Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

The cave

This will be rated R. I didn't make it too graphic I hope, there is some language. If it is too much in the next chapter Olive will explain what happened so you can read that instead.

Chapter 33-

Olive jumped up in fright at the sound of Jake’s menacing voice that tickled the back of her neck. He stood right behind her, suddenly only inches away coming out of the darkness of the deep cave like a bad dream. In the split second before she jumped away Olive could feel the heat emitting from his body, and his menacing aura sent a shiver down her spine.

She twisted her body around and backed away at the same time, trying to face him but at the same time keep her distance. The way he loomed above her, his six feet four stature dwarfing her reminded her of all his boxing accomplishments he had boasted to Annabelle about. His stare was even more unnerving it was as if he was sizing her up, the way a tiger watches it’s pray before it launches.

A smile appeared on his face and Olive slightly relaxed, the crooked grin reminded her that this was Jake she was thinking about. She knew Jake, they were on speaking terms, and so he shouldn't want to hurt her. They traveled on the same tour bus for Christ’s sake, he wasn’t a stranger.

“H-ha! Ha!” her laugh was weaker than she had hoped, “Um…Do I owe you money?” Her forced chuckle did nothing to stir the muscles of Jake’s smirking face, instead his look became more intense and Olive stomach sank when she saw a glimmer in his eyes and he took a step forward. Before she could stop what she knew was going to happen, Jake lifted up a hand and slap pushed Olive across the room. Her whole body went flying and she hit the jagged wall of the cave, knocking her head hard before she collapsed onto the floor.

He looked at her, a heap on the cool ground and tutted. Olive heard him walk towards him, his feet making a slapping noise as they hit the water in the puddles that covered the humid cave. Pain, though, filled her mind more. It was as though a hot poker had been pressed to her cheek and afterwards needles, it stung so much. She hadn’t been afraid up until now, before it was confusion, but now the confusion was put on hold and the sole need to get out of this situation over took her.

Jake walked towards Olive and crouched down getting to her level and pushed back her long hair that had fallen into her face. Olive looked at him trying to understand something about this situation. He let go of her hair and grabbed her arms instead. He lifted her up, pressing her against the wall at the same time and Olive felt, her t-shirt rip in several places were jagged rocks from the rock face caught on to her shirt and pierced through to her skin. She held back her groan and focused on tightening her jaw. His firm grip on her small arms made them bruise instantly and her feet kicked as they rose several inches of the ground and a long with that her head banged back against that wall as well when Jake suddenly pressed his lips against hers. It throbbed and it took her a moment to stop seeing stars, but the worst sensation was by far the foreign feeling of his lips, dry and chapped due to the dry heat outside, invading her own. She twisted her head away and tried to suppress the feeling of bile ridding up.

“That was my first kiss, and boy was it a disappointment,” growled Olive now angry that this kiss she had been hopping to get to share with Nick was so violently taken away from her.

Jake only laughed, ”Look here, Olive, I don’t have time for your wise cracks right at this minute. You’re funny but right now… I. Don’t. Care.” With each annunciated word he tightened the grip on her arms as if he was trying to squeeze everything out of her. He said it in her ear his chapped lips irritating her as it rubbed uncomfortably, but his words worried her even more.

What the heck was going on?

Words were coming back to her and again Olive said putting as much acid as she could in her tone, “Why are you doing this? I did nothing to you. Nothing. What give you the right to show me how much of a bad kisser you are?” Her tone was more accusing and reproachful than the terrified Jake had expected. He was irritated that she wasn’t reacting the way he and Stephen had planned.

He lifted her even higher, grinning in satisfaction when her scowl wavered and she let out a small squeak, and then threw her back across the room. She skidded across the floor and landed in a pile near the entrance of the cave, she had covered a good ten feet. Her legs were now bleeding perfusively and felt like they had been stripped to ribbons. Tears filled her eyes and released. They made burning acid trails down her cheek and her throat ached from trying to stay quiet. She had
aches everywhere and sitting up hurt.

“Why do you think? Why, little Olive, did I do all this?” he challenged her to answer him another smartassed answer and get thrown around again. “Who is it that we could possibly be wanting to get payback with?” he crouched down to her eye level and cocked his head in the most unnerving way. She saw the accumulation of sweat on his brow that had trickled down from his hairline. The musty smell made her nose curl and she turned her head away, her discuss obvious.

He didn’t like that.

Jake grabbed her jaw in one hand, and almost broke her neck snapping it back towards him. “Ow!” she wailed, again this time with a touch of annoyance. The pain was hard to deal with, but this psychopath even more. "I don't know what sort of mental disability you have that would make you think payback by beating me up would help? Is this about me and Nick dating?"

