Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Pain Relief Not Pleasure.

Chapter 17 dedicated to C'est Moi C: and singdancessmile96. Amazing people.

The screams increased by a hundred and Nick wondered if he had done the right thing. The girls speed seemed to go from 30 to 300 hundred miles per hour as he turned around. And the shouts of “I love you Nick!”, “Nick Please marry me! Please!” along with the hyperventilating squeals of “OMFG” were joined by “OMFG he is turning around- For ME!”

Really', thought Nick, ‘where these girls being serious?’ One was in a motorized wheel chair and cutting her way through the crowed with mean elbow jabs, a hay cutter technique and a viciously dangerous expression.

“Come On!” he yelled at Olive outreaching his arm. He wasn’t sure how she did it but she sped up even more and grabbed his arm. Nick caught her and without a second thought threw her over his wide shoulders and propped her up on his hips.

“Nick!” she protested.

“Don’t worry I can handle it,” he reassured her. He took in a deep breath and ran. He was barely aware of the shouts of protest from the mass of girls. Olive’s laugh was blocking it out. He didn’t understand her at all, how could she be enjoying this?

Ahead of Nick, Joe sighed in relief when he saw their car appear. He opened the door and dived in. Now safely inside he looked back and saw the rest of his friends quickly approaching. Demi who was holding Antoine ran for Gina’s car and got there just before her. Gina had the twins in their burning hot rod of a stroller. They were crying and terrified by the speed they had been going at. Joe felt terrible that they had to go through that, but didn’t have long to reflect on it. Gina got them in double time and then turned on her motor as Demi got into the passenger seat before they sped away.

Kevin and Dani threw open the car door furiously as they reached it. Dani was shouting all kinds of insults at the [enter your preferred rude word here] crazed stampeding teen girls as she jumped into the passenger seat with Kevin who tried to calm her down.

Frankie didn’t take long to get in either and he was all red from his fast sprint. He didn’t even say anything too out of breath to even breathe. He was surprised he had managed to keep up with his older brothers somewhat.

“Right, let’s go,” said Kevin revving the engine.

“NO!” shouted Frankie finding his voice. “Where is Olive?” he asked bewildered looking out the window.

“Where is Nick?”

They were not far off desperately trying to beat the tide of girls that were coming in. “What’s Olive doing?” asked Joe.

“I think she is having a fit,” grumbled Dani. “I would be with all those ‘girls.”

“No I think, I think she’s laughing.”

Nick was running as fast as he could with Olive on his back. There going to out run the fans, he could feel it. Frankie opened the door and waved his arms to encourage them. Olive suddenly turned around to the crowd and put her hands in the air.

“She didn’t just do that, did she?’ asked Dani?

“Oh yes she did,”

“She totally peace signed them! Cool!” exclaimed Frankie.

Nick swung her down and they both dived in the car and Kevin got the car in drive and moving. The fans kept chasing back around the car park towards the exit before stopping their chase. Nick and Olive were sprawled on their seats panting heavily like everyone else trying to catch their breaths.

“So this is how you guys stay so skinny!”

“Glad you find this amusing,” said Dani.

“Oh yeah. It was fun. The adrenaline. Thanks Nick for helping me out back there. “she said giving him such an gorgeous smile that Nick felt a blush coming on.

“What happened? Why did Nick have to carry you?” Joe watched as she fanned her self heavily and licked her dry lips. “Was it your ankle?” when she nodded ‘Yes’ Dani scowled angrily.

“I can’t believe you had to go through that. They had to come and ruin the most amazing day. The twins got dead scared, Antoine had to be carried by Demi, and you by Nick. I bet you agree with me that we regret having worn heels today. It’s just so unfair.”

“Are you okay Hon?” asked Kevin nervously. He had a tone that told Olive this wasn’t the first time.

“No. I am sick and tiered! Last week I couldn’t get a simple crucial cup of coffee because that little freckled bimbo who was serving me said she hated the JBs now and she hated me for marrying you.” Dani wasn’t sure why she was loosing her temper and letting it all go. She must be hormonal and having a serious case of PMS. She just was tiered of it all. All the drag they caused, and it wasn’t even because of her. It‘d be easier to accept if they appreciated her or she held some responsibility for the mayhem. She leaned back in her leather seat, tilted her head up and fanned her eyes.

Kevin paid her a quick glance that said ‘We’ll talk later’. He didn’t like it when her mood swings got in the way of her normally happy personality. The car remained silent for a few moments. Nick and Joe were too worried to say anything. Olive felt uncomfortable. She felt as if she was an outsider witnessing something too personal. She noticed how Joe and Kevin even Frankie avoided eye contact.

She uneasily cleared her throat and leaned forward in her seat. Nick noticed the sudden shift and grew curious to what she had to say. Obviously as it was Olive, it should be something unexpected.

“Did you spill it down her top?” she ventured

“What?” chocked Dani turning around to look at Olive confused? “Who’s top?”

