Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

One Photo Shoot and Two Creepy Men.

Olive’s point of View

Double Take was on the highest floor of Summs Mall, tucked away into a windowless corner with a long desolated hallway separating it from the main stream shops. It was hard to find and even harder to stumble upon meaning the number of customers that came in was always lower than hoped and it was generally empty.

However Nick had found it with Kevin when looking for a place to dodge a suspecting group if girls that had been edging closer and closer when they had removed their shades that were too tinned for inside shopping. Then Dani and Demi had followed them in and soon where too caught up in the unusual items on sale to get to preoccupied with being spotted. And the later arrival of Joe and me had thrown them off even more. We had relaxed and not taken any precautions and assumed that the shop would just remain empty and unnoticed.

We were being watched.

I momentarily thought my eyes played tricks on me. A man –I deduced from the build of his robust and squat body- was standing at the entrance that faced the couch directly. His attire was dark and plain, long dark grey cotton sleeves with faded jeans of the same shade. He stood hunched over looking intently from his corner at me. I couldn’t see his eyes or much of his features. The top half was covered by a tatty baseball cap hung low on his forehead and the bottom covered in a slow growing beard that was in the intermediate stage. He could be trying to grow a beard, but I was guessing that he just hadn’t shaved in a long time.

But he was looking at me. Not so much Joe and Nick, my standing position probably shielded them from his crouched angle. The connection was very brief he looked down as if checking something he was holding in his hands and then disappeared. Not before sinister smile cracked on his face and gave me shivers that made me blink. When I reopened my eyes he was gone without a trace.

Mind, this happened so fast Joe or Nick didn’t notice anything. I almost didn’t believe it myself. I collapsed back onto the couch trying to think more clearly and needing to sit down.

“Back for round two, already?”

“No, Joe. Look did you see someone at the door?”

“The door? The entrance of the shop you mean.”

“Yes, did you?” I said urging him.

“No…but why, what’s wrong you look so pale.”

“Maybe she’s seen a ghost,” said Nick trying to get my sudden mood swing. He could be right possibly. Maybe I did see a ghost, or imagined one. Except it wasn’t the first time I had this feeling of being observed.

“You do realize that it may have been someone who recognized us. We’re so used to it we don’t notice anymore,” Joe continued when I didn’t answer. He and Nick stood up.

“Even old creepy hobos?” I said raising an eyebrow.

“Well…” Nick said trying to hold on to my lightening mood. I couldn’t stay troubled with them around for too long. “Not as much as Joe would like. But we do get a few now and then.”

“Hey!” exclaimed Joe punching Nick on the shoulder lightly. The two got loud and playful again and I was about to join their silly little squabbles when Gina called me over. To be honest I had almost forgotten we weren’t alone in here. I looked around searching for the direction of her voice. I took in the sleeping twins, the addicted Antoine and the bored Frankie who was moping behind a rack of turquoise and peach stockings and bathing suits. Kevin was no where to be seen.

Gina had just stepped out of the changing room and timidly looking herself over in a big floor to ceiling mirror that took up half a wall. My goodness she was beautiful. If I was a boy I’d be attracted to her no doubt. The dress was bright seductive red and had a low- basically non existent- back and high collar. It reached her upper thigh and had images of black and gold lip prints all over it. Very um….provocative. But if that was the look she was going for it would be perfect. Anyone would do a double take.

Gina had always wanted to be a model or dancer but because if her tiny size we knew It ’d be near impossible.

“So what do you think? Is it a bit much?”

“You look gorgeous, simply gorgeous. But when are you going to wear that?”

“Well, um, I have a date with Harrison soon and well I wanted too look…”

“Oh yes the mysterious boyfriend I keep hearing about, but never see. Does he even exist?”

“Yes! You could meet him tomorrow. Really, thought, is it okay? He wanted to see me in something more,” she paused for a moment the color in her cheeks increasing. “revealing.”

“Hummm? I am not to sure about this then; he shouldn’t force you to wear anything you’re not comfortable with.”

“No,” she was beet red now and wasn’t looking at me. “He asked after I asked to see him topless.”

“Gina!” I cried. I couldn’t believe how advance there relationship was.

“Don’t be mad Olive. It’s not like were planning to do anything. You should see Dani and Demi. I picked out their dresses and they should look fabulous. Here take a picture of me in this while we wait.”

I eagerly followed the orders and grabbed my camera out of my bag and looked around the shop for good lighting and décor. It wasn’t hard to find, there were lots of abstract decorations that I could have Gina pose with. I positioned her on a long couch and had her lounge on it. I took a few pictures wanting to make sure t hat I was making good use of this opportunity.

