Status: Done! Look for the sequel :)

Oh Baby, You Can Do So Much Better.


After the inital shock of Alex texting me wore off, I was angry. Why the fuck would he do that? He probably knew how fucked up I was, he was doing this to torture me. I felt like such a whore for ever letting him get to me.
With all this drama I hadn't really been keeping up with school work and my parents were about to kill me. Not only were they pissed about my recent bad grades but my mom - being the loud mouth she is - told my father about a recent "pregnancy scare" as she called it. Thanks mom, thanks a lot. Needless to say, my dad was pissed. He was about to ban me from seeing Luke but my mom talked him out of it stating it was too harsh. The sad thing was, when he told me he overreacted and that I could continue to see Luke, I was slightly upset. If I were to be banned from seeing him it would have made things that much easier. It was Wednesday and school was as boring as ever. I had made it through first hour (my only class with Alex) even though it had been near impossible. He ignored me the whole time, never even sneaking glances at me, it was terrible. I was currently walking down the hallway to my locker to grab my shit for the next class when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. The first face that popped into my mind was Alex, even though I knew that was impossible.
"Hey baby" Luke cooed into my ear. Even if I didn't like him as much as I liked Alex his voice still made me smile.
"Hello Lukas" I replied as he kissed my neck and I giggled.
"So this Saturday, Jane is having a halloween party...would you like to be my date beautiful?" He contined to kiss my neck as his hands moved to rub my stomach a bit.
"Sure babe, are we dressing up?" I asked, getting a little annoyed with his PDA.
"Um, I don't know...I'll ask and get back to you" he kissed my cheek and sauntered off. This halloween was sure to be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
God, I'm soo sorry these are so fucking short.
I'll try to update more so it doesn't seem so bad!
Thankyou; to all my commenters and subscribers, you guys are awesome!
Also! Laneyboo; the steamy sex scene you asked for should be up in like 2 chapters...3 tops! ;)
Love you guys and thanks for reading!
Comment and subscribe! <3