Naughty Little Witch


“She’s a whore!” Marissa Corozan screamed. “She’s a cheap, dirty tramp! She doesn’t belong here! She’ll never be one of us.” The table was silent after the outburst. No one knew what to do, but all eyes were trained on the woman in question.

The woman in question chuckled softly and shook her head sighing. “Well then Marissa, if you really wanna play it that way doll, I’ll be glad to oblige,” her southern accent was smooth and slightly hypnotic even though it was only a group of women she was speaking to. “I suppose that I should start with you shouldn’t I? Though maybe I should specify: should I start with your husband, your brother, or your lover?” she asked arching a delicate eyebrow.

That seemed to get Marissa’s attention. Her eyes narrowed dangerously and she leaned forward across the table, obviously infuriated. “I don’t have a lover and you sure as hell never laid hands on my husband,” she hissed.

The woman chuckled pressing a hand to her lips. “Or really now Marissa? I suppose then that you HAVEN’T heard about our appointments on Wednesday nights then. I promise you, he ain’t going to church. Honestly, for a woman who claims to be so smart, I was sure you would have figured that out by now. Of course, your brother…now he’s VERY religious. Treats me like I’m his goddess. The things he does….” She sighed. “Well you’d know wouldn’t you Regina? You are his wife after all, but then again, considering your lack of children and his vast amounts of vigor…I’d say that y’all haven’t touched in over three years.”

Regina Haley’s face paled visibly. She refused to look up. They shouldn’t have crossed this line. Women in their positions kept their mouths shut. Now they had unleashed the floodgates. And who knew which media might get a hold of all of this! One didn’t renounce the woman with dirt on more than half of California’s higher ups. It was just plain stupid.

“Now about that lover of yours Marissa, what is his name? Byron. He’s quite the catch. A tad small for me downstairs, but boy does he make up for it with that mouth of his. I can see why keep you,” she said with a wink.

Elizabeth Thurgood turned red in the face, her eyes pivoting to Marissa. “I’d expect that of her,” she hissed, “but you Marissa! You were my best friend you backstabbing whore!” Elizabeth threw down the napkin that had been sitting in her lap and stormed off from the table.

“My, oh, my, and to imagine. I’ve only just begun. Where shall I continue to next? How about you Mrs. Eldridge? How is the honorable judge your husband?” the woman asked leaning back and crossing her legs before trailing her hand up to touch her breasts. “I see that he paid for a pair for you as well as me. He must like mine better though since he cares so much to be my judge in the legal battles and won’t even help you with a parking ticket. And trust me sweetheart. I’m quite glad to thank him every friday night,” the woman purred.

“Enough!” Gina Holster screamed standing up. “These are not things that are to be discussed in public Ms. Devereaux. If you will please, I understand that you have many and varied complaints and acquaintances, but perhaps this discussion can be moved elsewhere.

The woman rested her arm on the back of her chair and her head in the palm of her hand. “Ah yes, the saintly Mrs. Holster. I must say, you really are a saint which always made me wonder why you hung out with this pack of whores. Then I met your husband and it all made sense. Now I’ve never slept with Mr. Holster, but I do believe that you have Marissa, Regina, and Lucinda. Isn’t that right? He must just love those names that end in A.” She gave a little sneer to the three women in question before turning her attention back to Gina who looked faintly green. “I’m sorry Gina, I actually like you, but I thought you should know about your husband’s bullshit before someone else sent it to the presses.”

“You’re an ungrateful whore!” Lucinda Eldridge screamed picking up her glass of wine and throwing the contents at the woman.

She stood up and grabbed a napkin whipping off her face. “Darlin’, you don’t get to where I do, by just shaking hands. You should know that best of all. After all, where did the honorable judge find you but that little brothel in Reno? Now, if you ladies will excuse me, I have an appointment with the governor, though he does so love it when I’m late.”