Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Love-seat for Three

This chapter is dedicated singdancesmile96 and twilight.JONAS!!!!. For commenting recently. Read A/N for more info.

Chapter 14-

Gina had her head tilted to the side, one eyebrow raised up high, her lips pursed and a disapproving expression on her face. This look of disbelief was aimed at me, and was one I had seen many times. “Only you Olive, only you.”

“That’s not true; lots of people twist their ankles in woods. It’s very common.” I said

“Yes but none of them end up getting a piggyback ride from their dream singer.”

“Oh yes.” I said dreaming about the whole night again, “it was amazing, and so worth it.”

“You know what gossip girl said, ‘You can’t save the damsel if she likes her distress.”

I felt a bit ashamed when she was putting it like that. Joe and Mrs. Jonas had been genuinely worried -and here I was hoping to do it all over again. I turned away from Gina who was driving us to the Jonas to -limit my walking time. I didn’t have a pair of crutches or anything. Uncle George had volunteered my great-grandfather’s cane, but my Aunt hit him over the head with it for me at the ‘terrible’ idea. It was still limping but since we were going to one place in the mall it should be okay.

“ Olive can we bring Oreo with us? “ after a moment of hesitation ‘please’ was added on the end. I turned around to look at my cousin Antoine sitting in the back seat in between Amelia and Jordan who were having fun blowing a stream of rainbow bubbles out the car window.

“Yes sweetie, she is coming with us because we have to go to be pet doctor there that is in the pet shop. Do you remember what a pet doctor is called?”

“Unhn it is…uh…um,” he started nervously.

“Vvvvvvvvvv,” Prompted Gina looking through the rear view mirror.

“V- oh yes! Vet. Right?” he said super excited.

“--Good job! Lia, Jordan did you guys hear that?” they nodded their heads of short dark curls vaguely before continuing their bubble blowing contest. They were really sweet kids and I was 70% sure they would trouble us while we shop.

This lovely morning of the 2nd of July I had woken up bright and early and feeling well rested. I had started right away to edit the photos I had taken of Demi and Frankie that way I could bring it to them when I went over for 11. Then I had given my little cousins breakfast and at the same time asked my Aunt and Uncle if I could take them to the mall with us, that way I could still do my job a babysitter and get to hang out.

They were hesitant at first but when I told the kids they’d see Oreo again, they wouldn’t let their parents take no for answer. While the kids were in the playroom watching morning shows I decided to go on the internet. I check my facebook notifications and then decided to see what the people had said about their SayNow. I couldn’t believe the comments that had been put on Facebook as a reply.

Twitter – Joe’s; Hanging out in our favorite place in Dallas with a new friend.




And so on and so on. It took me a while to figure out it was me until I read Nick tweet.

Nick’s; Having a real summer moment little Bro, Demi and O.




Famous, pshhhh. I wish. Well ‘O’ was obviously me, duh Olive. But I didn’t expect to be called their new friend. But I couldn’t help giggling and squealing so loud only dogs could hear me.

They went on an on here as well and further down a comment read.


Curious I went and listened to it myself and listened out for the end. Normally you shouldn’t hear me because we all said ‘summer 2010 has officially started’ together. But I cringed remembering how I had started talking again before Joe had turned the recording of. You could hear me loud and clear high fiving Frankie.

I sounded nothing like Demi, or any celebrity, so they couldn’t mistake me for anyone. I guess I had been have a ‘British’ moment and my accent was very thick. Hopefully it didn’t really matter or else they wouldn’t have sent it. So I tried to dismiss the feeling that it was going to lead to something big and a spread of rumors.

“Olive. Earth to Olivia,” snapped Gina, bring me back to the present. How boring it was without Joe and Nick.


“Plan 3- show off you skills? ”


“Do you remember out objective at all? I did research all night for this, remember?”

“Sort of. What is the third plan?”

“You have to impress them with your skill and quick thinking. “

“My…quick thinking?” What was Gina on; sometimes I think I should check what she has with her Cheerios. I loved her though… and that was the problem. “What do you mean; you want me to show them how to do mental math?”

“Geez, of course. Not! This article said by third date it’s time to impress you target by showing them what you can do. Like photography and being good a solving social problems quickly. Makes you seem more interesting.”