“That Starbucks Chick. Did you?”

“No…I just left. I didn’t even have the guts to say anything.

“Good, than I’ll be there to watch you do it when you go back and reorder. We’ll make it an iced coffee; we don’t want her to sue you.”

“Wow. I didn’t think you had an evil side. It’s really surprising and all the more attractive,” said Nick with a sly smile. He wasn’t sure if he imagined it but he thought he heard her breath muffle a gasp.

“I don’t!” she said defiantly. “Dani will do it and for her it justified…if she makes it look like an accident.”

“Yes,” thrilled Dani, “Underneath that horrible tatty green apron she wore a blouse I had been dying to get. Of course it sold out.”

“OMG. No way! No way!” said Olive just slightly over enthusiastically to sound real. “I bet she bought the last one that should have been yours.”

“Yeah and I wouldn’t have worn it over a long sleeve top to work. I mean get real; it’s summer in ‘Texas!”

“Yeah, soooo ridiculous.” Olive bit back a snicker that she let slip when her eyes met Dani’s. They both burst out in fit of loud laughs

“I don’t really plan to spill my coffee down her top,” she was feeling much lighter and calmer now thanks to Olive.

“Good cause I wasn’t either. Plus she isn’t worth your time or your coffee. I much rather you drink it. Or else it’d be a waste.

“Agreed. Thanks for that happiness boost Olive. I was off the rails for a while there.”

“No probs, it’s the best way to get rid of your anger. Write down or plan horrible stuff then throw the ideas away. Few people are ever actually worth the trouble.”

Kevin took hold of Dani’s hand. “Good to have my Dani back.

Joe muttered, “Women and their hormones,” under his breath before turning his attention back to his I phone and the addictive app on it.

“Joe?” questioned Frankie, “was Dani BMSing again? Because that‘s what you said girls got when they suddenly get mad at you. Like when you finished Demi’s chewing gum.”

“No bro, that PMSing and for Demi’s gum, Joe had it coming,” explained Kevin giving a low chuckle.

“Do you do that as well?” Frankie said nervously to Olive who Nick noticed was having trouble keeping a straight face.

“Me? No way? I am a special girl. PMSing is over rated, I don’t do that stuff.”

“Do you mean,” Nick said coolly. “That there isn’t any of your,” a pause and crooked smile. “’Buttons’ we must make sure not to push?” his slow and steady voice pulled Olive in and she stopped breathing.

“No? That’s a shame. I like knowing what makes my female…friends,” another suspenseful pause. “Tick.”

It was the confidence in his voice, Olive told herself. The gleam in his eyes, and the honey smoothness of his voice that make it hard to resist. But she had to resist; she had resolved to only be friends and not go searching for more. How dare Nick make it harder?

Nick’s cell phone rang and he quickly slipped his hand in his tight pockets to remove it. “It’s Demi,” he said when pressing speaker mode. “Hey are you guys all OK on your side?”

“Yeah,” she answered, “There’s not much to say except ‘That was crazy!’ Olive, are you managing with your ankle?”

“Yes, Of Course!” she scoffed with a wave of her hand. Frankie watched admiringly at Olive’s and hugged her tight. He had never found a teenager as cool as Olive before. She was smart, funny, talk to him like he was grown up was a fan and didn’t PMS.

“Good, now I-“

“Hold on one second there missy,” came Gina’s suspicious voice. “I don’t believe you for one second Olive. Someone tell me. Is she massaging her wrist and back of her hand?” Nick glanced at Olive’s intertwined hands before they flew behind her back.

“No I wasn’t! Plus Gina you shouldn’t be talking on the phone while driving especially if it is to say pointless and unnecessary things.”

“You’re a good liar. I’d believe you if I hadn’t seen you do it with my own eyes.” Nick gently but firmly grabbed her ankle and inspected it closer, holding it back when she tried to pull it away.

“It’s really swollen! Gina your right!” Frankie told her, his eyes glued to the Ankle that looked like it had doubled in size.

“Ew. Right give me back my ankle; I look like I’m a pregnant elephant or an old lady with ankles that big.” She tried to move her long legs of Nicks lap (and she thanked God she had remembered to shave this morning) but Joe this time intervened and placed his cool hands over it cupping her heated ankle. “It must be painful. You’re so hot…there.”

He was annoyed that she had tried to hide her pain away. What was she trying to pull, acting so strong? Nick felt something similar to Joe. She was obviously showing off in the most ironic way. He had seen girls’ showoff many times before, most of the time it was more flirtatious and obvious.

His favorite was pretending they weren’t interested and just wanted to be ‘friends’. Pshh, yeah right. So why were they ogling him when they thought he wasn’t looking. Yet even though they felt annoyed like this a part of them said it wasn’t a façade and it wasn’t to allure and impress anyone but because she genuinely didn’t want to trouble them. Plus Olive had never secretly checked them out right?

