Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Falling head over heels

Olive walked over the snapped twigs and dead crunch grass as she made her way through the silent forest. She couldn’t find Joe anywhere and she had been looking for a good fifteen minutes. She now regretted having told the others to gone on ahead without her, she could have used their help as she wasn’t familiar with these trails. It was like being in a maze because you couldn’t cut through the trees as there was a large amount of spiky plants and nettles in between them. She tried calling them out but she heard no reply.

Then there they were the both of them sat up against a tree. Oreo was in Joe’s lap and they were both sleeping soundly. Olive would have almost missed them because they were halfway behind a big green bush. As she crept forward she admitted that the location they had chosen for the start of their evening nap was nice and cozy looking. There were just bushes around and a few small trees so that the last of the sun’s rays could still reach them and it was a nice warm patch of grass that they laid on.

She made sure to keep quiet and snapped another one of her secret pictures; this was becoming quite a collection. She also felt tiered looking at them napping as she hadn’t slept last night. So she decided to take a moment out and just join them. She bent down to take a seat right next to Joe’s sleeping body before realizing something was under her. Picking it up she saw that it was his self phone.

Knowing it was wrong, but not being able to hold back she decided to look through it’s call history. And nothing else, she promised herself. The last call he received was from a person whose name started with An…Annabelle. Annabelle who?

Surely not the young hot twenty year old that was making a splash on the acting scene after two block hit movies? She was irresistible and seemed nice enough, but right now Olive didn’t like her very much. She couldn’t even start to compete with her. Her platinum blond hair – which was rumored to be all natural - would dazzle her before she could even start. She put the phone away in disgust as she saw that most of Joe’s calls were from her. She leaned back against the tree and tried to enjoy the moment she was spending with her most favorite two creatures in the world right then, her dog – and she loved saying- the daddy of the dog.

She closed her eyes and took in the sun’s happy rays before slowly drifting of to sleep and feeling more at peace than she had in a long time.

Joe was having a nice dream. A great dream; it hadn’t started off so well. There had been people all around shouting to get his attention. Annabelle was hanging off his arm and doing showy poses and pouty trying to look even more sexy. At a certain moment he could have sworn that there had been a real photographer and a camera flashing at him.

Then it had all changed. Like a rainbow after a heavy storm something changed that made him feel relaxed and the rest of his dreams were some of his best. He couldn’t make anything out apart form an alien felling of happiness he felt.

Now something woke him up. It was Oreo who was sniffling at his pocket for some left over food he probably had left there. He slowly opened his eyes and was confused when he saw the dark forest that was around him. He tried to stand up but was weighed down by something soft on his shoulder.

It was Olive. She was sleeping soundly on his shoulder and her hair was softly caressing his cheek. He had never noticed how nice it smelled of strawberries and how soft it was to the touch. Trying to look at her without moving her wasn’t easy. But when he managed he didn’t look away. It was as if he was looking at her for the first time. She looked childlike and vulnerable when she was asleep and curled up, was she really around 19-20 years old? It seemed like it at times, but others she seem like a naïve little teenager.

Her lips were a full rosy color and his were just inches from it. He understood how Nick felt at that very moment. He wanted to know what it would be like but he didn’t really want all of it; she intrigued him and Joe wanted her to like or need him. It was a strange feeling. It wasn’t like with Annabelle where felt comfortable doing whatever he wanted around her. He was physically attracted to Annabelle and that’s what most of their relations ship consisted of. He wanted Annabelle just like he wanted all his past girlfriends at the start. This was confusing. He shook his head forgetting Olive’s position and woke her up. She blinked once or twice and looked at him strangely still half asleep.

“Joe? Is that you? I always wanted to tell you that…” she mumbled leaning into him for support. Joe gulped and looked nervously at Olive who was falling back asleep on his chest. What was she going to say? He nudged her slightly praying she’d continue. “Ummm. You smell very delicious,” she whispered to herself and fell back into her dream. Joe didn’t know if this was what she had been meaning to tell her or some other random comment.

This was interrupted at once by the shrill sound of his cell phone, belting out into the silence. Olive jumped a mile and looked around confused and fully awake. Joe laughed at her crazy display as she scrambled to her feet and off Joe’s chest. He answered the phone as he threw her a mocking smile at her adorable face that looked completely humiliated.