“Hey! You’ve started the photo session without us!” I whipped my head a round and my eyes bulged at the sight of Demi and Dani who had just made their way out of the changing rooms. Dani was wearing a nice Japanese Kimono inspired emerald green dress that put a large emphasis on her curves and dark eyes. It was a classy dress that demanded respect. In contrast Demi’s dress was midnight black with bright yellow canary feathered skirt. It was young fun and flirty swishing with every little movement. All the girls looked completely different but it gave me a great idea.

“You’ve just given me a genius of an idea. Let me take pictures of all of you. There is all we need here; Clothes and amazing backgrounds.”

“What’s this?” asked Joe walking over with Nick each carrying an outfit to try on. “A photo shoot?” he said really girly. “Let me change I’ll be out in a minute, and I’ll join you. Gina can’t have all the fun,” and he hurried off just as Kevin stepped out wearing a cool t-shirt that looked like it was a real tuxedo shirt and blazers because the image was printed in high detail and it really looked 3-d that you did a double take. Ha-ha I was getting what this shop what about.

“I so want in. Demi told me yesterday that you take good photos and you make posing actually fun.” He walked over to the long couch with Dani and sat down with her on his lap. They looked really good together because Kevin looked like he was wearing fancy top and Dani’s dress was so classy.

“What about you Nick, do you want to join our little dress up session?” I asked because he had remained silent. He looked uncomfortable with my question and I could tell he was about to say no.

“Nick doesn’t do photo shoots Olive,” explained Kevin, “he is a bit camera shy,”

“Not true!” said Nick quickly blushing slightly. My face fell in disappointment. It would be fun to take a picture of them when they were actually looking. He must have notice my expression because he added “Demi said Olive made it fun. So I’ll join. Plus if I let Joe get out of control; he’ll try to hog the all pictures.” before I could thank him for willingly doing something it was obvious he wasn’t comfortable with he slipped past the curtain to change.

“Olive?” I saw Frankie walk up to me looking beyond bored. I immediately felt guilty. I am a terrible person I completely forgot about him and he must feel incredibly left out. “I want to do something with you.” His moan was sweet.

“I am really sorry, of course you can help. If we are going to make this professional I’ll need an assistant. You’d be perfect for it. Deal?” he nodded excitement mounting.

“Right this is how we’ll do this,” I commenced when Joe and Nick came out “It’ll be like a Lacoste photo shoot. A group of friend together all of different personalities sitting on this couch. Try to show a personality that matches your outfit. Oh and Dani and Kevin really look like a couple, you two are fabulous together.”

“Just how am I supposed to show the personality of my shirt?” asked Joe pointing at his top. We all looked at it again and cracked up. Joe had picked out a shirt that looked like it was turned inside out, but also like it was upside down. It was a great illusion trick.

“You can be the idiot that was capable of wearing his top inside out and upside down.” He frowned while everyone else laughed, “ and Nick can act like a mysterious Victorian romance hero. The long military coat with the over sized popped collar is perfect for it.” The collars were turned really high reached his ears. There was a sort of cravat that came out of it. Nick pretended to pop his collar smoothly.

“I think I can handle that- romantic hero, I was born ready.”

“Yeah right,” said Frankie, “you couldn’t be romantic you forgot to celebrate Valentines Day with Miley that time and she is still whining about it.” they all cracked up and I think I was able to get everyone loosened up. I snapped picture after picture getting Frankie to bring over props and position everyone for me. We had a few outfit changes and the time was flying but no one was watching.

I was having so much fun it was unbelievable. It was a good thing I wasn’t trying to get them to give me a serious expression because we were always falling into fits of laughter that took a few good minutes to get rid of our giggles. I was in my element and I didn’t ever want to stop.

It was only after I had taken about a hundred carefully planned out photo that we were interrupted.

A door that had gone unnoticed before on the opposite side of the room suddenly burst open and revealed a small and cramped office, covered with a mess of paper. Out of it came a short balding man who had a large mole right at the center of his bald head. He was talking loudly on the phone and his high pitched voice sounded panicked.

“No, you can’t do this to me Archie. Sorry, sorry Arnold. You promised. Saying you’ll think about is just like promising. Yes it is! What will I do? He is expecting me to have a full advertising campaign done by the 6th that’s in three days. I need photos and a photographer. Why wouldn’t you do it I am begging you.” And he was his voice was all choked and pitiful. He was a sorry looking man, not very easy on the eyes and gave off a sense of self neglect.

