Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

A puppy for Jonas

The drive home was short. As it turns out Westlake wasn’t that far from the airport. I spent the journey getting to know the little ones, and boy were they cute. That previous worry that they were going to be a lot to handle soon flew out the window. They gobbled up everything I said and listened very well for people their age. It was great because it would mean I could take them along with me when I went searching for the Jonas. It seemed like there would be a lot of searching to do. The main worry was that though the house was in the same neighborhood as the Jonas’ it would still be far away. And even if it wasn’t how was I going to ‘encounter’ them? If they went out they probably tried to disguise themselves and I could just walk past them without noticing. Plus I really wanted to get to ‘know’ them. Not just see them tell them my name and get an autograph. I dreamed of something more meaningful. I’d have to get introduced to them, by someone that knew them.

We reached the house and I was taken away by how beautiful it was. It was considerably smaller than the outrageously large houses that where all round it, but it was beautiful. I turned to my aunt who was getting the kids out. “Gosh, you house is amazing. I haven’t even been inside yet. I didn’t know you did gardening?”

“Thanks sweetie, but you forget I am a columnist for numerous housekeeping magazines. Decorating is my job.” She gave a short chuckle and led me in. Uncle had the camera back on and was filming my looks of astonishment and fascination. Especially when I entered the kitchen and saw that a brunch had already been laid out. I hadn’t eaten very much in the past year. I had under gone a huge diet to prepare me for this summer and I had told myself that it’d finish once I got in Texas. However, I would still have to prevent myself from eating all of my aunts food. There was so much, and it didn’t look all too healthy. I know that I had to maintain my figure for when I met the J.Bs.

I excused myself and went into the room that would be mine for the next couple of weeks. I had serious thinking to do and I was feeling very conflicted about how I didn’t have a clue on how I was going to meet up with the Jonas Brothers. I had sort of figured I’d just know what to do when I go here. And that the main reason I had come to Dallas was to see my old friends. Deciding that my best and oldest friend Georgina would know what to do I gave her a call. She would be expecting me anyway. We where planning on spending as much time together as possible this summer. I dialed her number and when she heard my voice she screamed. Loudly.

“Olive! I can’t believe it. Have you arrived yet? Wait what address are you relatives? It’ll be so good to see you.” Her voice had not changed to slightest over the years, it was still as friendly and open, though currently slight over enthusiastic.

“Hey, Gina. Um, yes I have arrived and everything is fine. But guess what.”


“I spotted the Jonas brothers at the airport today and they thought my suitcase was cool. Can you believe it?”

“Umm, Olive?” she said calling me by my nickname. My nickname is a bit strange in the way that is unusual compared to Liv and Livvy like other Olivias I know, but that’s how it’s always been. “You’re not going to talk about the Jonas Brothers again are you. I mean, you don’t obsess over t them it, it’s just that I can’t believe that you like them. I mean they are... ugh.” I could imagine her shivering when she said that. As much as we get along, and agree about everything, the JBs have never really been a point of agreement.

“Yes, I know you don’t like me talking about them but I need to know why? What am I missing here? Why are they so bad.”

“It‘s not their fault, Olive. I know that it’s not their fault they have grown up in such a terrible environment. I’m sure if they had only found the right girl for them they wouldn’t so…so…well you know.” Actually I really didn’t. But I knew that if I was ever going to be able to make my mark on the Jbs then I’d need her help. So I played along.

“I see. Who do you think would be an ideal girl for them then?”

“Oh come on Olive, I can so hear you hinting, ‘pick me, pick me’. But actually you’d suit them quite well. In fact you’d suite just about anyone. It must because your psychological balance is-“ and of went Gina into another one of her people analysis. She wanted to become anything to do with the physiology.

Yet it actually gave me an idea. When we were still together we would pick a person as a project. We sort of gave them a personality make over. We’d get them to confine in us and them help them with their problems. It helped Gina ‘gain experience’ as she called it. And me it made me feel good to help out people, and gave me material for my stories. What if we took the Jonas Brothers so called ‘problem on not having the right girl’ and tried to fix it ourselves.