“So I just show them the amazing photos I took yesterday, and they won’t think of me as a complete lunatic? Wicked!”

“British!” shouted Gina. “And of course you’ll still seem loony. But it’s make you a more desirable friend. You said you were aiming for Joe right?”

“Well, I don’t know…” Gina took her eyes of the road and stared at me, her mouth open.

“OMG!” Gina never said omg. “You can’t olive. Absolutely not. No way. Both of them?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was going to say…that I don’t like either.”

“Don’t lie to me Olive. You can get pass everyone but not me. That’s not what you were going to say.”

“It kind of was. I like them as…friends.” I managed to say. The word felt foreign in my mouth. Was that the truth? Were we friends, and I wasn’t just one more of their acquaintances?

“Just Friends. Really?”

“Yes, their mates.”

“I’d scream ‘British’ again but that world has a double meaning.”

“Honest to goodness Gina. Yesterday I didn’t even realize we were good friends. I mean we only met twice.”

“And spent hours together with their families” interrupted Gina.

“and,” I continued, releasing to her my worries. “I am one in a three point five million girl they have met and seen. I once read that celebrities have two of everything.” I cried in despair.

“Care to explain?” said Gina in a soft reassuring tone. It was inviting and it made you want to spill your outmost deepest secret to her.

“They have two of everything; two phones, address, accounts. One is like the junk pile and the other they actually carry around with them always and use for their ‘close’ friends and family. I am most likely in their Junk pile of people. Even the number they gave me might not be their main one. I am only going to get a few more fun moments with them until they leave and meet other interesting people and I just become one more person they just sort of know. I want to just concentrate on actually becoming friends with them for now and nothing more, or else it be so much effort for nothing in return.” My voice was tight and through aching from with holding tears.

Gina did this to everyone; she could with her simple encouraging looks get you to open up things you didn’t know you felt yourself. I caught my appearance in the mirror. Good. I didn’t look like I was about to cry though I was. I was only a bit tiered looking. Being unable to portrait emotion had its usefulness sometimes because we had arrived at their house and I didn’t want to cause a scene.

“I understand how you feel. It makes a lot of sense, so alright. We must take lots of pictures and film clips for the memories. Just focus on getting to know them then. Just keep creating opportunities to get to know all of them more. Everyone’s not just Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum. Oh and here they come,” sang Gina.

Putting it all a side I smiled as I saw the gang coming out of their house. I couldn’t recognize who was who apart from Frankie only because he was smaller. I couldn’t tell the boys apart or Demi and Dani. They were all wearing low caps or hoodies- though it was boiling in Gina’s convertible- dark sunglass and simple and discreet clothing.

I in contrast was wearing a sweet plaid sleeveless dress and converses with pink dragon, in memory of last night. I wonder if Joe would notice. I had a funny chestier cat ring that I took form my cousin’s room. Gina had looked at me and laughed but then showed me her Mad Hatter hair clip.

They walked up to my window and waved their mixes of hello. They waved at my little cousins in the back seats, the girls admiring their cutesiness.

“Good to see you again Olive,” said Dani smiling brightly. I was surprised by how happy she seemed to see me.

“Who are you and what have you done with the Jonases and Demi? I am not allowed to talk to strangers. Gina said.”

“Haha very funny Olive,” said Kevin.

“No I am serious, the last time I tried to talk to some shady and mysteriously dressed people. Gina almost had a heart attack.”

“That was because they were druggies and all carried knives.”

“Seriously? What happened? I can see where you’re reputation is coming from.” Said Demi.

“What reputation?” scoffed Olive.

“You know with everything that happened last night, we’ve heard it’s not the first time. I was so worried last night. I was sure something happened to you and Oreo.

“Hey what about me?” said Joe wrapping her in a bone crushing hug.

“You should have let him there to rot!” she managed to gasp out.

“Those two been bickering all morning and ever since Joe finished her all her cereal bars” explained Kevin.

“Well it’s good to see you again,” squealed Dani. “We’ll go in the other car since Gina’s only a five sitter. But if you follow us we’ll both get there safe and sound. “

“What are you all coming do to?” asked Gina

“To tag along at the pet store,” she answered

Demi squealed and added “and then of course go shopping! I haven’t gone in over a week. It’s ridiculous.”

