Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Is she for real?

Chapter 18

Olive’s Point of View

I watched Annabelle clip clop on her massively high stiletto shark heels as she strutted towards us. With her hand on her hips and the fierce expression on her face, she must think that every sidewalk was a catwalk. I eased my elf off Joe’s warm grip and lowered myself into the car seat. I did this cause I didn’t want to give her the wrong idea between Joe and me. I don’t know why I bothered though, it’s not like she saw me as a competition. I wasn’t anywhere good enough to threaten her. Secondly my knees felt weak and were about to give in. There was the Annabelle that had left tons of messages on Joe’s phone. I was in the presence of a Hollywood Goddess. If I was a guy I would to totally be drooling.

Her confident glare zeroed in on me and I tried to look half as pretty. She looked completely different but her face was immediately recognizable. She had done her first movie with huge success and it was already predicated that she would win an Oscar for her role and be one of the youngest ever at merely twenty. If my sources were right she had been currently working on a film that was a cross between James Bond and Tomb Raider. As I said before, I was a big fan of her work, this was probably the biggest celebrity Joe had ever dated, and boy did I feel inferior. Oh and did I mention she was very much Italian.

“Before I get on your case, let’s at least say hello, babe.” And before my very eyes she pulled in Joe and kissed him which led to a hot and fiery make out session. Nick and I uncomfortably looked away. I was remaining polite enough but when the tongues came in Nick coughed. Since when did people start thinking that public display of affection was a way of saying hello? If that was hello, than I hope I am not there to see them ever kiss each other goodnight. Nick had to cough three times.

“Oh. My bad.” Was that supposed to be sarcasms? I wasn’t sure, I was to busy being confused. Why wasn’t I jealous or mad and angry? Why didn’t I want to rip off her painted Passion red acrylic nails that were clinging on to Joe possessively? Why did I only want to know what shop she had gotten her earrings from and if they were having a sale anytime soon?

“I forgot that you were there Nick, but Babe,” she said sugar sweetly, “I haven’t seen you in months and your mother picks me up?” Gosh with that voice coming out of those lips I bet she has a lot of boys wrapped around her finger, I just don’t know what could have made Joe forget about her. It must have been something pretty darn awesome. Her low and consistently seductive voice continued. “I called you lots and lots.”

“Sorry, we got caught up in fan mayhem,” Joe said shrugging. I thought she was going to make a bigger deal out of it, but she didn’t. She left it at that. Just when I thought she’d be one of those clingy girlfriends. Darn it.

“Whatever, we got here over an hour ago and the some girl, a bunch of kids and Demi came. Why is she here?’

“She’s here for the summer,” answered Nick. To further heighten my point on how gorgeous she is I saw Nick give her the look over, not once but twice and he didn’t seem anything less than pleased.

Trying to actually be recognized as a human not an invisible object I decided to speak up and be friendly. “Yeah, isn’t it great? We were planning earlier what we should do together because I am here for the whole summer too. Well most of it anyways. Plus you even out the boy versus girl score.”

“Demetria is staying here the whole summer?”

Hummm? I don’t think she even heard me; she didn’t even look at me but fixed Joe with a slightly annoyed stare. To which Joe answered back with a warning glance.

“Fine, whatever.” Again she dropped the subject, talk about low maintenance girlfriend. Maybe she doesn’t think she has anything to really worry about. Or without completely loosing myself to my dramatic imagination, maybe she just wasn’t the type to get riled up easily like me.

Maybe we could be friends. I liked to be friends with just about everyone but over the years I’ve learned that I shouldn’t really try to befriend just anyone. As Gina told me time and time again, ‘Sorry Olive druggies, juvenile delinquents and extremist cult groups are a big no-no.’ Maybe she should add Annabelle Denton too her list. And even if it didn’t bother me so much that I saw her kiss her boyfriend it did bother me that she’d be spending and living with Joe the whole summer, because that was my exact same plan. Minus the living part.

“Let’s go inside now, this heat is giving me a headache,” she said leading him away. She and Joe disappeared through the front door and Nick sighed.

“Just stay here. I’ll get Gina and the little ones,” and he jogged in after them.

I huffed in the car seat. What was the deal now? I already knew the mystery person was his girlfriend. Though I didn’t understand what he was so against me meeting her. As I huffed and puffed while petting Oreo who was napping in Gina’s car, my head cocked up when I heard a giggles coming. Dani and Kevin came out from behind the car all giggles and very newly wed happy couple like, oblivious to that little scene that just occurred. Dani walked over with a big smile on her face.

“Thanks again Olive for getting my mind of things back there, I just apologized to Kevin for my moody behavior. He is such a sweet heart to stand me, I don’t think anyone else could; it my weak point.”

“Your only one though,” I was thrilled that she was opening up to me so much.

“Yeah right.”

