Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Phone Calls and Twitters

Chapter 12-

Nick lay over Olive his stronger arms holding hers down and his legs entwined with her in a make shift leg lock. He wondered just how they had managed to get in such a personal position. This type of body contact of only reserved for lovers and a much less public environment. He knew that there were onlookers around; Joe, Demi, and Frankie, but for some reason he couldn’t pull away from the tight grip Olive’s eyes held him in. Her eyes were extremely beautiful at just this moment, the sun illuminated them and made them shine a dark shade of turquoise, and for the first time he noticed how long her eye lashes were and how thickly they framed her large eyes.

She looked back at him her pouty lips parted slightly as she tried to catch the breath he had taken from her. He wondered if she was going to take the opportunity this position gave her. He knew a lot of girls that would and with many he wouldn’t mind so much if they reached up and kissed him. Did he want Olive to kiss him; it was the perfect position, happy moment, and environment. Did he want to kiss her? He wasn’t so sure about that. He had dismissed the possibility of dating her when it turned out she was more Joe’s age and going to University.

He just wanted to know what she thought of him, it was imperative. He didn’t quite understand why but her opinion on everything matter a great deal to him. Maybe it was because she was so different and hadn’t expressed any liking for him or his band or music yet. He wanted to be liked by her.

Deciding to see how she would react he leaned in further down towards her. She momentarily looked over behind him before a crooked smirk appeared as she looked at Nick once again. Her inviting smile encouraged Nick to push her further and he continued leaning in before he would pull back right at the end.

However just as he started doing so Olive rolled away, and a tight grip caught his arm and pulled him away and away from the giggling Olive. He looked up in confusion momentarily blinded by the setting sun. He couldn’t at first see who it was that was standing above him with crossed arms and a angry looking body stance. He shielded his eyes and gulped when he saw Frankie’s angry looking face.

“Nick, you were suppose to help me look good, not go and get close to Olive. Why didn’t I think of that!” he muttered pushing and shoving Nick way from Olive. It hadn’t gone the way Frankie had planned. Nick was just supposed to look like a loser and not all lovy-dovy with Olive. They had spent a good five minutes rolling on the grass as Joe, Demi and him watched them laughing at first, until another five minutes passed by and they showed no signs of stopping. Then Frankie couldn’t believe it when they stopped to catch their breath and Nick looked at Olive like he had done with some of his past girlfriends at the begging of their relationships. Frankie knew Nick was about to kiss her.

Joe came to Nick’s rescue as Frankie kept trying helplessly to knock his older brother down. It wasn’t a really heavy fight, almost playful as Frankie wasn’t strong enough to do some damage, but Nick got the message.

“Frank the Tank calm down, little man,” said Joe pulling him of the bear grip he had on Nick, “You don’t want to look bad in front of Olive do you?” That got the effect he wanted and Frankie stopped and sheepishly looked over towards at Olive and his brothers followed his gaze.

Olive was lying on the grass while talking to Demi in a very lively way. The two of them looked really pretty; all natural summer flushed looking kind of girls. Joe had seen the way Nick had looked at Olive in an almost longing way, and he was sure that he would have looked at her the same way. Olive was pretty that was for sure, except her beauty wasn’t the most in your face type that was noticed right away. Her face was one you’d never forget and would always refer too when trying to find the words to describe the word beautiful.

Though Joe thought this deep down, he didn’t really realize it, neither did Nick, that they were slowly being won over by this girl called Olivia.

Demi handed her hand to Olive and helped her stand up, and the girls made their way towards the boys who had turned and continued down the path into the woods. “It was a really good idea to get this on tape, it’ll make good memories.”

“I think so, but I have this weird felling that someone was watching us. Did you see anyone around?”

“No one, but say are you trying to change the subject. Do you not want me to go on about how Nick had you pinned you down to the ground? “

Olive was thankful right now that blushing wasn’t something she was capable of doing. She didn’t know what impression she was giving off, but right now she was floating on cloud nine. The corner of her lips twitched as she thought of how close she and Nick had been to each other.

