Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Falling into the Jonas Kitchen

Joe Jonas woke up falling hung over. He wasn’t anywhere close to actually being hung over, but the Jet lag had seriously messed up his system, and he normally slept a lot more than he had been doing lately. He had arrived home yesterday and had hardly been in the mood to enjoy his family. A quick phone call from Annabelle had reminded him how boring his relationship was. He stretched out of bed and moved out from under the covers of his king sized bed, exposing his naked torso and toned muscles that were proof to constant physical activity. He only wore Calvin Klein boxers as he made his way around his room. He stopped short when he saw what time it was. The clock read six o’clock.

“This has got to be a damn joke, I can’t wake up so early when there still so much sleeping time available.” He grumbled. He started edging towards his bed but knew that he wouldn’t be able to fall back a sleep now. Choosing to head in the shower instead, he removed his only piece of clothing and step into the sleek glass shower, and turned on his in shower radio. He going to turn to Kiss or another station when he heard Michael Jackson’s the way you make me feel. He rocked out in the shower for a bit, feeling a happiness only good music could bring you. He finished up and got dressed in a lazy track suit with a halter top. Walking through the house he noticed no one was awake. Or so he thought, walking towards the back of the house he saw Nick talking with his father and Kevin quietly. Making his way towards them he quickly caught the gist of the conversation.

“Nick, don’t worry so much about it. I know your past relationships make you feel you’ll never have future good ones but you’re mistaken. Love is slippery. It comes when you don’t expect it. When you give up on it that when it bites you and it won’t let go.”

“I understand Kevin but I am tiered of waiting and I have basically already given up. I just want to really feel what I sing about all the time.”

“Nicolas, when me and your mother met-“

“Oh please dad spare us of your romancy stories.” Joe joked, letting his presence be known. His father looked at him surprised and then just scoffed.

“I hear your not so sure that Annabelle is the person for you either.” Joe shot a quick look at Nick who shrugged it off. “I think that unlike Nick you need to learn to settle. Really give it a try. Is there anything wrong with this girl, like the past ones?”


“You should try working at relationship. God might present you with the love of your life but that doesn’t mean he is willing to make you aware of it. You should really try if she isn’t so bad. I am looking forward to getting to know her when she comes in a couple of days.”

“Yeah, okay dad. I won’t give up on Annabelle.”


I sat in Gina’s car petting Puppy while listening to Gina lecturing me as she drove her car around Westlake. She came to pick me up and we were now heading to the Jonas household as previously planned. Apparently Gina had studied all night, ways lasting encounters happened. She had come up with a plan to make a lasting affect.

“No, Olive. Olive stop petting that adorable little fur ball and listen to me. Don’t talk about their music too much, you can find everything about that online. Ask deeper questions and then I might be able to understand the psyche of the celebs. It was a brilliant idea to use them for my project Olive.”

“Yes I know right.” I replied sarcastically.

“ Rude. Anyway don’t stare and do what your mama taught you. I also learned that ice breakers are crucial. It is better to say something stupid then say nothing at all. Oh and get to know the parents, their approval is key. Actually I think I’ll be talking to them with my dad most of the time. They are really nice you know. Now Dad should already be there.”

“I am so excited to see you father Gina. Mr. Harpper is the coolest. Do you remember that time he took us to the beach and he pretended to be attacked by a shark, and the coastal guards all panicked. “

“Ugh, please don’t talk to me about those painful memories. Oh look we’re here. Hopefully they security guard is expecting us. Um do you want to get out now, while I park? We’ll meet up at the front door.”

I nodded and stepped out of the car with puppy. I was dressed in a style that could easily be called girly and very feminine. I had a white long blousy dress top with shorts underneath that had the American flag on it. I was wearing casual beach sandals and a small handbag, what held (puppy’s bottle as she still needs it to feed on), my notebook, where I wrote all my story ideas, and my phone. I tried to make myself look casual but presentable. When Gina had came to pick me up, she looked me over and said.

“Oh yeah, I’d definitely kiss you, or at least give you the look over.” When she said that I had panicked thinking I looked too provocative because I had been a wearing a v-neck top. She tried to stop me but I changed into the top I am currently wearing that buttons up and it isn’t as low.

Gina had said frustrated “I know you have a complex about you boobs Olive, but you can’t hide them forever like a little child. However this outfit doesn’t make you look any younger. You still look like your 19-20 years old. It not fair. I stuck in this underdeveloped body and I try to look older. While you look so much older and mature, when you try to look like you’re thirteen.”

“Gina,” I whined “I’m not trying to look younger, just innocent I guess.”

“Trust me Miss BonChevalle, you are way to innocent for your own good. And with that puppy. You look like you stepped out of a Disney movie.”

So I stepped out of the car and Gina moved her car forwards near the gates. She stopped for a moment talking to a guard or someone and then moved on. I started following behind her and I was about to get through the gate, when a shout stopped me.

“Hey you right there. Where do you think your going?” I spun around in the direction of the guard who was walking towards me. Something about him was familiar. As he got closer I realized who it was.

“Alistair! I don’t understand. Are you stalking me or something” I sputtered out. I am guessing the answer to that was no, as the look of disgust he showed to the mere idea.

“You again what do you think your trying to pull, sneaking in after a guest. You fans are the lowest of the low. I knew you were a fan of them at the airport, with the way you were ogling them like they were demi-gods or something.”