Gina raised her eyebrow up wide, “Over a week! How can you live?”

“We are so going to make up for it today, definitely” added Danielle very exited. I just sat there my expression matching the boys. I liked shopping but I hadn’t gone in months. I had pre-bought my clothes for this trip before the summer prices hit. I was used to this craze coming from Gina, now I think I will get it from two other people as well.

“Let’s go!” shouted Joe catching some of the girl’s excitement. However before he was able to leave my open passenger window, Oreo jump threw it and into my arms. Joe pretended to be hurt that she didn’t want to ride with him to the mall but then just didn’t care. He was getting used to me being her favorite. Then when everyone was in their cars and everyone was about to leave Alistair came to my window.

I withheld a sight and just stuck to saying “May we help you?” See polite. But he answered “I have a warning for you." I am pretty sure it was meant to be a message addressed to everyone in the car but he only looked at me. “When you go there you must make sure you don’t let anyone find out their identity. They wouldn’t close any shops down for some reason so we have to be on high alert.”

High alert? You’ve got to be kidding. Hank the Tank was talking like he was one of the Presidents body guards. “On high alert for what?” I asked.

“Mad crazy infatuated teenage girls that could possibly recognize them. It would be a serious problem,” he said ominously looking at me with an-oh-so serious look on his face. He could have just talked about a possible terrorist attack and it wouldn’t have sounded any difference. Why did he talk like this anyway? He was what 22-25, well dress with a loose shirt and nice tight pants. Yet he acted like he was so superior to me.

“Why so serious?” I hissed evilly like the Joker dragging out my Ss. He didn’t get my joke even if Gina started laughing madly.

“I think you know, since your one of them.” I gulped at his tone. “You act innocent but I saw the hunger in your eyes that day at the airport. I know”

Excuse me. Hello. What planet is this guy from? Cause it ain’t Earth.

“Where did their other body guard go?” I said hoping he was only temporary.

“Sorry I am not allowed to disclose that information.” He said straight out. However when Gina went ‘Awww I really wanted to know’ he explained it to her completely forgetting I had just asked.

“Well he recently got married and his wife is pregnant so he is taking the summer off. So I’ll be seeing you around.” He said winking at Gina before leaving and throwing me a warning glance. Seriously? Seriously?!?!

“He is so…mmmmm, yummy!”

“Cough, cough, boyfriend, cough, cough.” Why was she being so deluded?

“Doesn’t mean I can’t take a look when a hot guy is leaning into my window. Anyway let’s go, the others are pulling away.”

And we drove off towards the mall. During our short trip we talk and caught up with each other. It had been so long seen we had actually seen each other. We were always hugging now and just being generally ecstatic to be together again. At one point in the journey Dani and I were sending each other messages through the car windows. She was in the back with Demi who joined in after a bit. It was mad fun. We played a ridiculous version of charades but with shops and clothes and for the hard words we tried to lip read each other. It wasn’t easy to say the least. By the end we had decided to visit half a dozen shop. I didn’t know how I’d be able to cope with my ankle but I wasn’t about to pass it up. Gina was loving having Demi and Dani to back her up into shopping with her, normally I was reluctant to go.

“Only problem is” I said as we parked near a side entrance and I got the kids out and the twins into their strollers. I had packed ahead their small snacks and toys to keep them busy, but we weren’t suppose to last to long. I had also taken my camera. It was a very good one but dead expensive it had been virtually my only present on my 16th birthday that and a Polaroid camera. I also had packed a small video camera that had gotten from my sister who was always eager to get me into filming like her.

“Problem is that they’ll probably buy expensive things. I don’t have that much money with me. The plane trip was very expensive. Gina tell me what to do.” I whined.

“I’ll by you something. Anything you want it’s yours. It’ll my reunion present to you.” She said giving me a huge hug. I tried to argue but she wouldn’t hear it.

We caught up with the rest of our huge group. We were twelve in total with Frankie who ran to my side once he saw me. “Olive are you okay? Joe told me about how a serial killer chassed you in the woods and tried to cut you leg. Is that why you limping?”

