Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Four days

The next for days went by faster than any of them had expected. Olive moved in early the next morning and surprised all the four boys when they went into Demi’s room to see what surprise in there was so great that they had to get up at six to see. At the same time Olive had taken a quick morning shower but had forgotten to bring her clothes into the bathroom, so as she walked out of the hot and steamy bathroom warped limply in a very short towel because it was ideal for travel, she met the stunned faces of the four Jonas brothers. But of course not before walking around the spacious room a bit doing a happy dance to release the excitement she was feeling.

Oh, it disappeared as soon as she turned around while doing a pirouette and saw the cringing Demi, the uncomfortable Kevin, the drooling Joe and Nick, (well she imagines that they were drooling, it made her feel better) and the excited Frankie.

Demi watch Olive stop spinning and try to steady herself while gripping on tightly to the towel that was starting to slip. Olive looked amazing, in a most particular way. She had this natural radiance, and beauty that people couldn’t get with make-up or even plastic surgery. Her hair fell down, now out of their natural big wave down past her bellybutton and is framed her startled heart shape face, and Demi decided that her best feature was her eyes. Doe like with the longest lashes around them.

Nick was mesmerized and he couldn’t understand why as much. She was one of the prettiest girls he’d ever seen. Perhaps not the hottest, with in your face beauty like Annabelle. But he thought Olive was more beautiful than anyone, especially now that he could she her like this, with her long legs up on tip toe . He blushed fiercely when he realized that what he was thinking was inappropriate for friends to think of. He tried to turn away like Kevin did straight away, or even look away but his eyes stayed fixed on her body, even when she started screaming.

“Ah!” She cried stopping short and stumbling to stand behind the bed.

“Olive!” cried Frankie, unaffected by her semi-nakedness “You’re here!”

“And naked” she cried hopping from one leg to the other jittery. She stopped when she remembered she wasn’t wearing a bra. Demi ran and pulled a cover of the bed and held it up in front of Olive.

“Well! Do you plan to continue starring at me for much longer, cause I’d like to get dressed. I don’t like dancing around in the practically nude you know. If I did I’d join a nudist camp.” said Olive seeing Nick and Joe still standing there gob smacked. “You can turn around now, like Kevin, a true gentlemen.” said Olive in a panic. She self conscious level was 500% and the way they looked at her didn’t help.

“I don’t want to be gentlemen,” said Joe. Nick glared at him along with Kevin, but Demi giggled knowingly. When Joe had gone into the room and seen Olive dancing like nobody’s business, he had an epiphany. He knew then and there that if Annabelle ever walked into the room, she’d look like a tramp compared to Olive. He’s ashamed that he had to see her dressed like this to realize it, but he did. Olive was the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world.

Frankie rushed to her and shielded her from the older brothers by standing in front of her with his arms spread wide open. “Joe. No, no, no. And Kevin no peeking.”

“What about you Frankie,” said Nick as Kevin ushered Joe and him out of the room. “You coming?”

“Of course not. I want to stay with Olive. Plus mom says I’ll only be interested in looking at girls when puberty hits.”

“Yeah, well you’re going anyway. Olive here can make even the youngest boys drool,” sighed Demi helping steer them away. They boys left and Olive was left mortified and petrified. IT was the end of her life. The Jonas brothers had seen her in a skimpy towel. Dancing around like nymph! It was the end of her life.

Actually too much happened for the rest of the day and the following days for her to dwell on it much more. Every day the Jonases packed tons of activities in. There’d be sports games play, the pool, mall, country club and she helped Mrs. Jonas prepare all three meals. They watched movies and had jams sessions. In the evening she went up to the roof with Joe and Nick and quietly worked on her photos and story while enjoying the simple company. In the morning the girls would accompany the boys out jogging, Demi was determined to put her new best friend through the superstar work ethic even though Olive wanted none of it. In the morning she’d go running into Joe’s room and shelter with him because he had unbelievably slick tactics to find ways to stay in bed.

Demi and Nick would double up and pry them both of the bed with Olive claiming that she’d rather be fat then run, not jog she points out, 6km. But of course she relented when Nick and Joe would say

“Olive we won’t love you if you’re fat,” and she’d huff and puff out of the house, muttering to herself they didn’t have to be so harsh, while behind her the others would laugh quickly realizing that Olivia was not a morning person.

Actually she did a lot of sports she that enjoyed with them. Nick on realizing that she knew nothing of baseball apart the bits and bobs she had done in elementary school, made it his mission to teach her. He’d stand behind her and bring his arms around her and they would both hold the bat. It didn’t help Olive much as any contact with him made her knees wobbly. She did seriously challenge that boys at basketball though, and she was this technique of talking about nonsense that always made them loose focus.

Dani and her would talk about everything and nothing and Olive went to her as a replacement for her older sister who she was missing terribly. Dani was very much like her older sis and she gave Dani her number, and they seemed to be getting along. Kevin had taken a role similar to Dani in Olive’s life. He taught her how to play the guitar patiently encouraging her and when Olive told him she wished she had an older brother he looked at her seriously and pricked his figure with a needle, did the same for her and joined together their thumbs declaring that she now had an older brother in him.

Furthermore Olive had officially a new best friend in Demi who was stuck to her like glue. They’d finish each other’s sentences and liked the same sort of things. Demi was more rock than Olive, a lot more, but they complimented each other. Demi introduced Olive, via phone, to a lot of her own friends like Miley, and she promised Olive that she’d get to meet her friends at a later date.

