.
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