I bit my tongue and didn’t tell him that they were bigger then demi-gods. “Um, Alistair there has been a misunderstanding. I am with my friend Gina, who you’ve just let through. May I go in please?”

“Do you think I am stupid or something, I can tell you weren’t with her, she came her before to drop of her father, and I knew they were invited to dinner. Her father called and didn’t say anything about bringing a friend along.” I take it all back the things I said about Gina’s father being awesome. Right now he sucked big time.

“Alistair, please. I understand you don’t like me very much,” he scoffed at that, “But I am really with Gina. Why don’t you ask her?”

“I would but that would mean I’d have to trouble myself and go inside and ask her, which I don’t feel like doing.” Okay I seriously didn’t understand what his problem was.

I was about to start arguing again ( something I knew I was just terrible at, it came with the fear of people being mad at me and disliking me), when a butterfly flew by be and caught puppy’s attention.
Puppy jumped out of my arms and followed the butterfly, and willingly leaving my side for the first time. I yelp and ran after her, as she pasted the gates and went around in a crazy trail following the butterfly’s random movement. Alistair must have delayed reaction syndrome because he only shouted for me to stop when I was already well past the gates. I was in, but I now had a bigger problem to deal with. Puppy was quite fast and I had trouble catching up. She past the entrance and went around the side of the large house. I ran trying to keep up which wasn’t easy to do in sandals. Now we were in the back to the house and the butterfly just kept flying, and this time it went for the open back door, soon followed by Puppy.
I didn’t even acknowledge Alistair’s shouts for me to stop, and ran in after the two animals. Puppy was now weaving herself through rooms and then she finally stopped, in what seemed to be the kitchen. I had been gaining momentum and when I tried to top I suddenly slipped and fell flat on my backside. I groaned and for the first time, became aware of my environment. I took in all the faces that were looking at me in the kitchen and most of them where the familiar faces of the Jonas family.

Except they weren’t all smiles this time. They had shocked gob smacked expressions on they faces. I must have made quite an entrance. I got up quickly and picked up puppy that had started climbing back on top of me.

“Humm,” I said trying to sound casual, “I though I was the one to be shocked, and speechless, not the other way around.” There was a half second of silence where my joke was held in the air. Will it fall flat or would they laugh?

They all laughed loudly, at both my joke and my entrance but to tell you the truth it felt like they were mostly laughing at me and the fool I made of myself. Luck for me I don’t get embarrassed easily. I rubbed my soar bottom in one hand while the other held puppy, and walk to Gina who was laughing more than anyone and hit her.

“Oww, what was that for?” she between shaky breaths.

“For leaving me outside with Hank the Tank. He wouldn’t let me in. Puppy had to make a huge distraction and-“

“Who’s Hank the Tank?”

“Alistair you know the rude hench guy from the airport that has a multi personality disorder.”

Then I froze. It wasn’t actually Gina that had asked that last question, it had be Nick. I hadn’t really realized the whole family plus Gina’s Dad and Demi Levato were listening to me, thinking they were too busy laughing. Which they all started doing again, when Alistair came into the kitchen looking really angry. I groaned out loud and turned around to face his wrath.

“Come on Alistair, we’re old friends aren’t we. You were so kind to help me at the airport on Tuesday.” It seems I was running a stand up comedy show because everyone burst out laughing, again. This wasn’t the impression I wanted to make. How come I was making such a fool of myself, but laughing it off seemed to be the safest way of rearranging my dignity I lost in the fall.

“Um, Alistair, is it? Olive’s with me. Didn’t my father tell you we’d have a friend join?” Alistair shrugged. Oh the bastard! He had known all along that I was with Gina.

Mrs. Jonas, by the looks of it, took over the situation, and sent Alistair back to his post. Then she kindly approached me. “Sorry for our rude welcome Olive, is it?”

“Short for Olivia,” I quipped

“Well let me introduce you to everyone. We’ve got quite a full house at the moment. I’m Denise and this is my husband Paul. Our son Kevin and his wife Danielle. Then there is Joseph, Nicolas, and Frankie. Also their friend; Demi. Are you familiar with any of them?” she asked lightly though implying obviously whether I knew them as the Jonas Brothers.

I gave a dramatic pause and looked at all of them carefully. Luckily there were a lot of people to look at so I didn't have a change to stare at the god like features Joe, Kevin and Nick had.

“Well of course I know, Frankie.” I exclaimed rushing over to him and grabbing his hand to shake. “I really liked that movie Ponyo you were a part of. My little siblings and I watched it over and over again. You’re a phenomenal singer," He looked at me in amazement before a smile broke on his face. He turned to his brothers, who were all looking at me completely confused.

“Hey bros,” he said smugly, “She is a fan of me and not the Jonas brothers or you Demi. Ha-ha”

“Jonas Brothers? Who are they?” I asked teasingly. Wondering if I was pushing my joke to far. I didn’t want to sound rude. But the thing with me was that when get nervous I crack jokes and boy was I on a roll to day. But I didn’t have to worry because they quickly caught on. And of went another round of laughter. I saw from the corner of my eyes Gina giving me thumbs Up.

First impressions? SCORE!
♠ ♠ ♠
Right that was the fourth chapter. So it was obviously suppose to be a funny chapter, but if it wasn't comment and tell me what was wrong with it. I am planning on have more funny and hilarious adventures coming so your comments would be helpful.

And furthermore here is a link to Olivia's outfit for that day. Had fun making it.

The red bra, is a clue to what is coming up. He-he!