Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Growing Emotions and Tensions

The door of the small music room we were in opened and Gina, Nick and Kevin’s head popped in with surprised expressions on their face. I stepped away and threw them a smile. Joe jumped away from me like I was a bomb or something. He shuffled trying to act relaxed, I don’t know why he was so bothered it’s not like he did anything. Of course by the expression of the three open mouthed intruders it looks like they think he just had.

“I am sorry guys. Just Joe-’”

“Don’t say anything,” Nick’s voice shook and Kevin looked at him curiously. Gina looked away unable to watch the scene. She told me off with her eyes before scanning the room. I saw her eyes fall on the laptop and contract envelop.

“Thanks for the publisher guys!” I said hastily.

Nick’s brow creased and he bit the in side of his cheek sign he is upset and worried about something, I didn’t know Joe telling me the surprise ahead of time would bother him so much. He couldn’t honestly think I really lip kissed Joe right.

“I get it! So Joe you told her about her surprise already, trust you not to keep a secret.” said Gina finally realizing what was happening. “Olive does tend to get over enthusiastic when she’s happy.”

“Oh the surprise, you were just excited about surprise. Yes, it was just the effects of the surprise that made him right?” He thanked God and bent over releasing a deep sigh.

I thanked them again by kissing their cheeks as well, to prove the innocence behind the one between me and Joe’s. We were quiet for a moment. “The surprise isn’t completely ruined I promise. I can still act surprise when you and Kevin tell me about. So don’t be mad. I begged Joe to tell me.”

Obviously the idea of me and Joe celebrating something else bothered him. Joe scowled and looked surprised by Nick’s relief.

“You deserve it Olive. We’ve arrived now so I am going to step out okay?” Joe said through a tight jaw, a sudden look of suspicion was aimed at Nick. “Nick could I speak to you for a moment?” he left no room for argument but Nick shook his head.

“One sec, I’ve got to talk to Olive as well you know.”

Joe’s face became constrained and he hurried bumping past me roughly. I felt an aura of anger envelop him. But his sudden mood swing worried me.

Gina running after him a look of guilt on her face and Kevin followed after him before congratulating me once more. “It was Joe’s idea you know. He arranged everything. I wish I could take credit. Joe said it was the least he could do but he wants a dedication on the first page.”

I turned to Nick who was leaning pensively against the wall, his eyes fixated on me. He played with his lips trying to relax.

“What just happened Nick, between you and Joe.”

“Nothing, I’ll talk to him right after this.”

“I can wait, you should talk to him. I don’t want to prevent you from-“

“No. I have to finally do this. I have my own surprise for you to Olive. I was going to wait until later to tell you. Hell, I didn’t even know I wanted to tell you this until Gina talked to me and I just saw you now. I have to make myself clear.” He sat down one of the stools and took a hold of my hand. Like being plugged in my heart started racing.

“I’ve found my person Olive. The one that I feel free with, you know? The one that I know can accept all that this Nick Jonas, The Nicholas Jonas and the youngest member of the Jonas Brothers. She’s a good person, the best in morals and personality. She cares for everyone and is always smiling. She has no flaws that are true flaws. Every mistake she makes brings out the best of her. She’s made me feel confident in myself again, but at the same time a nervous wreck. I am not good enough for her; she’s about three years older”

“Nick, that’s not exactly, really, completely, like a hundred percent…“ I didn’t know how to break it to him, .

“But it doesn’t matter,” he said firmly. “I need her by my side either way. I promised her under a meteor shower that I’ll stay with her forever. And I plan to, originally as her friend but now as her boyfriend.” I was shaking noticeably and he took a hold of me, his arms warm around me pulled me in and I inhaled his cool cumber and mint smell. Was this where I belonged? Everything felt right. I had all the symptoms: sweaty palms, shortness of breath, racing heart, mouth butterfly explosion in my stomach.

“Olive I really like this girl, more than she does. But I want to make her change her mind.” He cradled my face in his hands, his ring cold on my flaming skin. “Will she have me as her boyfriend?”

“I don’t know you should ask her, but I think she’d be mad to refuse.” He’s lips curved up.