“You ,my buddy, do this for me. Well I all ways thought we were close. Oh…guess I was mistaken then. But come on. Archie? Archie? Damn it he hanged up!” The little man raised his angry fist and threw his phone across the room barely missing Frankie. That’s when he noticed us.

“What do you think you’re doing?” his voice was angry and annoyed probably from that phone call.
When none of us said anything and just looked at him shocked and speechless he roared, “well this is my shop. I have the right to ask you what you’re doing in it.”

“Excuse me, we are customers…sir,” said Kevin through tight jaws.

“Customers? Truly?” the man asked in wonder before breaking down in despair against a pole. Antoine ran over to me and looked nervously at the man, frightened by his strange behavior.

“Look here!” I said, “It’s no good getting all depressed about not getting enough customers and meeting some deadline.”

“Some deadline? SOME deadline.” He said advancing on me and forcing Antoine to hide behind my legs.

“Hey!” cried Joe and Nick intervening. Nick pulled me back while Joe looked at him fiercely and told him to back off. If I wasn’t so confused I’d be fainting over their display of affection.

“What are you doing here anyway, you’re not browsing?” he notice my camera. And suddenly a glimmer of hope formed in his eyes. He walked towards me, and hastily put his hands up when Joe threatened to intervene again. “That looks like a professional camera. Are you a photographer? Can I see them?” His breath was strong in the alcohol department and I reluctantly handed over one of my prized possession. His eyes flicked over them quickly his excitement mounting and escalating in to joyous mumbles under his breath.

“These are really good. You didn’t answer my question. Are you a professional? You look young but, you’re so good that I wonder.”

I was about to shake my head no when Gina replied instead. “Yes and what about it. Do you want to hire her?” we all whirled around on Gina whodismissed our glares and just waited for an answer.

The man took out a dirty handkerchief from his back pocket and quickly wiped his sweating brow before nodding a small yes. “You see, I am in need of you help,” he grasped my hands in his and I withheld the need to pull them away and rinse them with bleach.

“My uncle is the owner of the Sector 1 Brand. Have you heard of him, Jerome Canterson- multi- millionaire fashion icon…” the man rumbled revealing his deep resentment for his uncle. “He told me that last chance before he basically disowned me was to work this side shop project. This shop is called Double Take and it is the more…um… unusual part of the Sector 1 Brand. And the only shop of Sector 1 that only sells Double Take things.”

“I I’ve heard of Sector 1,” said Demi. “They have a big shop in Vegas and everywhere but it’s nothing like this.”

“Ha-Ha” said the man hysterically. “No, of course not. My challenge is the hardest. Double Take doesn’t sell on its own. No one goes to Sector 1 for Double Takes things. So no one comes here. NO ONE!” At this point I was thinking of calling 911. This guy obviously needed help, he was going to get a heart attack soon and plus I’d need to get my shoulders popped back in place because he was dislocating them by shaking my hand so vigorously.

“Advertising has never been my strong point. I was told I had to get posters up and I tried to contact and old college friend who’s a famous photographer, but he fell through. I need you. Your pictures. Please they are magnificent. The clothes look buy able and your friends all look like professionals and celebrities.

“You don’t say,” muttered Frankie, making me hold back a smile.

“Are you willing to work under contract for me? You don’t have to do much. You’ve already done most of the work you’d just need to make a poster design and add the pictures on.”

“I don’t know…” It scared me to work along side such a man.

“What’s the pay and contract?” Gina spoke up yet again, earning a glare only from me though, the rest were looking at him waiting for the answer.

“Sorry, what?”

“The pay. She is just as much as a professional as your unreliable friend is.”

“Of course, Of course. I’d already written up a contract for him. Let me fetch it.” He turned to go, but stopped to make sure weren’t running off, before continuing into his little office.

“What are you thinking?” I hissed at Gina wiping my hands on her while she pretended to puke.

“Work for free or work full price, but never for cheap,” said Dani supporting her. “I think it’s a good idea.”

“Olive, did you bring those photos of Frankie and me. May we finally see them? We could use them as examples,” asked Demi full of excitement.

I pulled them out of my bag and nervously laid them out on a counter and I closed my eyes waiting for their judgment.

When I heard nothing I peaked them open and saw their mouths hanging open as wide as their eyes.

“Geez, if it’s that bad at least tell it to me straight.” I said in a huff.

“You’re amazing.” Joe said this to me. To me. Straight at me, and I felt my stomach do a tremor.

“No, I mean they’re okay, but not amazing.” I said playing it off.

“No, they really are great trust me, and you didn’t even do it with a professional camera like today. Obviously these will be even better.”

