Sequel: Prey To A Daydream
Status: FINISHED! *maniacal giggle*

My Favorite Nightmare

If you aren't familiar with Vlad Tepes, do your research. In my (admittedly strange) opinion, he was a rather interesting character. Bram Stoker roughly based Dracula on him, using his name and the general region where he lived so long ago. Since I don't plan my stories out, I have no idea how he's going to turn out in this little story of mine... Regardless, I hope I do him proud.
  1. Obsession
    A little introduction to get everyone started...
  2. Green
    And here comes the story!
  3. The Dream
    An attempt to catch surrealism
  4. Panic
  5. Meeting
  6. Paranoia
    Wal-Mart is awesome....
  7. Explanation
  8. Breakfast
  9. Arrival
  10. Confrontation
  11. Smoke
  12. Smoking Is Bad For Your Health...
  13. Plan Gone Awry
  14. Ouch
  15. Blessed Caffeine
  16. What a Great Plan
  17. More Nightmares
  18. Awakening
  19. Revelation
  20. Another Nightmare?