Status: Done! Look for the sequel :)

Oh Baby, You Can Do So Much Better.

"Get The *** Out, Alexander."

Many times that October day I caught Luke staring at me. He even tried to talk to me between passing periods a couple times, all of which were interrupted by Alex somehow. He'd either bump into me or cause a scene in the hallway distracting Luke from what he obviously wanted to say to me. I was starting to get suspicious of what was going on. As soon as the final bell rang I was out the school doors and walking to my car. On the way my phone buzzed signaling a text, from Alex as usual.
"I almost liked it better when I was still banned from my house, I got to see you more ;)"
After a couple of nights Alex's mother, Isobel, couldn't believe she kicked her baby out of the house and let him move back home, after all she didn't want him living on the streets and getting into more mischief.
"Well come over tonight, when do you go to rehab?" I texted back. Rehab was one of the conditions Alex had agreed to when he and his parents discussed him moving back home.
"I don't know, I probably won't even go" he texted back. I ignored it and drove home.

It was 6:00 and I was sitting in my room doing homework when my phone rang. I looked at the caller id expecting it to be Alex or Laney, but it was an unknown number.
"Hello?" I asked confused as to who would be calling me that wasn't in my phone book.
"Hey, this is Kate right?" the mystery person asked.
"Yeah, who is this?"
"Oh! Sorry! This is Luke...I go to your school, I'm the quarter-"
I cut him off, "I know who you are, hi, what's up?"
"Um nothing much, I was just wondering if you'd like to come to this party with me tomorrow night...?" he asked, he sounded nervous, it was cute.
As soon as he asked I knew what my response should have been, it should have been 'no, I have Alex' but the truth was that Alex had Lisa, and I was tired of being played.
"Yeah sure, pick me up at seven? I'll text you the address later."
"Sounds awesome, I'll see you tomorrow" he said as he hung up.

Two hours later I was still on the phone with Laney disecting the conversation with Luke. She was positive that by the beginning of next week he would be my boyfriend, I almost was too. I heard the doorbell ring as I said goodbye and ended the call. I skipped downstairs only to open the door and see Alex standing on my doorstep. "Why the fuck didn't you answer your phone? I called you like eight times!" he said as he walked in and I closed the door behind his back. "Sorry baby, I was on the phone with Laney and I guess I didn't hear the beep" I lied, I had heard the beep, I had just ignored it.
"Well we need to talk" he said as he made his way up the stairs and into my room. I followed and then sat on the bed. "About what?" I asked.
"I heard that jackass Luke is gonna ask you to Maggie's party tomorrow night" he sounded really pissed I noticed as I said the stupidest thing I could have said at that moment. "Yeah, I know I said I'd go with him."
"What?!" Alex yelled as he whipped around. "I said I'd go with him, he called me like two hours ago..."
I trailed off when I saw Alex's expression, he was beyond pissed.
At that point I knew that things were going to end badly.
"Why can't I? You're going with Lisa, its not like you'd take me anyways since I'm just here for you to fuck every once in awhile!" I yelled as I got off my bed and flung open my bedroom door. "Get the fuck out, Alexander. I'm fucking done."
He didn't say anything, he just stomped out, I heard the front door slam before I sunk down onto the bedroom floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I was reported, which is lame.
If there are problems just tell me, its not that hard.
I'm not gonna lie, if this story gets suspended I'm just not gonna do it anymore, and nobody wants that right? :)
So I know this took me forever to get out and I'm very sorry but my laptop which has everything on it broke and its hard to update until I get it back.
But I did! So if you could please comment it would be awesome :)