“Yeah. What are so worried about? The time? Oh…OH? Wow, right! Yeah she’s with me. Doing? Uh…” Joe cast a quick glance at Olive. “We were sleeping. Yeah, the both of us. No! Not together, what are you on? We fell asleep. We’ll be right there.” Olive listened embarrassed to the conversation Joe and she was guessing, Kevin or Nick were having. She felt so bad. It was dark and she didn’t know how many hours she had been asleep for.

Joe turned to her and guilty face reassured her with a light pat on the back. “Hey don’t stress it okay? Its ten thirty right now and we just have to make sure we get home quickly. Only problem is that my phone just died. What happened anyway? It was a good thing Oreo didn’t run off again,” he said picking up the ball of fur and making his way down an invisible trail that Olive struggled to follow.


“Yeah that’s the reason I am so far out. After the call to A..” Olive spotted the hesitance in his voice, “ a friend she ran off. I just had a sit down after and must have fallen asleep. You?”

“The same. I came to find you and you looked comfortable so I joined you.” She said trying to make it sound like waking up on him wasn’t a big deal. They walked in silence and Olive tried to not look at him until this awkward moment had blown over.

Olive’s Point of View ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I walked silently behind Joe nervously twirling my long hair for comfort. I didn’t dare make a sound except for the light foots steps that echoed in the empty woods. It was dark and everything was unfamiliar and I tried not to whimper out loud when I see him even further up ahead than me because in truth I have a slight problem with the dark. Yeah… I never sleep without the light on. And now I was out here and Joe was all the way over there walking fast and easily stepping over the obstacles that were on the ground and all around, while I couldn’t see very well and I was stumbling over every twig, and walking into every low branches. Joe is almost out of my sight when I fall suddenly trip over a large tree root and my foot falls into a small burrier hole. And I swear I felt something touch my ankle.

Then I scream and scream.
I realize that I can’t remove my foot out of the hole. The felling that something soft is touching my leg won’t go away. It could be a rabbit, or a ferret or man eating creature. Not two seconds after I’ve fallen Joe is by my side and crouched down next to me. I can barely make out his face, except for the stream of moonbeams that filter through the trees, but he looks concerned and very worried. He quickly looks me over, me on the floor, my hair covered with dead plants, my foot in a hole, my body shaking, my mouth yelling at him to help me out because I swear something is eating at my foot.

And he laughs. Really, really loudly. At me.

Having expected a different reaction, I stop screaming for a moment speechless. I couldn’t believe he found my incident so hilarious. Then again, I thought for a moment, trying to calm myself down. It was pretty ridiculous. I joined in with him and we both laughed madly before I feel that ‘something’ on my ankle again and my laughter months in to shaky giggles.

“Joe? Please, please, please, pl-“

“Please what?” he said calming down.

“Get me out of this hole right now! Something is eating my ankle! Get me out, out, out!” I practically shouted laughing no more but trembling at the thought of coming out with no ankle. I tend to have a slight over active imagination.

Joe noticing how worried I was calmed me down slowly by pushing my wild fly away hair slowly back in its place in a soothing way. It worked; I practically melted at the touch.

“Shhh, calm down Olive. It’s going to be okay. I promise I get you out of there. I promise you.” He whispered it so deep and low that I wondered if he really did say it, let alone mean it. I nodded softly just as quietly as him and tried once more to pull my foot out. It wouldn’t come out; it was really lodged in there. Joe came around and tried to dislodged it while Oreo snuggled itself in my neck, as if he was trying to make me feel better as well. They do say that dogs can tell how people feel. Well it’s one quality I am glad we humans don’t have. Imagine knowing how people felt about, it would be sort of…awkward.

Joe grunted as he finally managed to get my foot out. I sighed in relief and turned to look at the hole, ready to see some fierce night creature come out to try and finish chewing it off. But all I saw was the retreating figure of a small chipmunk that dug itself even deeper into its home. I don’t know who of the two of us was most scared; I’d say it was the chipmunk.

My miniature hero stood back up and gave me a hand which I graciously took. “Thanks for being my knight in shining armor. I couldn’t have gotten out of there alone.” I let him pull me up as a pleased smile dance across his lips. Right then he looked really dashing.

“No problem, except I wear skinny jeans.” He answered smoothly. I kept hold of his hand seeing he wasn’t about to let go anytime soon, and tried to make a memory of how it felt smooth and warm. He started walking again, but as I took my first step to follow a sharp pain shooting through my foot and up my leg. My legs gave way and I fell to my knees pulling Joe down with me as I had gripped his hand even tighter when I felt the pain.

“Olive! What wrong? Are you okay?”

