Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Horror film- Part 3

I looked around and saw Jake, his eyes looking down at me and he shook his head and said something in inaudible, but I could read his lips. He said “No. You’ll regret it.” A shiver when down my spine, and I quickly looked back at Joe’s kind and encouraging eyes, they were a shade darker then Nicks, but just a kind and loving. In fact the way he looked at me was the same way Nick looked at me when I was scared last night after walking in the dark. Loving and caring, I could trust them. I nodded my answer.

“He did, to get back at you three.”

Then everything exploded. The contact I had with Joe broke instantly and he whirled around and punched Jake right in the face. Followed by two more in the stomach before Jake completely stumbled out of his reach.

“How sick are you Jake, to do that to someone who is not even involved in the whole thing?”

Jake straightened up and smirked spitting out a wad of blood. “Had to get you to take us seriously somehow,” and he lunged for Joe who only just manage to dodge the punch aimed for his own face, but he got hit by the second one Jake threw towards his guts and he fell backwards.

“Now I say I did nothing, why don’t you think it’s that guy over there that did it, his groups been looking for him all day, and plus what’s the chances of him just stumbling on to Olive in this cave just by chance.”

“I heard her crying,” Lucas protested.

Joe stood up and lowered his head to ram Jake against the wall. Jake was caught off guard and with an oomph was pinned by the furious Joe who I have never seen so mad before. “Don’t try and plant this on someone else, this was between Kevin, Nick and me. Not her.”

“Ow, that actually hurt Joe; I see you have been taking those boxing classes I recommend you.” His nose looked to be broken and spewing a flood of blood.

“Changed to Kickboxing actually,” and with that Joe took a step back and did a round house kick that landed straight on Jakes head knocking him down before he had the time to block. Everyone had cried at him to stop and to just leave him. I hadn’t. I didn’t mind if Jake dropped dead right now. I can’t believe, Jake’s plan was to put the blame on Lucas.

Alistair held Joe back from doing anymore damage, though he hadn’t done much. Jake obviously was used to getting hit because he stood right back up and brushed himself up.

“You had no right Jake, you and Stephen are dead to us now. No more faking for mommy and daddy.” Said Kevin his voice glacier cold, but also hurt and betrayed. “Find your on way back to Dallas, you’re not getting on the bus, now get out.”

“This is ridiculous, you can’t charge me for anything, you’ll have to speak to my lawyers, plus you can’t prove anything. But remember it’s your fault that this happened to Olive.”

“You bastard!” shouted Joe getting ready to jump back on Jake but he was held back by one of the medical men. Everything was chaos, Frankie was scared and crying, the boys were shouting and my head was spinning.

“Where is Nick? What did Stephen do?”I asked, because Stephen must have done something, physically held Nick back so he couldn’t come and comfort me.

“Ha! Where’s Nick, I don’t know last I saw Stephen had been successful in getting him to play a rematch with him. Seems he was winning by the sound of his laugh.” It took me a while to process the information; my head was hurting so much. But when it did, I realized what it meant; Nick had let his competitive side put me second. The pain was too much.

“But hey, I bet Stephen is really disappointed he pulled the short straw, I bet Lucas here will agree with me if I say I am guessing you are one hell of a kisser, Nicks is a lucky boy. If you don’t choose to leave him that is. I would. OWWWWW!”

That under hook punch was courtesy of Alister who was obviously in Hank the Tank mode. Jake flew backwards and hit the wall with a sickening crack.

“That hurts a lot,” I say the Gina as I put my weight on her shoulder as I try to stand up to get carried down the hill.

“He did that to you,” said Gina who until now had been stunned into silence.


“We’ve got to get you down the hill.” She said biting her lip nervously, “You’re really pale, and you know I have dibs on being the palest Olive.”

Back with Hank the Tank Jake was pinned up against the wall. “My younger sister died because of a sicko like you. And I promised myself I wouldn’t let such a thing happen to anyone that I cared about, ever again,” he growled into Jakes ear but loud enough for us to hear.