“It’ll be fine with some ice. It should heal quickly. Now let’s get back to a bigger matter. I think –mmmhm” moaned Olive before clapping her hand on her mouth. Nick smirked. After touching the ice in the cooler he had taken a hold of her ankle. The cold touch had a bigger effect than he intended. “You liked that?”

“Ever so slightly,” whispered Olive a shamed.

“Good,” Nick switched hands with the one that had been waiting in the cooler for it’s turn on Olive’s fiery but delicate area.

“Mmmm,” said Olive barely able to with hold a second sigh of relief. She didn’t even want to tell Nick that he could just put the ice pack straight on her lge. Why ruin the moment?

“You were about to say?” prompted Kevin?

“Was I?” she couldn’t remember for the life of her. Nick’s hand was so cool and numbing her pain. She had been in quiet a lot of pain but she was pain tolerant. “Er…Oh yes. Alistair. He. Must. Never. Find. Out.”

“Oh,” Kevin realized what Olive what Olive was getting at. His troubled eyes met Joe and Nicks, they had promised their new bodyguard that they could handle themselves in a mall without any backup . Oh yeah. That went well.

“Deal,” agreed Demi and the rest of the car. Olive felt more at ease now. Alistair would have probably murdered her with either a deadly Karate chop or with the pistol she just knew he hid under his leather jacket. She leaned back in her seat and tried to just focus on the pleasure she was getting from Nick’s hand. Oh god, thought Olive almost physically smacking herself. That did not sound right. At. All.

The pain relief, not pleasure.

“We’re finally home,” said Dani. She got out and quickly opened the door for Olive. Demi and Gina were already inside it seemed since Gina’s convertible was empty. “Kevin will you help me unpack the stuff in the trunk?”

Kevin winced and sheepishly moved to the back of the car. Obviously Dani wanted to talk about the mall incident. Joe and Nick tried to give him an encouraging smile.

“Glad I don’t have to deal with that,” whispered Joe as he and Nick eased Olive out of the car.

“ Joe you’d like, have did ages ago without me,” said Nick supporting Olive as she hopped to the front door.

“No I wouldn’t have.”

“You forgot that a certain someone arrive about two hours ago.”

“Who ?” asked Olive.

“No!” He felt his color draining. His eyes darted to the door and stopped moving. “No! No! NO! I forgot. The time!”

“It’s seven. Who were you expecting?” said Olive uneasily.

Joe dodged her questioning glance and turned her and Nick the other direction towards Gina’s car.

“What are you doing!” she protested. Joe sighed and asked Nick to open the door as he supported Olive. She was so light. No wonder Nick hadn’t struggled too much running with her on her back. He held her and placed his chin on the top of her head while trying to find an excuse for not being there to greet Annabelle. Obviously she must have gotten a taxi after waiting for him to show up. With dread he remembered she did have a slight impatient side. He breathed in deeply Olive’s sweet smell that was having a calming effect. He was pretty sure however, that she won’t buy Nick’s excuse ‘Olive is distracting’.

“You have to go now. Sorry this is a personal Jonas family thing. Nick will fetch Gina.”

“Who is here?” her voice was almost shaking and she felt hurt that Joe was not letting her in. There she was thinking they had grown close. “Nick?” she tried to not sound like she was whining.

“Sorry. Joe’s right. There are things we just can’t share with just anyone. Like who is coming.’ Nick didn’t want to be harsh but he wanted to be clear. Too many times people even in his own family that they were closer to than Olive had gone to the press with their personal affairs. They couldn’t trust her just yet. It wouldn’t be logical.

Joe did feel bad because something told him Olive was different. Not everyone would go to the press with news of Joe Jonas’ new girlfriend for quick cash. About 5% wouldn’t. He was almost certain she was in those odds.

“No one you need to know just yet,’ he said trying to calm her down. He hugged her good bye and started to ease her into the car.

“You don’t need to worry she’s not that important. I mean-“

“EXCUSE ME!” a girl, no a women, appeared at the front door. Joe took in her lean figure all ready for bikini season and her toned long legs that had won him over. They looked especially good today in the short playsuit she was wearing.

However he almost didn’t recognize anything else. Her hair was bleach blond and she had a lot of mascara on that out lined her violet eyes. Violet! She must be wearing colored contacts because he was used to a flat brown color. She looked a lot thinner now too and closer to a size two than her original size four. Yet it was still Annabelle with the same sharp and edgy features that said sexy more than pretty.

“No one important! Is that why you didn’t come to get me from the airport?”

Olive winced and was glad she wasn’t at the firing end of her sharp tongue. “Who is that?” she mouth to Nick. His raised eyebrows told her that he wasn’t expecting ‘that to walk out of his front door. “Is that?”

“I am Annabelle Denton, Joe’s girlfriend. Who are you?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I really like this chapter. For the Nick section, the Dani drama and the cliffy.
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