“Yes, except I’m guessing I’ve sprained or twisted my ankle.” I said trying to laugh it off. “No biggy, I’ll manage.” I tried to stand up again, not wanting to look weak in front of him again. I wanted him to forget about this little scene I caused earlier as soon as possible. However as I tried to stand up and walk again the pain kept being stronger and stronger. It probably wasn’t a massive sprain except that it was fresh and it was hard to walk around in the dark woods.

Joe scowled at my poor attempts to keep up with his normal- or even slower- steps and tutted. He looked me over with disbelieving eyes. His worried face was dark and in the shadows but I imagined it was full of concern for me. Pshhh Olive.

I didn’t feel in pain like a moment ago, now that it had passed I was feeling excited to be in his presence again. I tried to show him by bracing a tight smile through the diminishing pain in my ankle. I stood back up once more and took an exaggerated step forward in a half skip hop move. Joe had stood back to see how I’d do this time, and was ready to catch me as my leg buckled under the piercing throb.

I fell backwards yet again into his awaiting arms which took a secure hold on to me. He held me firmly but gently wrapping his arms around my waist and letting out a small, ‘ugh’ to go with my ‘oomph’.

“This is getting old” I said once I had my breath back. “This is what my second time falling?”

“Third, fourth if you count yesterday.” He whispered right behind my ear and onto my neck. His warm breaths sent shivers down my spine.

I was about to try again figuring that I had wasted enough time already and a good twenty minutes had gone and everyone would be waiting worried. He stopped me from straightening up by holding me even tighter, which is a good thing because I about just about melted. It wasn’t a romantic hug or a hug at all; it was just awkward and weirdly placed, but it was nice.

“Enough!” he said, “You can’t walk, you couldn’t before anyway,” he teased to which I retorted.

“Yes well my night vision is bad, and I don’t know these woods and-“

“Yeah, Yeah, excuses, excuses. Point still remains you can’t walk. So you’ll have to get on my back and I’ll carry Oreo in your bag. She is small enough to fit in there,” he said this so casually that I wondered if he was used to just holding girls he just met a day ago and carrying them home. He was very calm and trying to mimic this I gave a short shrug and a small nod of my head that was a hundred times smaller than my racing heart.

He started to crouch so that I could climb on to him, but honestly feeling self conscious about my weight. He noticed my hesitation and smirked a pretty hot smile.

“What? You don’t think I can take it? Let me tell you that these bad boys have been busy lately,” he said flexing his muscles. He wasn’t being arrogant but joking to reassure me without making me feel self-conscious. I was thankful for that.

“All aboard,” I said climbing on and wrapping my arms around his neck and knotting my legs around his waist. It was a good thing I wasn’t taller than him and slightly shorter or it would have been hard.

He straightens himself p lightly without any noticeable effort.

“Right,” I said feeling in a much lighter mood. “Giddy up Horsey!” I said raising my hand and pretending to be a cowboy and removing my hat in a wave. Joe got into the little role play as well and raising my hand in the air pretending to be a cowboy waving his hat. Joe got into it as well and backed up and neighed like a horse laughing.

“I’m a Stallion baby!” he said quoting Shrek as he half galloped of into the woods. I had to be careful on how I put my left leg or else it could start to hurt, but again I didn’t really notice anyway as I was having too much fun whooping a long as he nimbly charged through the woods, past the meadow and down the entrance trail. I had my head back in laughter half the time, the other on his shoulder being amazed by how close we were to each other. With my head by his neck I could feel his pulse and the deep vibration of his voice as he laughed and screamed wildly. No doubt he could feel my heart beat on his back. We hooted at our ridiculous night adventure, his arms were under me and supporting me upwards. I felt safe then; even if it was pitch black and we were in an isolated trail and running madly I knew he wouldn’t let me fall.

Because I was squeezing him for all he was worth.

When we got to the steep hill however he came to an abrupt stop and groaned. I looked ahead and tried to work out what was wrong. It was the hill, I gathered. It was too steep for him to carry me down.

“We’d capsize forward,” he explained putting me down. “If you want you can go down leaning on me, and we’ll take it slow.”

“No,” I said looking at my watch. “It’s already been 40 minutes, plus if you have to carry me back as well it will take at least the double fifteen normal minutes. And you’re getting tired,” I added watching him stretch out his sore back muscles.

“I am sorry; your Superman’s a bit rusty at saving his damsels. Plus my faithful dragon isn’t here to fly us home as planned.