“Olive will you go out with me?” That was it. My name, ‘go out with me’, and Nick Jonas’s mouth. All together. Bliss. I smiled to myself and my heart fluttered, or was it my gut. Maybe indigestion. But something inside me happened. I thought back to when I first saw them a over a week go.

“Olive, when you are asked out you have to answer-“

“Do I have to?” I joked nervously having trouble maintain his heated gaze.

“Sort of the point. Let’s try again. Olive will you go out with me. I’d –“

“Sorry but I am not allowed.”

“What?”He cried startled. I slapped my hand to my mouth.

“Opps, that’s what my mother told me to say if I was asked out. Reflex drilled into me for years.”

“Oh, so are you allowed?” he said uncertainly.

“Yes.” I was stalling.
“So will you?” Nick chuckled. Gosh I must be taking ages in answering, but I kept thinking about what Joe might want to ask me earlier. Gina said, the one that care the most about me will act the fastest. But how was I sure?

“Can I start next week?” I whispered meekly.

“Olive!” he exclaimed exasperated. “I am being serious here. Do you…Do you n-not want to.Just say and I’ll understand.”

“I’ve never had a boyfriend before. My mother said I couldn’t have one until I am eighteen. So lack of experience.”

“You turned eighteen two years ago.”

“What?” I couldn’t tell him the truth.

“What?” he replied back confused.

“So I am nervous. You’ve got tons of… experience. You’ll be disappointed with me.” I had to prepare him for what was in store. Demi told me when ever you are asked out you’ve got to make your situation clear.

“Doesn’t matter.”

“You’ll have to teach me everything, how to kiss, how to hold hands romantically, how to plan a date. I’ll be no fun as a girlfriend.”

I really should just say yes already, sweep up the boy, hire out a privet island and sink the boat. But my nerves were taking over. Now that the moment had come up I wasn’t sure anymore. I kept thinking what about Joe. What if I hurt his feeling. But then again what if he never considered asking me. What if I end up alone.

I am a terrible big decision maker.

“I don’t care Olive. You are perfect just like this. Do you even like me?” Nick was besides himself and taking a hold of my hand than letting go and nervously running them through his hair. What a sadist I was making him wait.

“More than I legally should if I am driving. I am sort of drunk on you.” That cheered him up and he strummed his guitar and played a small tune.

you, you like driving on a Sunday
you, you like taking off on Monday
you, you’re like a dream, a dream come true

i, i’m just a face you never notice
now i’m just trying to be honest
with myself, with you, with the world

you might think that i’m a fool
for falling over you
but tell me what i can do to prove to you
that it’s not so hard to do
give love a try, one more time
‘cause you know that i’m on your side
give love a try, one more time

in your eyes, when i saw them for the first time,
and that i was gonna love you for a long time
with a love so real, so right

how did it play out like a movie,
now every time its beat can move me,
and i can't get your smile off my mind...

‘cause you might think that i’m a fool
for falling over you
and tell me what i can do to prove to you
that it’s not so hard to do
give love a try, one more time
‘cause you know that i’m on your side
give love a try, one more time
one more time
” he finished.
“I can’t believe you chose that one,” I giggled. I hadn’t been able to stop smiling when he sang. He’s sang in front of me before, but never…romantically. “It’s a bit too similar to the scene in the show no?”
“No, the words were just perfect for it.” He put his guitar away. “We can date Olive. Feel how we flow together. Okay.” He caressed the back of my hand with his thumb. Let’s take a chance. Let’s see where this will take us. Will you?” His russet toned eyes were serious, he meant every bit. I could place my rabbit hear in his hands.

“Of course,” I smiled. ‘Where do I sign?”

I have no experience with boys and here I was getting my first boyfriend as Nick Jonas, the daydream of millions of girls. I wondered if I bit off more than I could chew, and the fear that I did started grow as he stood up and took a step closer.

“You sign right here,” he said leaning in to me with my back against the wall and his hands on either side of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOOW! Chapter thirty and it's a big one.
So come on you have to tell me what you thought of it.
By the way if you thought this was drama, you haven't even read the bit about the Rox yet. It's going to be really really tense.