Status: Done! Look for the sequel :)

Oh Baby, You Can Do So Much Better.


All day I listened to people talk about Alex and I. The shock was understandable seeing as how no one even knew that Alex and I ever met, so imagine the surprise when Alex just seems to ditch his girlfriend of four years and start dating the pregnant girl without warning. Only about six people, including Alex and I, knew the truth so rumors were running wild. Once again the name calling started up again, mostly by the jocks and the slutty girls who always wanted to get with Alex. I was once again known as the school whore, only it didn't seem so bad this time, because I wasn't as alone as I had been before. Instead of just Laney, I now had Jack, Rian, Kara (Rian's girlfriend) and most importantly Alex on my side. I saw Lisa once or twice throughout the day and she didn't seem as upset as I thought she would. She'd even smiled at me once, that made me feel slightly bad about being with Alex because if she didn't hate me for what i'd done to her relationship she was probably the nicest person ever. All day Alex was really sweet and caring which seemed to shock the school. He'd hold my hand while walking me to class and he'd rub my belly while kissing the side of my head when we'd have to seperate. During lunch he even snuck off school grounds to go get me McDonald's because I was craving it.

School finally ended and as I was walking outside to meet Alex at his car Lisa stopped me.
"Hey, can we talk for a second?" She asked with a nervous tone.
"Um yeah sure, what's up?" I asked, I felt really awkward. Who wouldn't?
"I just wanted to talk about you and Alex" she said as her eyes flicked to the ground.
"Oh um yeah, what about us?" I asked.
"Is that really his baby?" She looked up at me, her eyes had a sort of desperate look to them.
" is" I said quietly.
"I'm really glad he's finally taking responsibility for something" she said as he eyes slightly filled with tears but she forced a smile.
"Look Lisa, I feel really terrible about how everything happened. I feel like such a bitch for taking him from you" I said as tears started coming to my eyes as well. The school hallway was deserted, and the silence seemed to make our meeting that much more emotional.
"Its ok, I should have seen something like this coming anyways. He just wasn't happy with me and I knew it. We were pretty much over about a year and a half ago anyways" she said, forcing another smile.
"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.
"Well...this is kinda personal but about a year and a half ago we just stopped clicking. It just seemed like we fizzled out, I tried everything and it was just like he didn't want me anymore or something. Honestly I figured we would break up sooner than we did, we weren't even together really. The last time we were intimate was probably over six months ago" she said. Her voice was still kind of sad, it was slightly heartbreaking.
"Wow" it was the only response I could muster.
" do you know if its a boy or girl yet?" She asked gesturing to my tummy, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, its a girl. Her name is Josey" I said, thinking about the baby got me smiling right away.
"Aw that's really cute. Don't tell him I told you but like two years ago Alex and I talked about kids and what not, just casually though, we weren't planning on having any or anything like that, but Alex said he would want a baby girl so I'm sure he's stoked" she responded, a smile breaking through.
"Yeah, he is" I said smiling back. Lisa was actually really nice.
"Well, you probably have to go but's my number if you ever want to talk or anything...I know how Alex can be so if you ever just need to get away or talk you can call me" she said as she took out a pen and wrote her number down before handing it to me.
"Thanks Lisa, I may just do that" I said as I took the piece of paper. I sent her a smile as I walked towards the school doors, Alex was probably wondering where the fuck I was. Lisa was a lot nicer than i'd ever suspected she would be, and I felt the possibility of a friendship coming on.
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4 comments for the next one :)
Also! Lisa is actually nice, she's not planning something or anything like that. I feel like making her mean would be too cliché.