“What are you talking about? Joe how could you tell him such lies.” I said hitting him with my bag. He laughed and ran off out of my reach. I warpped Frankie into a hug and told him not to worry and that we’ll get back at Joe later. We said that bit extra loud and I saw Joe looking a bit worried, well he should be.

“Wow? You have a PSP!” exclaimed Antoine looking at Frankie’s miniature playstation. “Can you teach me how to play?”

Frankie notice the six year old for the first time and gave him a look over. Antoine stood up straighter and tried to look slightly older. It was too sweet.

“Sure,” said Frankie looking interestingly at Antoine and the two spent the rest of the time talking on how to play numerous games, beat high scores, and kill bad guys. I was feeling slightly disappointed that Frankie wouldn’t be sticking to me like glue today.

“Aw,” said Nick walking with me. “Frankie has moved on to bigger better things.” He teased. I stuck my tongue out at him and linked arms with Demi when she said “Don’t worry about him Olive he just hate the fact that Frankie can beat him at it. Plus,” she whispered in my ear. “he was up all night worrying.”

“Awww you stayed up to worry about Joe? How sweet!” I said. Demi slapped her forehead while laughing and Nick looked uncomfortable. No I wasn’t that stupid, I knew what Demi had hinted at. Now I just wanted to see what Nick would say. He couldn’t leave it at that, because he hadn’t been worrying about his brother so he’d have to say the real reason.

“No! No I…I..”

“What? Not Joe? Then who? Someone kept you up.” Said Demi catching on.

“It was… umm..” he said looking for a quick get away. “I was worried Oreo. Yeah, she so little you know. She could have gotten hurt, and yeah.”

Demi hit him in back of the head and led him off scowling at him. So Nick didn’t admit to being worried about me, which was a bummer. Oreo though was getting a lot of Jonas loving. We had reached the shop in the mall. It was an extremely crowed day and there were teenagers everywhere. I had to be careful not to loose the group because it was hard to push the stroller and limp. Joe looked over his shoulder and noticed I was struggling and came to help me out.

“Here let me take it. The shop is just here.” He said leading me over to a help desk were a pretty young blond stood mending the desk chewing a piece of bubble gum that matched her short tube dress and nail polish. She looked beyond bored flipping threw a travel magazine with hot luxurious destinations.

Until she saw Joe that is.

I couldn’t believe it. She perked up right away and threw him a smile, with an seductive “May I help you?”

“Yes,” Joe leaned in on to the counter, making her eyes pop. She probably caught a whiff of his after shave. “I need to see a vet and get some information about my new puppy and buy her things.”

“Oh is that her. Gosh she is gorgeous, just like her daddy,” she flirted. Noticing me for the first time she threw me a tight smile. “Is she yours as well?” I cautiously nodded, ready for a rude comment to come out of her lips. However she surprised me and just sight a lonely sight as if giving up. “Sharing a puppy. How romantic.”

Joe and I coughed in surprise and before he had the chance to explain ourselves she had left to go get a higher up. The man that came in after her looked over Oreo. His facial expression changed all the time and I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. He was just like ‘hmmm’ or ‘yes’ or better yet ‘I see’, and I just wanted to shake him and tell him to get to the point. Finally he said;

“Well I have some good new and some bad news.” Joe took my hand and caressed the top of it reassuringly. I felt better immediately and his smile had a calming effect.

“Oreo is? Very fitting I must say. Well she is very small and though it’s clear it’s because she is a puppy it also because she is malnourished. Can you tell me why that might be?”

“Well my relatives found her four days ago alone. Since then we’ve been feeding her baby formula ever four hours.”

“I see, well you done more then you realize. Though of course that isn’t ideal it is okay short term. You’ll have to buy or special food for puppies before you go though. Well she certainly is a beauty, never seen such a pretty mixing of breeds. I think there might be some husky somewhere with her eyes but then her ears resemble the Papillions which are much shorter type if dog. There is a whole mix so I can’t really say. I think she might grow to mid height, just under a golden retriever. Don’t worry you’ve done well. The good news is that she is very healthy.”

“Thank goodness,” I said with relief. Joe hugged me and ruffled Oreo’s fur.

“One more question? Why won’t she leave our arms? She walks around more and more but she always whimpers if we don’t hold her for a while. And it has to be me or Joe that hugs her.”