“What you have a crush on Olive too, you’ll have to get in line, I may have had first dibs but Stephen is into her too.”

“Shut up, just shut up. No I am not into Olive, but her sister wouldn’t like knowing I failed looking after her.” So Alistair did have a thing for my sister, and she had asked him to look after me, well since he is a bodyguard at least it was his job to watch over me. “So Jake you and me are going to for a walk and we’re going to find Stephen, and then I am going to drop you off in the middle of nowhere and I’ll have the police come pick you up once Olive’s taken care of, Okay?”

“You can’t do that sir,” spoke up one of the paramedics, “a sad as it is he needs to go to hospital, and it’s our duty to care for him. Don’t worry he’ll have to wait for the next helicopter. It’ll take a while.”

Joe came towards me to help Gina support me, but I flinched back. He was momentarily confused but then remembered that I was not so good with boys right now, and he was looking abashed. I guess he thought I would make an exception for him. To be honest, though I wish Nick was here I don’t even know if I’d let him come near me either. I probably wouldn’t anyways since I am so mad and angry with him for letting me down, I mean Joe isn’t my boyfriend Nick is and yes it’s barely been two days but I still expected him to show that he cared about my welfare more than his brother who isn’t into me. So instead of Joe the woman paramedic supported me, muttering that it will take even longer to go down the steep hill, if I am being supported by two women. Well tough luck.

Gina walked up to Jake who still had his head held high and smug. Being a boxer must make you so pain tolerable or something. She looked at him straight in the eye, Gina who is a tinny five feet two inches.

Then three things happened, one Gina slapped Jake incredibly hard just as we heard Nick called out from outside the cave his voice hoarse and tiered, “Is Olive up there? Stephen and I have been looking everywhere,” my heart fluttered.

“Yes,” shouted Gina as she watched Jake who looked unbelievably mad that a girl hit him and he couldn’t do anything about it because he was being held back by Joe.

“And once you get up here, you and Stephen are both in line for a slap as well,” she shouted back down. “Two each, one from me and one from Demi. Oh wait there is also Dani, so that make three. Hey Olive did you get to slap anyone? No? Then actually Nick when you two get up here you’ll both get four slaps.”

“What?” shouted Nick confused. His voice sounded a bit closer, he must be almost here. I couldn’t help but laugh as Gina stunned into silence the all boys.

“Ha! Been a while since a woman hit me. I normally don’t let them get away with that.”

“Well get used to it buster.”

“You know, it’s sad how you baby Olive so much, she way older then you are and yet you act like her mother. I mean she’s twenty for goodness sakes; she needs to care for herself.

The second thing that happened is that the woman tripped as she was ushering me towards the stretcher she tripped. I became disorientated because of the sudden movement and everything because extremely out of focus, and my head felt like it was being raddled. I tried to focus on what Gina was saying.

I think she slapped Jake again because I heard a loud slap. “What are you talking about you pedophile. You practically just raped a minor!” I felt everything going black and myself falling down. Nick called me again, it was much louder this time, and he could have even been in the cave.

“Olive, what happened to you!” he asked, it sounded so far away. I knew I was about to pass out and from the sound of the direction Gina’s conversation was taking, I better faint soon.

“Olive’s not years older, were the same age for goodness’ sake.” I managed to hear in the fading darkness. NO GINA! I thought, this wasn’t how they were supposed to find out. I heard a large intake of breath.

“She’s sixteen and your twenty five, you slug.” Gina said venom oozing from her voice. “I mean…oops. Y’all didn’t know that?”

I finally felt my knee give out and I collapsed feeling like a ton of blue whales. Thank God I fainted when I did, that was all that I could think off as the pain overwhelmed me. I definitively didn’t want to think of what I would have to deal with when I came to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Final part, will update later this week!
So I wrote this chapter over and over again, while waiting for internet, but here it is. Was it worth the wait?
Comment and tell me if you even bothered with this story, after such a long wait, (I want to know if I've lost any of my readers.)