That was the only recent event that had happened around him, and ever since then Olive had notice him and Stephen whispering to each other when they looked at her and they had kept throwing weird glances in her direction. "Are you jealous of Nick because he is with me?" Olive was taking a gamble, but what else could explain that messed up kiss, plus Gina had said the boys had been checking her out.

"Hell no!" he exclaimed pushing her away with a punch to the stomach. "Me want you?" his disbelief was truly insulting, but Olive barely paid attention to it. She concentrated on clutching her stomach and trying to control the tears that were making breathing difficult. She wanted this to stop, right now. It wasn’t funny at all anymore.

"T-then" she managed to whisper, trying to not open her mouth too wide, as her lip was split. "I am wrong to think your going to rape me?" Olive, made vocal the fear she had since he kissed her, and prayed that she was more wrong then she’d ever been before. She looked towards him and to her horror she saw his belt was in his hand.

"No Olive, you're right about that one, but it's nothing personal. Stephen is holding up Nick and Joe with the game, and Kevin should be oblivious. No one would know that I’ve done you until it's too late. I am sorry, I really like you but we felt this was the best way to get back at them for all those chances they took from us."

Olive realized now that she couldn’t get out of here alone. Her mind racing she looked at the entrance of the cave where she was now quite close to, but gasped in shock as she realized that she was in no state to climb back down again. The steep rock face was hard enough to climb up but down would be treacherous. Instead Olive grabbed her walkie talkie, and having no time to type in the code for Nick’s walkie, contacted Frankie, the last number she had dialed.

“HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!” she cried out not only to the walkie but to the world as well. She knew there was a slim chance someone heard her but she had to try. Scanning rapidly the surrounding she saw someone about two- three miles away from her higher up position. “HELP, H-“ Jake stopped her clamping her mouth shut and kicking her in the gut. He grabbed her walkie talkie and threw it out of the cave, where to Olive’s despair, it broke into a dozen pieces like her hope. Olive felt like passing out but her fear made her lucid.

Once Jake was satisfied that he had punished her enough for almost ruining his plan he pounced on her and ripped the bottom of the t-shirt into a thin strip as though it was nothing more than tissue paper.

“W-w-w-w…” mumbled Olive.

“What’s that I can’t here you?” he pulled at the strip of clothing testing out it’s resistance.

“I don’t get it? Before… before you gag me let me say five things. P-Please!”

He had tied her hands together with his belt. “I don’t have time for this. Talk but I won’t slow down.” He looked down at his watch wish read ten o’clock, and groaned.

“You will get caught, and jail is so bad in Texas! You don’t want that.” Olive forced the words to leave her thought even though talking her.

“Ha! Don’t care. I’ve though of everything, we’ve got our connections.” He said all this while he tried pulling down the kaki combat pants that Olive was trying to keep on by wriggling twisting and pulling. She gave kicks but they only met empty air, and then Jake quieted her down by kicking her in the tights with his heavy combat boots.

“Kevin was your best friend, he’ll hate you, and they’ll all hate you.” Olive begged him to understand, and tried to make him focus on what she said instead of taking of her t-shirt.

“They already dislike me and we already hate them. I was the one that introduced him to Dani, you know. I was supposed to get her, but no, the pop star gets her. And his brothers, I could care less what they thought of me, they convinced Kevin not to vouch for us at any of our audition. I don’t need them.” At times Olive wasn’t sure if he was even talking to her, but more like his conscience, he was determined to see this through even if he brought down innocent people.

“Nick will totally kill you for this,” she spat. Olive had been pleading in her head that Nick will get here soon as Frankie contacts him.

“I’m pretty sure I can handle Nick.”

“When I tell them they’ll go straight to the cops and –“

“This again? Are you going to tell them I raped you? Because that would be telling them you are no longer a virgin but a dirty little whore, whose done it before marriage. How will they feel about that? How could Nick ever look at you again? Sure it wouldn’t have been your fault but it would still go against everything he believed. The point of the payback is to make them sorry they ever lived, and hurting you they all cared about so, so much is the way. If you tell them I did more than just beat you up, well you’ll have to say bye-bye to the Jonases, could you live with the shame?”

Jake roared with diabolic laughter while Olive just cried, not holding back this time. She paid no attention to what he was doing, she was almost naked now, her top pushed up and her pants removed, but her mind was only on what Jake had said. She and Nick couldn’t be together anymore, and even Joe and Kevin wouldn’t be able to look at her anymore, now that she’ll be so dirty.

“N-no. J-just no!“ she blubbered trying once more to stop him, “I am not pretty, I have no experience, I haven’t had a shower and not at all flexible, wouldn’t you rather rape a women then a young girl? My breast are only a D, don’t you perverts like double Ds? I don’t know how to do anything at all,” Olive said all this as quickly as she could trying to think of all the reasons why a person would be put of raping her, but by the amused expression on Jake’s face it wasn’t working. Time to bring out the big guns because though Olive was trying to focus on ways to get out of this mess, she was still away of Jake who was groping her body and touching her in such a vile way that she couldn’t ever imagine look at herself ever again.