“Much good he is then. Well have no fear…!” I said dramatically. Now that we were out of the woods I could see his face more clearly. His hair had been growing again and falling just above his ears. It was quite soft and smelt of his shampoo. Man I loved its smell, it was quickly becoming my addiction. But of course I’d never tell him that.

“Olive is here with her faithful brain. Which beats a dragon any day.”

“Uh? No! Mine is a fire breather.”

“Well mine knows a speedy way to get down there,” I countered. “We roll”

“We what?”

“Rooollllll,” I said slowly and laid down on the ground.

Joe came to stand directly over me and I looked up at him with a childish grin. I was so excited. It would be so much fun. He made me want to smile all the time, my stomach and jaw muscles were killing me.

“You’re mad,” he said, “but I love it,” and he hurried down as well. “ I’d race you but you’re leg will hurt.” I can’t tell if he was still teasing me or being serious. I couldn’t see his shadow now that we were both on the ground, our limbs overlapping each others. The hill was clear of any obstacles and matted down with thick yellowing grass.

“But not as much as limping down,” I said with a squeal as I let myself go down rolling. I vaguely heard Joe’s cry at my false start and heard his shouts as he followed me down. I gradually started gaining momentum and soon grew too dizzy too keep up with anything. My own shrieks drowned out Joe’s. It was a fun and exciting trip that sent pure raw adrenaline pumping through my veins.

In a few seconds we reached the bottom, me and Joe too nauseous to care about who arrived first. We lay side by side on the ground waiting for the Earth to come to a standstill as we caught or breaths.

“I wish we could see the stars,” confessed Joe looking at the dark clear sky. The full moon was all alone up there as far as we could tell. “We could star gaze,”

“I’ve never been star gazing.”

“You lie!” she said sitting up and leaning on his elbows. “Never?” I shook my head. “Then I’ll have to take you.” That is all he said not précising when, where or how, but his voice held promise and I took it to heart. We got up moments later and we started heading towards his house once more.

“It was an out of this world genius idea to roll down. Brought out my inner child.”

“You’re not that much older than a child,” I said feeling nervous to be on the topic of ages again.

“I am 21 August 15, remember. That’s way past adult which is 18.’

“Why would I remember?” he was quite for a moment.

Not wanting to admit it he said “Most people know our birthdays, I just assumed you did as well.”

“Well you should never get to old to roll down hill- my new motto.”

“Oh yes!” he high fived me. “We are doing that every time we are here now. It’ll be called Olive’s Rock ‘n’ Roll.”

“Catchy!” we chatted for the rest of the way, just recapping on our day and the hilarious thing that had happened, since 6 o’clock. They were so much excitement that everything we did was memorable.

“Still I can’t imagine how we fell asleep for two hours. It’s unbelievable.”

“Yes, but it was my best nap ever,” said Joe smiling at me. I was glad this was something we shared.

“Agreed, except waking up was so confusing.’

“Waking up is never fun” he said solemnly. “…Except this time wasn’t so bad. Kind of funny.”

“Why’s that? I did I do something?”

“ You…Oh nothing…”

I shrugged it off. Not really caring to hear how I managed to embarrassed myself.

We talked a while longer and as the minutes pasted I felt exhaustion get the best of me. I lay my head on Joe’s crook of the neck and listened to the vibrations coming from his throat and not so much what he was saying. I stopped taking part in the conversation and cut it down to Mmhmms’ and ‘Nahs’. The air was still hot and heavy and just starting to cool down. There were lots of little gnats flying all round creating a soft buzz and rustling of plants and chorusing crickets. I slowly started to lose consciousness without realizing it. This day was too great for my body to keep up with.

Third person :::::::::::

“And so I was thinking, so that Oreo doesn’t run away again, we should go by her a leash tomorrow.” Silence. “Olive?”

“Ummm?” was her soft reply barely audible.
“Are you asleep?” when no reply came Joe refrained from trembling with laughter and just stuck to smiling. Olive had fallen asleep on his back and now he suddenly felt the dead weight. He groaned as he trudged onwards towards home where he knew everybody would be up waiting. It was past eleven thirty and he knew that they would have wondered what had happened in that hour and a half. He turned his head slightly to try and get a look at Olive. Really, thought Joe, I wouldn’t know where to start. We fell asleep. That’s common enough. Except it was under a tree in the middle of a wood in the middle of the night. Not so common.

He shook his head and focused on walking. Olive now asleep was a lot heavier and he been already slowing down. They’d be lucky to get there just before 12 o’clock. What he didn’t understand was how abnormal it felt to bring her back before midnight. Surely as a college student she went out late and partied. Yet Joe couldn’t image it. She was too young it seemed to go clubbing, though he bet she’d make the outing a lot more fun.