“Gina, how about this. I have a relationship with one of them. Like you said they need a girl that wouldn’t be such a bad influence on them.” Gina didn’t respond and the line went quiet for a while.

“Gosh Olive, you’re really infatuated by them aren’t you. I don’t really know why, but as your friend I can only support you in your crush stage. Or should I say crushes. I mean, you can’t really like them if you can’t even pick one of them, right?”

“Oh I do, I like Joe the best.”

“Right… Well don’t freak out okay. I’m going to tell you something I have never told any friend. I know them. “


“I know them. My dad, knows their dad quite well. I’ve been to their new house here. Once!” she said emphasizing the last part.” I could believe this. No freaking way.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“Because you and everyone else you use me to get to them. And you only started ‘liking’ them recently anyway.”

“Not true. Come I understand that it might seem like I am getting through them by you, but please. Introduce us. I mean I was prepared to host a major stakeout and stalk them or something. Okay I wasn’t really. But if I don’t meet them when they’re so close this summer, I’ll be really bummed.” I heard her huff down the line. Was I being ridiculous? Probably. Did I sound obsessed, possibly. But did I really mean it. Yes. I didn’t even ever call myself Mrs. Jonas, or wished to marry them or date them or anything. I just wanted to really know them. They sounded interesting, and that was putting it lightly.

“Fine. Only because you are the nicest person I know and you’re my best friend. I’ll ask my dad to somehow invite ourselves over. Now my priority is to help you achieve your goal, and to make you friends with the JBs. Well before we can even think of meeting them we have to do one very important thing.”

“What’s that?” I asked nervously. Her sudden change in mood and her labeling this as her mission made me very worried.

“We have to make you irresistible!” and with that a loud high pitch giggle was heard. I seriously think she reinvented the mad laugh. So for the next half hour we talk on the best way of making me unforgettable, because Gina wisely pointed out to me, they meet tons of girls everyday, and I had to be able to sell all my assets. When I asked her what were my assets and best features were, the line went quite for a while and she said “Um…I’ll call you later. I’ve just realized that I have a lot of work to do. Love you.”

I couldn’t believe it. How was I supposed to take such a comment? Obviously I was lacking in the beauty department. But I convinced myself that since I wasn’t trying to become their girlfriend it didn’t matter. I mean, I hadn’t met them yet. I would probably hate them, and be extremely disappointed. They could easily be rude, arrogant, cocky, big headed and tons of other stuff.
The thing is I didn’t want to believe it. And I had to know what they were really like. Hence this trip and the meeting tomorrow. Anyway, what I had to do is impress them with my personality, and be approachable. I seriously hope I am more skilled in the personality section then looks. I’ve moved so many times but I have never been bullied, or had enemies. I’m a people person, I like everyone and it takes a lot to get me mad, and an even so much more for me to get a grunge about it. Gina worries about me constantly, she says I am too trusting, and that I’ll get stepped on with the first guy I fall for. Well I’d like to remind her that though I am sixteen, and 17 in September, I never had a boyfriend. Moving around doesn’t give you time to really build a lasting relationship and plus remember before this year I was ‘curvy’.

My Uncle interrupted my musing and told me that they had something to show me. They had been great and had given me that hour to settle in and call Gina. I followed him through the house and into the living room where my aunt was sitting on the couch holding a dog. And let me make this very clear. I am an animal lover, thanks to my grandmother, who kept several over the years. And like everyone I’ve seen all to picture perfect dog calendars, which seem inexistent in really life. However this puppy, because it was a tiny little thing, was simply gorgeous. It had incredibly amazing eyes that were blue gray and where huge for his little face. The funny thing is that he had a milk brow colored coat on the top, and a vanilla white underbelly and thighs. Then he had his legs and paws milky brown as well like it was little socks. My little cousins were sitting all round Aunt Eliza, there little mouths opening wide in amazement at his slightest movement.

An amazing thing happened. As I stepped in closer to get a better look at this beauty, he looked up at me and wagged his tail furiously. He bounded out of my surprised aunts arm and came running for me. It hopped up and down trying to get on his back leg, but he was so young that he was still clumsy. I understood the message and pick him up and he actually nuzzled my neck and stayed their quietly apart for his tail that was still whipping the air around.

