Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

The pool incident

The Jonas household was busier and fuller of life then it had been in a long time. It was a scorching summer day outside, but nice and cool on inside the dinning room where all seven Jonas’s sat with their guest. Mr. Jonas surveyed the scene from the head of the table with a content smile on his face. It was nice being with all his children, having an almost normal dinner. Sure their were guest at the table so it wasn’t a family dinner, but Demi was almost like family and the Harpers were really nice folks and Mr. Harper was really nice to talk to. It was their little friend Olive however that was the odd one out in almost every possible way. She didn’t know anyone here except the Harpers, but Mr. Jonas admired the way she socialized politely with everyone and especially Frankie who seemed to have decided that she was his first number one fan. Mrs. Jonas agreed with him, she was a sweet girl who had an even lovelier smile. It seemed that she’s hadn’t stopped grinning since she arrived here. At first she and all the other Jonas had thought it was because she got to meet so many celebrities, all at once. However now it didn’t seem to be true. She gave everyone their space, and didn’t stare. She seemed happy to mind her own business and just talk to her friend.

The boys were slightly puzzled. After they had been introduced, they decided to play a mean little game they liked to play sometimes when they were around people that weren’t celebrities, and were possibly one of their fans. They would ignore them, and hardly pay them any attention. They like to watch their fan squirm, trying to get close to them but failing miserably. Of course they rarely did this, but it had been a while and they were in the mood for pulling a little prank. However it seemed like it was going to backfire. She didn’t seem to mind too much that she was being given the silent treatment, and was simply talking to Gina and Frankie, who was way too smitten with her to ignore her. He had decided that she was his true number one fan, and thus the most interesting person. Ever since she had the idea of getting Frankie to help out with the cooking, he had been sticking to her like glue, asking her question after question about what she liked about him. Nick was surprised to see how willing she was to just talk to him and not even worry about the fact that he, Kevin and Joe hadn’t even shown the slightest interests in her.

Actually, Kevin was itching to get to know her better, the game was loosing the effect since, it’s been two hours since they met and she hadn’t confessed her love, asked for an autograph, photo or the like. He wanted to know more about her accent, Joe wanted to ask more about the little puppy, and Nick, well he wanted to know if she actually liked their work. Even though he had a million fans, it was still disappointing when someone didn’t appreciate their music. The boys were all eyeing each other and trying to see who would crack first, while listening subtly to her conversation with Frankie.

“So Frankie, this a question for Gina, she wants to be a psychologist and –“

“Um… um…”


“What’s a psychologist again?” he asked awkwardly.

“Oh, just an uber long word for people who try to understand how people think and sort out their problems and stuff.”

“Right, I knew that, I was just testing you.”

“Oh yeah, sure.” She said teasingly. “Anyway she wanted to know how does it feels to know you have such a talented family? Does it make you feel like you can do anything and are oh so powerful?”

“Oh yeah! I am you know. You were right to be my fan; I have the best talent because I get all of theirs and my own.”

“Oh, cheeky little bloke aren’t ya” she said her accent even more pronounced.

“What does that mean?” asked Frankie confused, “you spoke in that funny way again.”

Gina tittered madly behind her hand and got everyone around the table started as well.
It seemed that people had stopped their own conversation hand had been listening in to Frankie and Olive’s.

“It means,” said Olive laughing as well, “that you are very sure of yourself.”

Joe turned to look at Olive and said not being able to help it. “So you’re a British chick, then. Took me a while to figure out with that weird American thing you got going on as well. You shouldn’t try so hard to put on an American accent.” Oh no that had come out much harsher then he had wanted. Actually he had found her accent extremely attractive; it was such a weird mix. Olive expression completely changed and she looked at him in a hurt way. Joe looked away feeling too guilty to look at her in the eyes. It had looked like she was about to cry. Across the table audible intakes of breaths could be heard. Nick looked at him with a look that told him he had gone too far.

“Joe, don’t be so mean to Olive!” shouted Frankie, “I like listening to her talk, it funny. “

“Thanks Frankie…I think” said Olive quickly. Her tone was so calm and composed that, Joe wondered if he had imagined those watery eyes. “He is going to apologize anyway, when he finds out how wrong he is, trust me.” Joe gulped she look slightly angry which didn’t suit her at all. She was the type of person that should just smile all the time because they glowed when they did.

“You see Joe, I used to live an America before I moved to England. Actually I was born in France, and lived there before going to the states, and the UK. So, yeah I do talk in a ‘funny’ way I guess.” The room went quiet. Then suddenly her hard expression shattered and she started laughing out loud throwing her head back.

“S, sor,” she gasped, “Sorry I only just kidding. Wow I am really horrible at keeping a straight face aren’t I? Joe, don’t worry about it, I get it a lot from Gina. Even Mr. Harper looked at me funny when I first saw him. I am kind of stuck in the middle of three languages. So really don’t worry about it. But your face!” she said going into another round of chuckles, “was priceless. I am sorry” she said honestly looking straight into his eyes. Joe had turned bright red, normally it was him that teased people, and he hadn’t expected the tables to suddenly change. But he had to admit he had really believed she was hurt by his comment.