She seemed to make everything more fun. Going up to the meadow in the woods is something they did regularly with Demi and their closest friends. It was their haven, away from all the other busy places in Dallas. And it never had been as much fun as it was today with Olive there to make them laugh that hard.

He finally arrived at his door and before he could even knock the door flew open and there stood his mother looking more cross the he had seen her in a long time. Denise Jonas had been extremely worried.

When Frankie, Nick and Demi came and said Olive went to get Joe and were coming back soon she wasn’t worried. However after an hour, then two she was unable to sit still and had been pacing back and forth. After a while the jokes about what the two could possibly have gotten up to alone in the woods had worn off and there was a bitter taste that was left in her mouth. Olive’s aunt had called wondering where she was and she had gotten their number through Gina. Denise hadn’t known what to say when Eliza had said ‘Please alert us when she arrives. But don’t fret so much. Trouble follows Olive like a shadow. She could have gotten up to anything.’ However when Gina called and also said ‘Oh, that Olive for all I know she fallen off a cliff. You know she is capable of getting hit by a parked car?’ she had become slightly more worried.

Now there was Joe and Olive on her doorstep looking like some wild wildebeests. Their hair was completely of dead grass and twigs and leaves. It looked as wild as a bush and it clung to their clothes as well. Joe looked beyond exhausted in contrast to Olive who was looking at peace a sleep on his bent over back. She took all of this quickly and ready to erupt and tell them how worried she was.

However Joe quickly raised his finger to his lips and pointed at Olive quickly to prevent his mother’s shout form waking her up. She quickly got the messaged and ushered them in. Joe made a bee line for the sitting room couch and lightly placed Olive down on a couch. He looked at her for a moment and her shallow breaths and the rise of her chest. As messy as she was she looked angelic in a way and very calm. A small smile kept appearing and disappearing from her mouth. She must be having a good dream, Joe thought. He bent down and hovered over her face for an instant. An instant before he heard his mother clear her throat from the doorway and the tapping of the foot. He quickly pulled back and brushed her hair back and arranged her injured leg, and turned around to face his mother. What would he have done if she hadn’t interrupted him? He wasn’t sure.

“So, Joseph,” started Mrs. Jonas taking a seat and Joe collapsing in the one opposite her. Joe winced. She had started with his full name, meaning she was quite mad. “What do you have to say for yourself bringing such a young girl and a guest home and yourself four hours after the walk ended? I was worried sick and her aunt called and Gina. Though they weren’t as worried as me, they-“

“Maybe that’s because they realize she isn’t a young girl. We didn’t mean to come back so late but it’s probably not the first time she comes home late, she’s old enough” Joe said trying to defend himself.

Mrs. Jonas huffed. No girl was old enough to go wandering through the woods at night. Not when they were her responsibility. She was about to argue the point further but refrained raising her voice when she saw Olive move around. “What happened start from the beginning.”

Joe explained it the best he could to make it sound like the innocent accident it was. “And then we were walking straight back when Olive falls in a hole and hurts her ankle.”

“Joe, stop joking now, what really happened.”

“What? No! She really did fall in a hole. That why I had to carry her back and it took so long. We then had to roll down the hill because it was too steep to carry her down, and then she fell asleep when…” Joe took a pause and looked at his mother. Her hardened face was softening rapidly and suddenly she let out a small snort and they completely convulsed into a fit of laugh out loud giggles. “Gina and her Aunt both said she would have probably fallen off a cliff or got in trouble, but I didn’t expect them to mean it so literally.” Joe joined in with her before Olive stirred awake and looked around perplex.

“Darn it,” she said under her breath but loud enough for everyone to hear. “ I must stop falling asleep, I always wake up in weird places.”

Joe chuckled and added ‘and you must stop falling asleep on me as well.”

“Nah,” teased Olive, “I don’t think I can do anything about that.”

“Olive dear,” fussed Mrs. Jonas, “You are awfully pale, are you in pain?” Joe looked at Olive and now in this better lighting was surprised to see how little color was in her face. It contrasted extremely with the wide smile she gave Mrs. Jonas as she asked for an ice pack. Mrs. Jonas sent Joe of to get the ice and first aid kit, while she took a look at Olive’s ankle. It wasn’t really badly swollen but painful because it was recent and the ground she had to walk on before was uneven.