“It did surprise me. I think she sees you two as her mother which who she’d still be with since she is only three weeks old. Much too young to be without her. You must always be there because you warmth and smell will comfort her.”

We thanked him and then browsed the store for some things Oreo might need. We found a tiny yellow collar that had pictures of cookies along it, and it seemed fitting. We bought a lot more things, such as toys and food. Joe said that he’d order the rest of the things as he didn’t want to have to carry the rest of the things himself. Now that the main event of the mall trip was over I noticed that everyone else was missing. Only my cousins and Frankie were with us.

We looked around and found them not too far of in a small corner shop called Double Take. It wasn’t easy spotting them because they were dressed to be completely unrecognizable and the shop was very discreet and off to the side. Joining them I could see that it was a clothes shop but it was so different.

The inside was decorated really abstractly with wild colors and modern shapes and smooth metal furniture. What was even more impressive was the clothes they had for sell. It was ‘avant guard’ type pieces that you by separately and add to an outfit because wearing a full outfit made out of pieces from here would be to weird and risky. There were bold and bright colors, the dresses mostly patterned and there were no plain looking options.

“Wow!” said Joe looking around. “Looks like we stepped into Lady Gaga’s closet.” It was a very good way of describing it. Every dress was exotic and there were a lot of body suits. I went around looking for the guys and found Kevin and Nick standing side by side in a smaller but well stocked male section, and looking through ties that were hardly recognizable due to their strange shapes. I was beginning to understand why this place was called Double Take.

Nick looked up quickly noticing me and sending a heart crunching smile. He noticed Joe and gave a similar smile, except I doubt that Joe felt like turning bright red because of it. Nick nudged Kevin who also looked up away from canary yellow tie that was cut out to resemble an exclamation mark, and beckoned us closer.

I left the twins that had fallen asleep in their stroller and Antoine in a bright orange swivel chair and wasn’t even able to get him to listen to me tell him to behave because he was still glued to the PSP. I scowled slightly at his lack of attention and Frankie nodded in superior way.

“I remember the days when I was a young immature child and I was obsessed with the PSP.” He said whimsically.

“Yeah right, Frank,” called Nick, “you’re still as immature and childish!”

Frankie threw him daggers that weren’t as effective as the laugh was threatening to slip out.

“That’s right, and Dad got real angry when he consistently caught you playing it under the covers at one in the morning.” added Kevin laughing back at the memories. Frankie was burning a violent shade of pink as he muttered on under his breath words I couldn’t quite catch. Something about water guns and payback. Sounds violent.

I made my way over and asked where the girls had gone off too. “They went off to try some clothes, why don’t you wait with me there?” asked Nick pointing a small fabric loveseat couch with wild versions of hearts printed on it, in the small shoe section of the store. It looked really comfortable with deep cushions.

I bit my teeth in hesitation, nibbling it while I thought it over. What would we talk about? We’d have to say something just the two of us. Actually we hadn’t really had a moment together yet alone. My mind slowly wondered to yesterday on the top of the hill. Me tickling him. Rolling together on the ground. With him on top of me. Him leaning in. That was a definite moment. I realize I was taking to long to answer.

“It’s just that, well I’ve looked through the store and Joe hasn’t yet and Kevin would want to help him and then there is the girls in the changing room which are all filled and so I thought that maybe you’d like to talk because or else it might just be boring to just around waiting. So I though-“ Nick said quickly trying to put his word in before I made my decision and rambling. Was that really just one sentence.

“Shush” I said putting my finger to his lips. That is before I just realized what I did and quickly pulled away. I saw his eyes follow my finger and I wondered if I had just done a big faux pas. I turned away quickly and acted like it was nothing. Easier said then done. I hurried to the loveseat and plopped my self down. I sunk about a good three inches, boy was this couch comfy. I patted the seat next to me to gesture him over. My finger on that hand was still tingling. I don’t think it will ever stop.

“So,” he said sitting back in the ways boy do. Legs wide apart and shoulders low on the couch. “What do you want to talk about?” he ran a hand threw his coffee curls a few times looking at me with interest to see what I would come out with. Unknowingly mimicking him I ran a hand threw my thick hair. Today it was tied to the side. I liked it best there, because I could play with it a lot more easily.