“You’ll have to try better than that, little Olive. Stephen pulled the short straw, he wanted to do this, but hey- one of us had to keep the boys focused on the game.” Jake bent his neck and bit Olive’s collar bone delighted to find out how soft her skin was there, and plus saying she stinked was a lie; her deodorant smelled exquisite.

Olive wince in pain as Jake planted numerous hickeys all over her chest and she tried to move him, but he lay on top of her and his heavy boxing weight prevented her from shacking him. What could she do? Of course she had imagined getting raped before, and it had been so different, not as scary, not as painful and not as repulsive. Jake’s saliva was left behind from his grotesques kisses all the way down her stomach.

“Don’t do it, because, because,” Jake growled in frustration, her constant chatter was starting to annoy him. Wasn’t she supposed to be in hysterics and begging him, and pleading? This was no fun.

“Don’t! I’m not a virgin, and the truth is I have Aids, so unless you want to die, back off?” Olive said disbelieving that she had actually said that to him. Jake stopped moving with his bear paws on her upper tights. She looked ashamed and embarrassed and wouldn’t look at him.

“What the fuck?” Jake screamed punching her hard several times, “You are a whore! I actually helped Nick out on this one. Shit!” Something bothered him though.

“Not a virgin are you, well I’ll just check,” said Jake. Olive’s terrified looked and shriek of protest when his fingers crept closer confirmed his assumption. He blocked out her screams by gagging her finally afraid that though they were pretty far up and away from most of the activity of the rock that someone might hear her. Pretty soon he had his answer.

“You lying Bitch! I’ll teach you to play games,” soon Olive realized the nightmare had only begun as Jake ravaged her body, she tried to block it out, a used rag doll on the wet floor, she wished she could pass out.

Once Jake was satisfied with his work he stood up and started fumbling around. To Olive it was just noise, she couldn’t look. Her eyes were closed and she didn’t even have the energy to open her eyelids, let alone lift her neck. But she could hear, just as she had heard his pig like grunts of satisfaction through out her torture. Now she heard a zipper and him stuffing his bag. He closed it and walked towards her and loomed over her. Jake looked at Olive while rubbing his aching neck. The girl had bit, scratched, kicked, punched and clawed him for all it was worth. Too bad it wasn’t worth a lot. He’d have some nasty bruises and cuts but he was a boxer, he could take it.

“Well little Olive, it was sure nice doing you. Ha!” he dropped a couple items around her and one was a liquid and left the cave, his footsteps echoing in the dark. What time was it now; most of it had happened in the dark since the sun had been setting when they had arrived. It must be eleven, only two hours but it felt like a thousand. Olive didn’t move crying softly.

Why hadn’t he come to help her? What stopped him, he must have know she was hurt, she hadn’t contacted him in two hours and the game would have finished an hour ago. Why didn’t he come? Perhaps he couldn’t find her. That was it, he couldn’t find her, but he had tried.

But a thought filled her mind. What would Nick think when he saw her, dirty filthy on the floor. She cracked her eyes open and screamed when she say her body. Blood was everywhere, how could she hide what had happened. The screams didn’t stop and Olive wondered if up until now she had been in shock. She couldn’t live like this, this was Nick, Joe and Kevin’s fault and they wouldn’t even like her now. Nick wouldn’t want her now. She cried and cried.

“Oh my God! Are you okay?” a voice came from just outside the cave, and Olive was momentarily blinded by a bright flashlight that prevented her from seeing who it was.

The man walked into the cave, shocked by what he saw. It was that girl, Olive he thought it was, that was here with the other group. He remembered her because she had accidentally bumped into him on his way out of the showers.

“Please help me, but don’t look.” She barely managed to speak.

“I’m Lucas, one of the other groups of visitors here. I’m going to help, just let me contact the first aid team.” Lucas hurried to do so, and he tried to keep his eyes away from her exposed body.

“Okay, Olive is it? Help is on the way. They said some boy and his brother have been ripping apart the forest looking for you, so they knew something was wrong.”

Olive sighed in relief, hope filling her lungs. “Nick and Frankie?”

“Uh, no. Frankie is right but the other one was, err… Joe.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow! I can't belive I hurt poor Olive. But here it is a critical point in the story, next few chapters equal drama! Her age will be revealed du to this, so subscrib.
Question - how did you find it? I have never been rape, thank God, but was it well written. I started this chapter over more than three times.
If six people subscribe I will get my other star!!!
Hope you liked it!