“You two practically invented a whole new position?”

“What kind of position- oh! Oh! Demi, gross, you dirty girl. It was a tickling contest. Why do you have to go so deeply into it?” said Olive puckering her lips, hoping she was giving the impression that she hadn’t enjoyed it that much.

“So you didn’t feeling a thing when he looked at you like that?” said Demi, curiously. Nick had looked particularly gorgeous at that time. His curly hair was shining and his shadow had fallen over Olive, shielding her expression from everyone else.

“Like what?” said Olive trying to hide the excitement in her voice.

Demi laughed and gave her a jab of her elbow, “You know… like he wanted to kiss you.”

“Pshhhh, yeah, right. We were just catching our breaths. Is that so wrong?”

“No, but-“

“No ifs or buts or coconuts.” Sang back Olive. They had caught up to the boys now and she was eager to let the subject drop.

“You are the nerdiest person I know,” said Joe shaking his face at Olive.

“Why would you say that,?”

“Because of all the things you do and say, plus Gina told us you’re really smart like genius smart,” said Joe

“It actually surprised me when she said that,” teased Nick, trying to desperately forget about the little moment they had. “It didn’t seem like you’d be the nerdy type.”

“Well I’ll let you know that I am either the coolest nerdy person you’ll ever know or the nerdiest cool person.” She answered back.

They all agreed and went on walking, with similar conversations to keep them entertained and Olive often being the butt of most of their jokes. However Joe admired the way she laughed along with them. He new that some of the girls they knew couldn’t stand his constant pranks and jokes. Olive just pretended to be mad for a moment and then laughed along with them.

Every time they would break out into laughter Oreo who was walking with them would start to bark and jump around. They had a nice time just spending time together and climbing some low trees that came come upon on the trails. The trail led them deeper into the woods and Joe smiled at how nice it was deep into the woods where no one could see you, or judge you.

They had never really understood why so few people came this way, they only had seen maybe ten in the two years they had been living here. The trail went of into a lot of smaller one that all interwove, and it made it hard to find anyone if they got spilt up. He turned around and looked back at Demi and Olive who were swinging Frankie who was in the middle. He was much too big for such games, but they seemed to be having fun trying.

Olive was looking particularly happy like it was her best day ever. Joe had considered that it was her best day ever but she was always smiling that way, it made him wonder if she was ever just sad, or moody. He and Nick were on their phone just catching up with all the people they knew and had left them messages. It took them a while to work their way through their list, and Joe knew that Demi was just procrastinating because she’d have to do it some time as well.

Nick mumbled something that Joe couldn’t hear,


“Just thinking that we need to post a new twitter comment and a Say it Now, soon, because my publicist just e-mailed me. George had a way of being very persistent. Joe sent him a understanding look and nodded his head as he ran his hair through his dark hair. George was Nick’s newish publicist, that he had been given when he went to do his side project. Each boy had their own publicist now. Kevin had been lucky and got to keep their old one Jacob, while Joe had Jerome; It was George’s twin brother. He and Nick weren’t warming up to them very well. Jerome had thrown a fit when Joe started dating Annabelle, telling him she wouldn’t bring him any benefits. There was something not right about those two.

“I’ve just done my twitter. It’s simple;

Hanging out in our favorite place in Dallas with a new friend.

We better call Demi over and we can do one big say it now, instead of three small ones.”

Nick nodded his approval and started composing his twitter as he looked over towards Frankie and Demi. They were doing various poses all around the meadow as Olive took picture after picture, with a very serious expression on her face. It was very cute, but somehow he was surprised that she was the type of girl to be serious about anything, at times she seemed ditzy. She was all over the place and always surprising him. He twittered;

Nick’s message read:

Having a real summer moment little Bro, Demi and O.

He smiled as he sent it imaging what would be running through his loyal fan’s head as they tried to interpret his message with the mysterious mention of an O. He found it amusing when he knew he was withholding a piece of information all his fans would be dying to know, like a tour date or something. It wasn’t as amusing when it came to his relationships and private lives, though.