The man ran back into the room moments later after everyone gushing their praise and me trying to stay modest. He looked over at the pictures for only a few seconds and placed the contract and pen in my hand. “Here is the contract. It was a pay of 60,000 dollars for his services and ownership of the photos. The name would also appear on posters. Sign it. Now,” Frankly he was so desperate that I think he would have bought Antoine’s photos.

"Good and also leave me you’re e-mail address so you can send them to me when you’ve edited them. Now I have an important phone call to make and you need to finish you work. 6,000 dollars is a lot of money. Oh ,and my names Trevor Canterson” He said as soon as my hand left the paper. mo

I slid down to the floor disbelieving what had just happened. I dreamed of getting a job and being paid tones of money. But not this way, not so suddenly. Where was the interview, the looking over my portfolio and asking nerve racking questions?

“I am not so sure about this.” I admitted hiding my head in my hands and tucking in my knees. A hand tilted up my chin gently.

“Hey? Look at me.” I looked up and found Nick’s warm reassuring eyes like hot chocolate. ‘Smoldering’ hot chocolate. “Had more fun in this photo shoot than any other hundreds I had before. I am not exaggerating. I’ve had hundreds. But this was the best one, because you were so great at it.”

“Plus- we need to help him out. He is in a pitiful state and the solution is simple. Your name will be on the posters. Demi says it’s a huge brand and Gina told us you’ve dreamed of being a photographer,” said Joe lowering down as well and holding my hand. “Take the risk.”

“You guys are just trying to charm me into this right?” I giggled, worried gone out the window.

“Darn it!” said Joe. “She sees through everything.”

“Will you continue to shoot?” asked Gina. She already knew the answer because she had gone of the find another dress.

“Yes.” I said firmly.

“This one’s for you then. “ she held up a light nude colored dress that slowly grew more and more transparent as you went down the dress that by the time it reached just off the floor, you could see through it clearly apart form a slight gold shimmer. It matched my skin color almost perfectly. It was really alluring and intriguing.

“As always you are great at picking out clothes for me, but how am I suppose to take pictures of myself?”

“There is something called the self timer button, Olive,” sighed Gina pushing me into the changing room.

I quickly changed but stayed in the stall for a while contemplating. I wasn’t to sure how to pose and if I was supposed to act like the personality of my dress I’d have to be bewitching. And Joe would probably be watching. I had enjoyed watching him pose along side Nick and Kevin, they were beautiful to photograph and all the girls had to agree. It was Ooer.

I nervously stepped out. I didn’t wear showy clothes at all but I might just start to with the looks I got. Joe let out a low whistled and clapped his hands. I had no other response so I grimaced and hurried over to the couch, and tried to ignore the boys eyes checking me out innocently. I knew that they were just looking but it made me wish for their approval.

“What am I suppose to do in this big couch all by myself?” I said feeling exposed to the camera.

“Lounge like I did in the beginning," commended Gina getting excited. She loved dressing me up and things like that. I followed her instructions and posed. God it was awkward, but I pushed it aside like I pushed aside anything that bothered me, and tried to look fierce. I am not too sure if it worked but after a few between shoots- which I fixed the lighting and such- Dani said that we had enough.

“Good that’s a wrap,” I said mimicking a director and starting to put everything back with the help of
Frankie while everyone changed back.

“You know Olive, I think you should be a model and a photographer,” said Frankie sweetly as we lifted a fake lighting bolt back to its original position.

“And you could be my manager and assistant, “I said, playing along.

“Yeah!” he high fived me. When we were all done and ready to go the twins woke up and then Oreo work up from her nap on their lap. Kevin asked what the time was and Joe volunteered to check on his cell.

“You won’t believe this it’s four o’clock and- Great, more missed calls. I forgot to turn it on the volume and turn off the vibrate option. She is going to be so mad and naggy again.”

“Who?” I asked casually, but knowing already.

“Oh no one, it doesn’t matter I’ll call back when we are eating. Do you guys feel like eating something?” Everyone chorused a big yes. “Well let’s go.”

We made our way across the mall talking animatedly and Jordan and Amelia moaning to go to Build- A- Bear every time we passed on of the advertisements. They wouldn’t shut up about it and I was wondering if I’d be possible to make a quick trip there. I hadn’t been there in years myself and the though made me feel nostalgic.

As we were walking I over heard Nick talking to Joe.

“Dude, shouldn’t you call Annabelle back. You know she is suppose to arrive today in like two hours.” Argued Nick

“Don’t worry about it. She’s on the plane from Russia right now so I wouldn’t be able to contact her anyways.”

“Fine, just don’t forget: time flies when Olive’s around. She’s sort of distracting.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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