“Yeah, you got me good. But I am sorry that came out way harsh.”

“Oh it’s really okay. Oh shoot, I woke up puppy with my laughs. I feel so bad. Can I hold her.” She asked attentively.

The little fur ball had been sleeping soundly on Joe’s lap under his summer scarf. Joe agreed and was about to move her onto his neighbors lap when, puppy let out a adorable little yawn and stretched out between the two of them. Her head one of Olive’s leg and the lower half on Joe’s, before she snuggled down back to sleep.

“Awww” said Danielle, “she loves you both so much, look.”

Joe looked at Olive who had her head down and was softly caressing the dog’s ear. Her hair that she had tucked behind her ear, slide of and fell in a cascade across her face. Releasing the smell of her mango shampoo and catching one of the suns golden rays.

“So, Olive my dear, tell me about yourself it seems like you have a quite interesting life, from the sound of it.” Denise laughed at her own little pun she had thrown at the end.

“Well it’s actually a long story. Wait what I am I saying, it doesn’t compare to any of y’all’s”

“Texan!” chirped Gina referring to a little game she had started. She would shout any time Olive switched accents. “But anyway that is nonsense Olive. They have an amazing story, but yours is very cool as well. It really is,” she said turning to Mrs. Jonas, “Start from the very beginning.”


“Go on, don’t be modest,” urged Nick, “If Gina says it’s good it must be.”

“Oh, alright. Well my parents to start of with. My mother is mixed race from South Africa, but she did her studies in France where she met my Dad. Who is Spanish, but was also doing his studies in France. “

“Oh I see, that were you get your unusual looks from,” complimented Dani.

“I guess so, but they aren’t that great.”

“Pshhhhh” muttered Gina and Olive threw her a warning look.

“So I grew up in France in a suburb of Paris, before my father was transferred to New Jersey, where I was growing up.”

“Did someone say New Jersey!” exclaimed Kevin. “That so cool, which parts?”

“Oh um, well it was a town round Newark called Newtown.”

“Newtown, Newtown. Oh that town right of the coast?” asked Mr. Jonas. “It’ss recognized for being really great there. Really pretty.”

“Oh yes. What I miss the most is the seasons. Like, it was really hot in the summer, Indian summer in autumn, with those gorgeous oak and maple trees that changed colors.”

“Hear, Hear.” Said Nick, he was surprised by how much they had in common.

“And in the winter,” added Frankie, “there is snow!”

“YES!” laughed Olive, “Oh the snow, was great, I’ve been many place but nothing has such a nice balance as New Jersey. The right amount of snow days, and I’d go behind my house to go sledding and building snowmen. Or sometimes we’d do to Creeker’s Park, and ice skate.”

“Dad, didn’t we go to Creeker’s Park one year,” said Kevin.

“Did we?” Joe asked. “Don’t remember it”

“Me neither,” said Nick. It bothered him for some reason that he couldn’t remember this thing that he and Olive possibly shared.

“We sure did, it a great family park. We went there because they had a church festival their one winter.”

“Go on, go on!” said Frankie leaning in. “Where next?”

“Ha-ha, well, I finished my primary school there.”


“Oh be quite Gina. I finished my elementary schooling before we had to move to great old Dallas, Texas.”

“Oh so you used to live right here. That so cool.” This was Joe. “I can’t believe it.”

“Yeah! I did my middle school here with Gina. Funniest years of my life.”

“I’ll say.”

“Before we went of to the England and moved around there a bit.”

“Wow! So where are you now?”

“I am in the East now, in Cambridge. You know the University town. I go to this college called Hill’s Road.”

“College?” cried Nick louder then he had expected. So she was older than him. That really bothered him some how. He hadn’t been sure; at times she looked his age and sometimes, older or younger, but college. She must be Joe’s age. He wasn’t quite sure why he was so bummed, it’s not like he was into her or anything.

“Eh, yes. So that’s were I am right now.”

“What in Cambridge, the like Harvard Universities, and stuff?”


“Impressive.” So Olive had moved back to America and gone of to University, this girl was a lot more interesting then she gave herself credit for. She lives in Cambridge Massachusetts, where all the Universities like Harvard were. He wasn’t a wiz at geography but he knew that it wasn’t easy getting into the universities around there.

“I guess…?” Olive was confused. She had this feeling that the boys were misunderstanding something, but she couldn’t be sure, what it was. So she was going to a 6th Form College in England, so what. Everyone had to go to college in England. It was the equivalent of the 11th and 12th grade in the America. However she wasn’t feeling ready to explain more than that because, she’d have to explain how come she was sixteen year old senior. That did not go down so well most of the time with people. They would always realize that she was younger than them and treat her differently. Not something she wanted Nick and Joe to do.

“So?” said Frankie “you’ve moved around a lot, a lot.”

“Hasn’t she.” Said his father. “That’s quite an impressive amount of towns and cities.”

“Like you wouldn’t believe. I am spending my first summer back in America here with my Aunt and Uncle, and Gina, before I make a pit stop up in New York to visit, before going back up to Cambridge in September.”

“So how long are you in Dallas for?” said Frankie sounding slightly worried.