“Kevin’s a sweetie he looks at you like it still your wedding day and he’s seen you for the first time.”

“Awww you are so nice Olive, come on. I’ll help you inside. The boys are so ungentlemen like to abandon you out here in this heat.”

“I’ll say!” I jumped at my chance and picked up Oreo as I hobbled into the Jonas’ grand home. The size will never stop surprising me. We came into the kitchen and after realizing that Annabelle was there Dani got a look that seemed to say ‘Oh so she’s the one. Joe sure knows how to pick them.’ Then she went to the freezer and got me an ice pack.

Annabelle was at the dinning table and Mrs. Jonas was sitting across from her with an annoyed expression on her face hidden by a polite smile. Joe was sitting next to Annabelle looking extremely uncomfortable. Must be the nerves of parents meeting the girlfriend, but that didn’t explain why he gave a put off expression when she took his hand in hers and started play with it seductively under the table way from Mrs. Jonas’ eyes.

However when he noticed me I could have sworn his whole body perked up and a small smile tugged his lips upwards. However I think I was being delusional because a millisecond later it was all gone and he looked even more uncomfortable by having me here.

Dani came back with the ice pack and mouthed to me ‘Is really her- The Annabelle?’ I answered with a weak nod and I almost heard the light bulbs go off in her head;

Annabelle = Joe’s Girlfriend=Annabelle Denton= Hot Babe =Super Star. Great I fit nowhere in this equation. Not that I wanted to be, but you know it just sucked that I didn’t. Nick and Kevin entered followed by Mr. Jonas and Frankie and they took a seat at the tense table. Kevin said, “Dani we are having a family meeting because Joe has some one to introduce to us. “

“Oh alright.” She got up reluctantly and threw a fleeting glance in my direction. I shut my eyes tight. No wonder Gina and Demi were no where to be seen. It was a formal Jonas meeting and I was overstepping my welcome. Now that she had moved everyone ‘s attention was on me.

“Olive why are you here?” Ouch Joe!

“Ummm” think fast Olive.

“I told her to come in to get a fresh ice pack and er…” help Dani.

“I had to bring in Oreo. She was too hot and I thought you like to show um- Annabelle right?- Yes I though you’d like to show her our puppy since everyone is introducing each other.”

“Your puppy?” she said the perfectly shaped eyebrows forming a deep frown. Her tone had a knife sharp edge.

“I mean Joe’s puppy. Ha-ha. I just love him! I mean her, her so much like my own. And, um, yeah.” I don’t know but I don’t think I fooled her to well. Mrs. Jonas and Dani had their hands muffling their laughs as if they knew something I didn’t. Joe looked at me strangely. I think he understood why I lied but didn’t agree with it or expect it. Boys really. Did he seriously think his girlfriend would be happy to find out he went and got a puppy with some other girl. That’s something a married couple do, before having children. Wow. Actually I never had thought of it that deeply before. Joe and I share a puppy. Sweet!

“And you are? An Olive?” I was tempted to laugh but I don’t think was making a joke.

“No! She’s Olive!” Cried out Frankie in my defense as if someone that personally insulted him. “And don’t be rude. “ She looked at Frankie like he was a pesky fly and quickly refocused her attention on me. I think I preferred it when she ignored me.

“Short for Olive. I am Olive BonChevalle. “

“Olivia, Olivia? Nope,” sad to hear I am not in her repertoire of names. “I know what everyone here does. The Jonas Brothers, their managers and parents, the wife that married a JB-“

“Excuse me,” said Mr. Jonas. “I am Paul, but you may call my wife and me Mr. and Mrs. Jonas. That’s Danielle. Not the girl that married a JB.”

“Sorry my bad, it’s the nerves.” The way she said it was very honest and though everyone believed her, I stood guarded especially with what she said next.

“So I only don’t know you is what I meant. You’re not a model, maybe an actress or singer? I mean you aren’t a model are you?” I was blushing bright red on the inside, but I knew I looked still as happy and fine on the outside. What she said hurt, because I was sure she wasn’t even trying to be mean. She just genuinely thought it.

“I think she could be,” Joe and Nick said at the same time. I was blown away by this and couldn’t believe they thought that. Joe of course looked a bit guilty when Annabelle glared at him momentarily. I saw Mrs. Jonas and Dani’s eyebrows raise at the boy’s sudden input.

“Yeah, Olive is really pretty as a model. I know because I was her assistant today,” said Frankie.

“Are you a model?” Annabelle still had that unbelieving tone in her voice that made me self conscious of my appearance.

“That’s right. She is also a photographer. Today she did a photo shoot with us for Sector 1. She was both a model and the photographer.” Dani said coming to my rescue. Annabelle looked surprised but not as much as Mr. and Mrs. Jonas.

“Sector 1! I love their stuff, it really avant guard and in the all the editorial magazine these days. Aren’t you a bit young though to be a professional photographer?”