“It should be walkable by tomorrow if you keep the ice on it all night. Or what’s left of it anyway. Joe passed her the ice pack and sat down next to her, smiling when she made a grimace as the pack came in contact with her leg.


“Like you wouldn’t believe.” She smiled a small smile at Joe and he returned it lightly. They sat there quietly just tiered off the day’s event, but Joe didn’t want to go to go just yet, even if he was dead tired.

“Olive?” called Mrs. Jonas. “I am going to be taking you home; I’ll just grab my keys. And she left the two alone again.

“I tried to ask you earlier but you were asleep; would you like to go shopping at the mall for some items for Oreo, as she is our dog and all. We could get her a leash and a collar that way she wouldn’t run away so much. And there is an in store vet that we could talk to.”

“Sounds great, but that reminds me,” she said removing the sleeping Oreo from her back and steering her away. “She hasn’t eaten in over six hours and she is supposed to drink her milk every four. Could you feed her before going to bed?” she said holding out to him the yawning Oreo that fit in her hands.

“Sure thing, I’d do anything for her.”

“She’s got us wrapped around our little finger.” Olive said good night and agreed to meet him at his house for 11 o’clock, so that they could go to the mall together with everyone else. This being Demi, Kevin, Frankie, Nick and Gina (who Olive was set on bringing along).

“What this?” asked Mrs. Jonas coming in to help up Olive and take her to the car.

“Olive is coming over tomorrow to go to the mall with us.”


“Please, Mrs. Jonas I promise I won’t trouble you ever again. I am really sorry about today, I was stupid to fall asleep…twice, and I just keep-“

“Nonsense Olive. You are more than welcome, just try and be careful from now on. You fall much too often for your own good. Even Gina and her Dad seemed to have seen it all.”

“Yes well…” Olive said embarrassed, as her ex-principal Mr. Harper knew better than anyone what sort of trouble she got into. She spent quite a lot of time in his office explaining how another innocent accident managed to happen. That’s how she even met Gina. “Well good night Joe. Say sorry for the worry to everyone else tomorrow, and I love you Oreo!” she called as she limped out the door.

Now in the car Mrs. Jonas looked over Olive in puzzlement. “Olive? John said that you and Gina used to be together in school, but you said you had done two years in college. How old are you exactly.”

“Oh…” said Olive realizing her question. “I am in college but it’s a different college in England than America. College is part of high school. I am sixteen.”

“No! Really, sixteen!” Mrs. Jonas was amazed. She had never imagined Olive to be so young. It had been easy to imagine her twenty and two years into University at times. But sixteen, that was younger than Nick!

“Yeah I thought everyone understood that, do I look that old?” She said slightly peeved. Mrs. Jonas fell slightly embarrassed that she and her husband hadn’t understood that. It obviously bothered Olive to talk about it so she left it alone. She walked Olive to the door and handed her over to her Aunt, and said good night to Olive.

“I won’t see you tomorrow morning, I am taking going out. Maybe when you come back.”

Olive nodded her approval and let her Aunt lead her to bed. She quickly explained the whole day’s events in abridged form took a quick shower before going to bed.

Before she did so she got her phone that she had left behind today, and saw that she had six text messages. One was from her sister Marie:

Hello my Pickled Olive, Miss you and Love you. In Morocco now. Beautiful. It is for a new documentary. News! Will be in NY when you are. Call!

Olive smiled at her sister’s message. It was completely written out without one bit of text talk in there. She and Olive never had managed to grasp it. The next five messages were from Nick, Gina, and Demi, asking her to get home soon, and contact them. She quickly sent a message to Gina alerting her about tomorrow.


She pressed sent and the dropped into bed reading that it was 1:01 in the morning and high time to go to sleep. Tomorrow she was going shopping with the Jonas Brothers minus one. EEEK!
Banner/Outfit for next day:

It ispacked with things, trying on clothes, photshoots, build-a-bear and running way from mad fans.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes 13! I think this might be the longest yet! so please comment if you liked my effort or subscribe. I love all my readers they make me all happy inside.

Now I plan to have Olive get in to a lot more mishaps if you have any ideas -comment.

Also who do you guys like more, Nick or Joe for Olive. I not too sure hmmmm... comment!

Right and to clear any confussion everyone seems to think that Olive is a University student so 19-20, but she is 16. When she explains this to Mrs. Jonas she thinks she is the only one that didn't understand that she is only 16.

The question is what will happen when Nick realizes she isn't too old for her and Joe that she is so much younger!!! the horror to- subscribe!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!