“Demi!” called Joe, “Mind coming over to give a three way Say it Now?” Demi had been posing on a broken tree log and giving off a kind and angelic expression to Olive how was practically bouncing with excitement and taking picture after picture.

“That’s a good idea, can we stop for now Olive,” Olive absent mildly nodded yes as she reviewed her shots on her digital camera. Demi made her way over as Joe and Nick.

“What should we say?”

“How about – summer 2010 has officially started-?” said Joe dramatically. Just as they agreed, Frankie ran over and begged them to let him join in. He really wanted to do it as well.

“Please let me and Olive join in, please?” he said throwing Olive’s name for support.

“I don’t know, would you like to Olive?” said Joe

“Yes, it sounds fun.”

“Alright then. We are going to each take turn to give them a quick update and then were all going to say ‘ summer 2010 has officially started’, does that sound good?” They all nodded and Joe, Nick and Demi each left their own small messages and then all together said it together with a cheer on the end.

“High five Frankie, you did good.” Said Olive extremely excited that she had seen the JBs and Demi do their first celebrity thing in action. Frankie high fived her, as Joe said, “We were still on when you said that Olive.”

Her pink lips fell in to s a small ‘O’ and she looked extremely guilty. Before she could say sorry, Demi wrapped her up in a hug and told her to not worry and asked to see the photos of her and Frankie.

“Sorry, I don’t show the pictures until I have edited them completely on Photoshop, or else no one is ever happy with them,” Demi and Frankie grumbled a bit before letting it go.

Joe’s phone rang and Olive looked at him inquisitively, when he looked at his phone in an annoyed way. He turned to Nick and started saying “Again! It’s An- never mind” he said throwing Olive a shifty look. “I’ll be right back” he excused himself before running of out of the meadows and down a trail with Oreo on his heel. Nick, Demi and Frankie gave each other a knowing look that made Olive feel very excluded. Who was it that had called and why wasn’t she allowed know, they hadn’t really hidden anything from her yet. She wondered who An was. Antoine, Antony, Andy? Anne? What if it was girl that had called; it could be his girlfriend. Did she care? She tried not to but she was finding herself more and more distracted by the path Oreo and Joe had gone down to instead of the conversation that she was partly involved in.

“…about us?”

“Sorry, what were you saying?”
Nick sighed; Olive wasn’t paying any attention to his conversation. He wasn’t used to being ignored by someone who wasn’t on the same social hierarchy as him and it frustrated Nick for some reason. “What do you even think of the Jonas Brother Band? You never did say.” He almost closed his eyes with anticipation, her opinion mattered more then she knew.

“Oh I love them! I mean you, ha-ha that’s so weird. Don’t sound so nervous, you guys are very talented.” She chirped in a matter of fact way.

“Why?” asked Demi. This time it was slightly harder. Olive considered her answer for a slight moment, before giving up trying to be witty.

“Because it makes me happy. Oh! That reminds me I’ve always wanted to thank you two…three” she added throwing a glance at Frankie, “For making me happy. Nothing beats good music.” Nick relaxed, she likes him, no he meant, she like them.

They lay in the grass a few more moments as they watched the sun go down, behind the trees casting long shadows across the meadows. It was now almost eight o’clock and about time for them to get back. Olive reminded them that Joe still hadn’t returned and volunteered to run to get him before anyone could object. She made her way down the path and went to look for Joe. She had something she desperately wanted to ask him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter twelve! I must apologise for not updating in so long. I have been really sick and in and out of the hospital, and thus work has piled up and writing is tiring and takes time. I will try to be more regular from now on though. Please keep reading it encourages me. ;)

Hope the Nick and Olive scene didn't disappoint you. Hated it? Then comment. Loved it? Then comment. Simple, I really want to get more subscribers and comments so that I get more stars = more readers. Simple. Thanks for reading this story.