“He is incredibly cute. I didn’t know you had puppy. He so little and so…so everything.” My aunt chuckled at my amazement and stood up and came to caress its soft coat.

“Sadly ‘she’” she corrected me, “Isn’t ours. We found her two days ago and we couldn’t find any owners. We planning on bringing her to the pound since, George has allergies. But we wanted you to meet her. I am surprised at how much she like you. She’s really clinging on to you isn’t she? Though she is slightly large that is only because she’ll grow up to be a large dog, but you can tell she still only a few month old. She should really still be with her mother. Would you like to come with us and take her to the pound tomorrow?”

“Uh, yes, whatever.” I was transfixed on this little pup. I could feel it’s little heart racing against my shoulders. Then it clicked.

“WHAT?” I shouted suddenly making the puppy whine. “The pound. Are you serious? Aunt Eliza they put dogs to sleep there. “

“People will pick her really quickly and she won’t even be there for half a day.”

“No way, not possible. She is too sweet for that. I’ll find her a home please let me find her an owner. I’ll do a better job then some pound worker.” Images rolled through my head of all the movies that had pounds in it and how sad the dogs always seemed; Lady and the Tramp, Garfield, Bolt, Hotel for Dogs, 101 Dalmatians, and lots of others. I think I started crying.
“Please I can’t do this to her, she trusts me. Look.”

I pointed to the way she her little paws had clung to my shoulder blade. I tried to hand her my aunt away and try to talk to my uncle who was in the next room, who had preferred to stay as far from the cause of his allergies as possible. I had only taken a couple of steps when I heard the strangest sound. It sounded like crying but more whiny and moany. I turned around perplex and saw to my astonishment, puppy trying to get out of my aunts arm to get to me. It was beyond strange. It sounded like she was crying. My aunt rushed over and handed her back to me, with a pucker of her mouth.

“I don’t know what it is about you, but you must smell awfully good. She is cling on to you like you’re her mother. Fine you have two days to find her an owner. It shouldn’t be too hard when she so cute. Make sure to not get too attached to Olivia.”

It was too late though and my aunt knew it. As I made my way back to my room to get to know the little one better, I tried to think of who I would be seeing soon that might be in need of a puppy. Then it hit me. Joe Jonas didn’t have a dog. Nick had adorable Elvis, and I think Kevin and Danielle got one too, but not Joe. I knew then that she just had to be taken in by them. She would get an amazing life. I mean celebrity dogs always have a good glamorous lifestyle.

Now I knew she had the cuteness factor. Uncle George had petted her for a good five minutes and he had always hated dogs because they give him allergies and puppy hadn’t been any different. He had been sneezing every since. But Joe might not have thought of getting a puppy just yet. What needed to happen was the she had to be just as lovable to him as she was to me. I realized after watching my aunt cousins around the house that though they liked puppy they didn’t interact with her or speak to her, like I did. Maybe that’s what made her warm up to me. So she needed to hear Joe’s voice. Well no problem. I went on the computer and played song after song with only Joe’s part audible. I showed her pictures and we watched his interviews. Right okay so, I was doing most of the watching but she sometimes stopped playing with whatever it was to look at the screen. And she’ll most definitively recognize his voice.

The plan was set. Get invited to lunch tomorrow, bring puppy along and Joe will fall in love. With puppy of course, not me. Although it wouldn’t so bad if he liked me. We could come as a packaged deal. Oh Olivia focus, I told myself. That night I went to bed after a lovely dinner and having bathed the children and tucked them in. I had forced myself not to fall asleep though I was incredibly jet lagged. Puppy had so far not left my site, it was like a little baby, she whined if I ever left the room, and if she saw me she would follow me or whine again. I found it cute and adorable. I fell asleep fast with puppy under the covers with me shuffling around not at all sleepy but unwilling to leave my side, while I was dreaming of tomorrow.
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Third chapter. I hope to story is going well so far, and that I've made Olive an interesting character. Comment would really be helpful. Tell me what you think of the puppy idea? ( and no Puppy isn't it's actually name, she just hasn't been named yet). Next chapter is where they finally meet, yay!