“No, not really,” I said breezily. I tried to steer the topic off me again because I was taking up their time talking about moi again.

“Wait one moment, what is this about a photo shoot,” asked Mrs. Jonas perplex. Luckily Kevin and Dani took over and explained it to her. While they were talking I over heard Annabelle and Joe talking.

“So that’s one of the things that made you late?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Fine, but I am so pissed off. I tried to get a modeling job for sector 1 and didn’t get it. How did that olive get it, should I have gone for the plainer look?”

“Plain? What do you mean, Olive doesn’t look plain. She didn’t anyway in the shoot. She had to go very um…se…. um nice for it. She’ll show you the photos when she’s done. We all look great.”

“Nice? Well I am sorry I missed out some thing so great.” I saw her looking at me and it sort of scared me.

“Well we’ll have to check this contract in greater detail later with your managers. You’d be representing the brand and we have to make sure it would be a good thing.” All our faces crumbled. We hadn’t realized this before which was dumb of us, but we had just expected it to be a small thing at the start and then got caught up in the excitement.

“Never mind we’ll talk about it later. Olive sweetheart, it’s so good to see you. But what have you done to your ankle now?” fussed Mrs. Jonas. So much for keeping their attention off me.

“Nothing, I got careless and walked on it too much, no worries.”

“Well it’s getting late, you should get you and your little cousins home. They were half asleep when they got here but woke right up at the sight of Frankie’s room. Too cute.”

“Oh thanks Mrs. Jonas.”

“Sweetheart, call me Denise.”

“And it’s Paul to you little missy!” I giggled my agreement. I swear they had just told Annabelle to call the by Mr. and Mrs. One point for me.

“Well before I go, this is something I found at one of the stores. I thought you might like it.” I said giving them the present I had secretly gotten. It’s a group of inter locking frames, seven in all. I got it because of the J design.”

“Why that’s very king of you Olive. It’s just what we needed. But what for?”

“To thank you for helping me get my first job, even it falls through, and my ankle.”

“Thanks you are such a doll,” she got up to hug me and so did everyone else. I noticed Annabelle looked a bit uncomfortable sitting at table picking her nails.

“That’s reminds me though. I have something for you Annabelle.” Mrs. Jonas says pulling out a gift hamper full of food and homemade snacks.

“Oh” gasped Annabelle. “How nice of you. I feel bad that I haven’t thought of bringing you anything.” I was surprised by this. You all ways bring something when you stay at your boyfriend’s house with their parents and family. “But since I can’t eat any of this – I am on a strict models diet you know- it not that bad right?”

Uh? Was she for real?

“I am going to get Gina now, sorry for intruding. Joe I leave you Oreo and I’ll e-mail you the first drafts of the adverts. Bye!” I rushed out and got the others and hugged Demi good bye. I was in the car when I saw Joe run out of the house with Nick on his heel.
“Hey,” he said breathlessly.

“Hey to you too. Did I forget something?”

“Yes. I got you something at build- a-bear. It’s for you.” He handed me a large house like box while looking at me trying to read my emotion.

“What is it?”

“Something for the mother of my puppy. You didn’t have to lie you know.”

“What do you mean?”

“About Oreo. She’s ours. Yours and mine, Annabelle will have to deal with that.” I couldn’t hold his gentle eyes so I focused on opening the box. What was inside made my heart melt. I hugged the stuffed animal tightly and thanked hugger with an even bigger hug.

“It’s just what I needed. Good thinking, and thank you, it means a lot to me.”

“You’re welcome,” he hugged me tightly and I heard him breathe in deeply. Was my shampoo that nice? He stood up, ruffled my hair playfully and stepped back letting Nick come forward.

“Why are you here Nick?”

“I don’t really know. Just wanted another chance to say good bye.”

“Isn’t once enough,” I laughed.

“Never.” And he hugged me tight. I let myself relax into the hug. It was great, but confusing. Nick and Joe’s hug was exactly the same in style. Both were passing the border of friendliness and leaning into something more and I didn’t know how to respond to it. Plus I don’t think they realized they were hugging me that way. Heck maybe I was reading too much into it. It’s Gina’s fault with all her body language talk.

Gina pulled the car out of its parking spot and I waved goodbye to the two boys and that’s only when I noticed Annabelle looking out the window with a very annoyed expression on her pretty face, and the other Jonas doing the same but looking very pleased about something.

As we drove away I sighed deeply. No more emotional rushes for the rest of the day, I thought. That was before Gina turned to me and said.

“Olive we have a problem.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Right i hope you enjoy this chapter, its point was to showcase the new character Annabelle. What do you think of her? i will be posting a second chapter in the next few minutes. i felt generous.
so please comment. next chapter isn't really a chapter, more like an explanation of Olive's feelings.
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