Frankie was an angel and was always quick to compliment Olive and anything she did. Together they pulled many pranks on the whole family and on one of the days he and his band performed for her, their new song called Peanut butter and Olive. It was too sweet. At night Olive could barely sleep afraid that it would all disappear. There’s no point in sleeping when the reality is better than your dreams.

Mrs. Jonas came to the conclusion that she hoped that Olive would perhaps become a daughter-in-law. There would be no one more suitable for her Nick then an Olive, she was sure of it. And she had seen the way her son would always take time out to teach her things like the guitar and golf when they went to the club every day.

Nick always smiled when he looked at her or spoke of her. Every morning after their run he’d play the guitar while she did the piano and they perform together. Though Olive refused to sing, she helped Nick with his music writing and as a writer she had a knack for lyric writing. Mrs. Jonas never saw Nick happier then when he was with Olive. He was blushing all the time, writing love songs and she’d bet anything that they were all inspired by Olive. His close to depressive mood he had before coming had disappeared.

Olive had spotted Nick getting ready to take his shot of insulin that first day and had asked if she could prep him.

“What do you mean prep?” Nick had become comfortable with being a diabetic a long time ago, but it had always been a rough patch with girls.

“Well for my father what I do every time is I kiss my finger.” She did so and then placed it on Nicks exposed hip and made small circles were the needle was going to go. Nick watched he intently and suppressed the need to moan and shiver.

“That numbs it. Then you do the shot, and I do it again. The second time to heal it. Well that’s what my father told me my kisses did, but I was like four at the time.”

“I can feel it working already,” Nick said thanking her. So from then on Olive prepped Nick for his shots and it Mrs. Jonas knew it meant a lot to him. Most of his past girlfriends couldn’t stand needles and seeing him do it, which made it uncomfortable for him. With Olive he could actually relax and she managed to make him anticipate the next moment.

And who else could Olive be with that’s more perfect for her than her son Nick. Apart from Joe Mrs. Jonas couldn’t see who, and though she was more mature, Joe was slightly too old for her wasn’t he?

Well Demi didn’t think so; Of course she still believed that Olive was twenty, something Olive had never gotten around to clearing up. Demi had seen the way Joe would act around Olive and as Joe’s best friend she knew how to tell when he liked someone…a lot. He’d always tease her, and hug her. There was never an end to the tickling the sessions they shared. She’d ride on the handle bars of his bike and never stop playing round with what he called Olive’s ‘shimmering locks’. But what really made it clear to Demi that Joe had moved on not only from Annabelle, but from her, was that he had pick up his camera again and was taking pictures all the time.

He had stopped after their break-up, but now he’d always be taking candid pictures of Olive, and filming her every move. He watched her through the lens captivated and completely and utterly bowled over by her. During their talks Joe had sometimes lost his train of thoughts and would start daydreaming and get a love struck look in his eyes. He was spending hours in bathroom every morning ever since Olive told him that his hair was her favorite feature. She knew he had it, and bad.

And then there was Oreo, that little furball that bonded them together. Oreo would always push Joe and Olive to sit next to each other so that she could spread herself out on both their laps. They raised her together, teaching her tricks, house training her. The good and the bad.

Demi saw this and it was bittersweet. Joe was her ex and Olive her best friend and she knew no one that would better for Joe than her or Olive. And Olive was so perfect for the Jonas family so Joe would be ideal for Olive. Who else was there…except for Nick perhaps. But Nick was a couple years younger and that’d be awkward, so Demi decided that Nick’s innocent flirting with Olive probably didn’t mean he liked her as well.

But she couldn’t be sure.

Olive, the one in the center of all this remained as naïve and ignorant as ever, telling herself that she was being stupid and delusional every time she thought Joe said something that might mean he liked her. And Nick…Oh! When he sang to her those new songs. It felt like he was serenading. Give her a balcony and a full moon and she’d be set. She needed Gina, because in truth she was afraid to talk to Demi since Demi thought she was twenty, she wouldn’t understand the whole problem. Gina had agreed to come on the mini trip and said that it was a perfect way to execute the next phase of their plan.

“In all great romance stories, there is a pinnacle event that makes the heroes realize they truly love this girl.”

“What’s that?” asked Olive skeptically, with Gina, it could be anything.

“A life threatening situation that causes that hero to save the heroine,” what Gina said was true, Romantic heroes were suckers for damsels in distress.

“It already happened in the woods remember. The man eating chipmunk?”

“That was too early on, in the stages. Plus Joe was still with Annabelle. He couldn’t whisk you away to far far away then could he?”

Well why not? Wondered Olive but she held her tongue. “Gina, I am not going to purposefully put my life in mortal danger just to find out who is my knight in shining armor. It’s a sinfully good idea, but it wrong.”

“Who said about doing it on purpose? You Olivia will probably get into some sort of trouble at this terrible the Rox, without even meaning to. Trust me; you’ll even be involved with something worse than they’ve ever seen.”

“What’s worse then dying? And Gina, if I die, I am so coming back to haunt you.”

“Love you to Olive, dear. See you bright and early tomorrow! I am all packed, can’t believe it’ll take a day just to get there. Go to go, got the boyfriend on hold. Ta-ta!”

Seriously, thought Olive, I’ve got to get better friends, ones that don’t rush of to speak to their boyfriends after asking you to try and get critically injured.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you all laughed and enjoyed. Please tell me if you did, I want to know if I am actually funny. Hope you love Olive as a character.
All will be revealed at the Rox I promise. That's all I can say.
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