Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

First Impressions

Mrs. Denise Jonas was a pretty middle aged woman with dark curly hair that she had passed down to her four children. Her children, she knew where very handsome and she didn’t need the media telling her so. However she did fill up with prided every time someone admired them. How could she not, she was their mother, and no matter what anyone said, she was the one that loved them the most. Currently she was enjoying the afternoon with them in their family house in Dallas, a rare occasion now a days. Since January the whole family had been split up. Nick had been touring and working on new songs for his band. Joe working on numerous little projects that always took up his time, and Kevin had been off honeymooning and enjoying the lovely Danielle. But now she had them all under one roof and was happy. This summer was to be a family one that wasn’t filled with work or interviews or photo shoots, it was going to be just close friends and relaxing time.

Something they all needed. It was starting of well. One of the more recent friends. John Harper and his daughter were coming over to catch up on how everything had been lately. The only concern is that John had asked her if they could bring one of his daughter’s friend along. As soon as he said that, Denise and her husband Paul knew what that meant, she was most likely a fan who wanted to use this connection to get to her boys. She almost refused but decided against it. Yet she hoped she wouldn’t regret it.

A couple hours later a doorbell rang in the house for the second time that day and John volunteered to get the door, guessing it was most probably Georgina and her friend Olivia. He had just been dropped of a while ago and had been catching up with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas for a short while. The doorbell rang again, and he quickened his steps and opened the door. There stood Gina, looking like she always did. She had very light blond hair that almost looked white, and matched her pale skin tone, but made her sharp brown eyes pop. Gina had always felt out of place in Dallas, especially in the summer when she couldn’t tan, however Olive her best friend had always been the only one that could make her feel better about it.

“Hello again sweetie, where is Olive?”

“Um I am not sure, probably just gathering up her nevers and courage?”

“Why would she need to do that?” of all the teenagers John knew being a principal of a privet school, Olive was on of the least that seem to get neverous. Sometimes he though, she should be. She was much to spontaneous for her own good and always landing in innocent trouble.

“Gosh, Dad.” Sighed Gina, “I think that maybe, just maybe Olive is possible a fan of the Jonas Brothers?”

“What? Olive, really?” Gina shook her head at her fathers bewilderment and went of to greet her hosts. When it came to Olive most people didn’t seem to understand her, which made things extremely difficult as she had a lot of expectations to live up to.

“Georgina, is that you? My how you’ve… grown!” said Denise with a warm smile her hands stretched outwards to greet her.

“It’s okay Mrs. Jonas, you don’t have to lie. I think I’ve shrunk. I am still only 5’’ 2’. I’ll be a small fry forever.” Gina said dramatically, in the way she did whenever she talked about her flaws.

“Nonsense, you’ve grown, now come through to the kitchen the both of you. I was preparing dinner, and everyone is in there socializing. Um, Georgina dear, where is your little friend?” said Mrs. Jonas peering around her and back towards the front door.

“Actually I am not so sure. I wonder if she got lost on the way to the front door or possible abducted by alien. Anything is possible with her, you see. She is called-“ Gina stopped short. She had arrived in the well lit, spacious and very home-like kitchen. And in it were already seven people talking a chatting. She easily recognized the four brothers and their father. The new wife Danielle which she hadn’t met yet and it seems Demi Lovato. As much as she had told Olive that she wasn’t really a fan of their music, it doesn’t mean she didn’t feel star struck seeing them properly for the third time.

“Everyone, Georgina is here.” Said Mr. Jonas having spotted the small girl shyly hiding be hind his wife. Nick looked over uninterested and looked at Gina. She hadn’t changed much since they had first met two summers ago. She still looked as uncomfortable around them as always. Kevin noticed the same thing. Gina had made it clear that she wasn’t ‘into’ their music and had preferred to spend her time with their parents, or asking them strange psychological questions. Lucky for her she was pretty or else her strange behavior would have gotten her nowhere.

There was a quick round of introductions before Joe suddenly said, “Hey. Hey! Do you guys hear barking? Or is it just my imagination?” Kevin was just about to reply back saying it was just him when a second high pitch yelp was heard not far off. The two dogs that were already in the kitchen, Nick’s dog and Kevin’s cocked their head in the direction of the back entrance of the kitchen. Next a cry was heard.

“Puppy! Puppy, get back here!” Gina cringed realizing it was Olive and Mr. Harper turned to he looking confused the look on his face asking the same question. Gina slowly nodded and waited for her friend to appear.

There was a large commotion and sounds of feet hitting the floor when, out burst a small ball of fur just over two hand spans wide, into the kitchen yelping happily at a little blue butterfly that fluttered in Joes direction and landed softly on the counter next to him. The dog suddenly stopped and so did Olive who came in a second later and collapsed on the floor.

Joe pulled his brown eyes away from the butterfly and puppy and turned to look at the strange girl who had just fallen into their kitchen. There was a lot anyone could say about her, but what Joe, Nick and Kevin quickly noticed was her body. She had long toned legs and a very slim built. Tough she was much taller then Gina her body looked just a frail and delicate. However her face was a different story. All the boys came to the same conclusion that she was very pretty but in an unusual way. They took in her long honey hair that fell in long waves along her face and seemed to go from honey blond to honey brown. Her eyes were big and doe like and looked like a dark blue green color that was unusual. She was so different it has hard to classify her just as pretty or beautiful and hot. Her features were too unusual for that, almost like her friend. But Gina was simply pretty in a foreign way. Olive, Nick decided was nice.

Mrs. Jonas and Mr. Jonas looked at the girl that had literally dropped in and was slowly getting her self up. Mrs. Jonas looked at the girl’s face and tried to read it the best she could. She saw what most so, a contrasting face; she looked really wise, mature as well as intelligent, but at the same time very innocent and childlike with pouty lips and her big eyes that held a dreamer’s spark. Mr. Jonas in his line of work had seen such a gaze in few young adults. It was a look only reserved for the pure and untainted people who still loved the world and its miracles like they did when they were a child.

Demi smiled at the girls skeptical, she had found it funny and a large grin was spread out on her face. She admired the girl’s outfit before anything. She’d never wear such a thing. Shorts that short wouldn't look as innocent on her and she didn’t pull off pastels that well. She much rather wear that green and orange top the other girl was wearing. What was her name? Georgia? No, Georgina. However she admired the way the newcomer simply got up and picked up the little puppy that had caused such a chaos and very unsubtly rubbed her bottom and made a grimace. Demi turned to her right to whisper something to Danielle, but withheld her silence when she saw a puzzled expression on Danielle’s face. Everyone was quiet and not sure what to do next, afraid of being rude but desperately needing to laugh out loud.

Finally the silence was broken when she said “I though I was the one to be shocked, and speechless, not the other way around.” Joe laughed hard. This girl was different, he thought shaking his head. She went of towards her friends quietly not looking the least bit shy and started talking to Gina. She was holding her puppy in a very unusual position, like a baby. She had a peculiar accent when she spoke but seemed all-round pretty sure of herself.

“Who’s Hank?” asked Nick, looking at the strange girl. He could believe she was Georgina’s friend they seemed too different.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is chapter five, hope I've described Olive in a way you would understand. She isn't supposed to have a particular look and you'd see from the links to polyvore I put that there is always a different girl. The girl just has the look that Olive has at the moment, in expression, make-up and style.
Make sure to Comment and let me know what you think Puppy should be named, officially.
I am not quite sure how to put up banners for each chapter yet, if anyone does could you please let me know?
Thanks and the story should start rolling now!!!