“I don’t know it was your idea to talk so…shoot!”

Nick frowned for a moment trying hard to remember something. He must have because afterwards his expression relaxed and he switched body position. He turned his knees in towards me and wrapped his arm against the top of the couch, while arching in to rest his head in his hand and coming in closer to have a more secretive type of conversation.

“No,” he said so low that I had to lean forward as well, obviously what he had wanted. “I want to hear- no- to listen to you story. You seem how should I say… intriguing” he said intensely, with the last word in French. Except in French he didn’t actually intriguing but instructing. Most non-French speakers wouldn’t have noticed but I did and I couldn’t help it. I giggled. That of course turned to snickers which turned into chuckles and so on. You get the picture.

Nick looked confused and hurt with my harsh response. “What is it?”

“That’s a line you made up isn’t it? You planned out your whole sentence didn’t you?”

Nick grinned sheepishly nodding. “Actually it’s Joe’s. He says it’s the best way to loosen up girls, I’ve seen him do it all the time. So I gave it a try.”

“Except you said instructing instead of interesting, but don’t wo-“ I was interrupted by clapping.

“Good Job, lil’ Bro. That was a complete mess up of the sentences. First of all you don’t stumble because that gives it away and then you don’t speak French to a native,” commented Joe as he walked over to us. I saw Nick feeling very uncomfortable and felt bad immediately for laughing.

“Not true. It wasn’t a complete mess up. I found it extremely good. I bet Joe you’ve won over a lot of girls that way?”

“And how!” he said smugly. “They don’t call me a heart throb for nothing.” He joked popping his collar. I raised a disbelieving eyebrow at him.

“I’ve never heard such comments. Is that what they meant by cocky and obnoxious? “

“Oohh” laughed Nick. “She just so –“

“Don’t say it.” Joe cut in, pretending to be hurt. “I’m just going to look at myself and comfort myself by admiring my beauty.”

“No!” I said giggling. Joe was too much at times. “Nick and I want you to join our conversation.”

“Do you mean our non-existing akward conversation,” grumbled Nick sarcastically, “I think we should limit the idiots in that conversation to just me.”

“Nick,” I said firmly, “You are not an idiot, only idiots say that.”

“Well that just proves the point than doesn’t it?” said Joe, “he’s an idiot.”

“You have no right to say anything, Joe. I never disagreed with Nick about you being an idiot.”

By this point we were all tittering madly and at some point Joe had jumped on the couch to join us. We were tight on this couch made for two people not three. I felt squished in the middle of those two boisterous boys.

“Stop, sstoooop!” I cried out of breath. “Stop making me laugh I can’t take it anymore. I can’t breath!” They momentarily stopped before attacking me from both sides with merciless tickles. “No I can’t take it!” I squealed trying to madly get of the couch but I was lodged in to tight in the deep cushions and didn’t have the strength.

“Not until you scream mercy,” said Nick on my right.

“And you admit we are the coolest most unidiotic boys in the world.” Added Joe.

“Fine, fine!”

“Say it!” prompt Nick, not releasing his tight grip on my waist. What choice did I have. They were killing me.

“Mercy, have mercy you cool, gorgeous, mesmerizing heartthrob that are unidiotic with the IQ of two zillion. Mercy!”

The pulled away instantly and we took a moment to catch our breaths. “You know, you didn’t have to add as many compliments, two would have done.”

“Yeah, but she couldn’t help herself” said Nick to me in my ear. Joe laughed and I hurried of this couch. It had suddenly become to hot in this store. As I did so I realized something.

We were being watched.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wowza! Chapter 14.
I am now starting dedication chapters. So if you were one of those amazing people that commented on a chapter before chapter 13 (silent.tears.eternall; C'est Moi C: allie103, dancergirl62195.)
I am very sorry. But comment again! Read their stories as well they have Jonas stories too!
I hope you liked this one, especially towards the end.
Tell me what you think' going to happen. COMMENT!
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I got my second star today so I thought I would post this up quicker.
One quick question, do the information bits (the start of this chapter for example) seem slow to you and uninteresting? I like having character development bits -but do you? Comment!