“A really long time. It’s like the first of July, right now and I am going to New York only in mid August.”

“Good, then you can come over again, and you can listen to my band live!”

Gina turned around and threw an excited look at Olive. She looked back at her coolly but Gina knew that by the way she had started chewing the inside of her cheek that she was over the moon with excitement. Olive wasn’t easy to read, at all. She kept her emotions well in check. It wouldn’t surprise her if the Jonases thought she wasn’t actually a true fan of the Jonas Brothers or Demi Lovato, and just a girl who knew of their work. How wrong they were.

“Oh that would be so much fun, Frankie, but I’d have to check with Mrs. Jonas you know.”

“Of course Olive, it would be a great pleasure to have you come round this summer, as often as you like. You could teach me this lovely little recipe and Frankie seems quite taken with you.”

“Mooom!” whined Frankie. Gosh his mom could be so embarrassing sometimes.

“Yes? Oh and Frankie you have a little bit of mousse on the corner of you cheek.”

“Mooooooom!” he whinnied again and there was a chorus of snigger around the table, as he tried to wipe it of.

“Hey, Frankster you missed the spot.” Lied Joe, teasingly.

“What! Where?”

“Right here.” Said Olive and she dipped her finger into her mousse and lightly touched the end of Frankie’s nose.

“Hey! Not fair.” He wiped it of, blushing madly.

“No but, seriously Mrs. Jonas. I wouldn’t want to intrude. Demi was telling me how you were planning to have a quiet family summer. I’ve already intruded on your first Dinner back together.” Olive said this knowing she was walking on rocky ground. She had to remain polite but she still had to make sure she was invited over again for plan two to be successful. But with the warning look Gina was sending her it seemed like she had pushed it too far.

“Yes that is what we had planned, but honestly Olive we do like having family friends around, like the Harpers. That we don’t see enough of by the way.” said Paul looking accusingly at them, “And any friends of theirs is a friend ours.”

“Where do your aunt and uncle live?” asked Frankie anxiously. He knew it must be in Dallas somewhere, but Gina lived on the other side of Dallas and it took her a while to get here. He crossed his fingers hoping it was closer.

“Well, okay, but don’t freak out Frankie. They live right here in Westlake. It’s about a ten minute walk from here.”

“Are you kidding me?” said Nick. “That is so weird.”

No, it was so perfect said Olive, looking at him. Oh so, so, perfect.

“Yes how weird is that? You’ll have to come ’round more often,” said Dani. She really liked Olive and her easy going nature. And plus she had noticed something most people wouldn’t have. As a previous hairstylist her job required her to really look at people. And it made it easy to see what would suit who. It also taught her that some people are a lot more beautiful then they first appear. They look natural, but their face is unforgettable and they are the most interesting to style the hair for. Olive was one of those people. No wonder with her amazing heritage she had a lovely complexion and features from each different race. And her hair was really interesting. It was really thick but looked easy to control and style into many ways. It was a rich golden brown currently with natural highlights. She could suit a lot of looks.

“You know we are a bit short on girls here. Demi and I are so outnumbered; you and Gina will help out even the score.”

“I’ll be very happy to.”

Out of the blue a cool breeze blew in through the wide open windows and brought in two butterflies that flew around the table slowly, confused about how they got in here. Puppy, all of a sudden seemed to wake up and perk her head up. When she spied the two insects she let out a small bark that scared them away, in another direction.

“Oh no!” panicked Olive.

“What?” Joe said looking in amusement as puppy raised herself out of their laps.

“Butterflies” she gasped as puppy scampered of in their pursuit. She quickly stood up and started to leave the table when Joe grabbed her shaking hands.

“Wait what’s wrong if she chases them? Let her, she’s just being a puppy.” Olive looked back into his reassuring eyes and would have done anything he said right now under any other circumstances. She didn’t even have time to appreciate how surprisingly cool his hand was and how soft it felt.

“No! No! The yard.” She cried letting go. She ran around the table after puppy.

“It’s fenced off, don’t worry!” He cried after her. Seriously what was her problem? She had suddenly gone over board and acting like a possessed mother hen.

Olive barely turned round to look back at the clueless people behind her. Gosh, she didn’t have time for this.

“The POOL!” she screamed, turning back to run even faster. Puppy had already past the back door.

“Oh Shit!” swore Joe as he and everyone finally understood. The butterflies would probably fly over the pool that took up a large part of their backyard, and though dogs could swim, none of them trusted Puppy’s abilities, she was still practically crawling and extremely clumsily like a new born doe. There was no way she knew how to swim. After a moment of shocked horror, the diners woke up out of their shock and a rushed after Olive, Joe leading the way.

Olive was gaining on Puppy who was still clueless and chasing after those godforsaken butterflies. Why were there so many around today. Why? She just hoped that puppy had developed common sense and would know not to go near the water. However she knew it was hopeless when puppy didn’t slow down her chase when the butterflies a few meters head of her went over the water.

She momentarily stopped at the edge and Olive and prayed that she realized that she’d drown. However Puppy just barked and jumped in, before slowly sinking towards the bottom.

“NO!” cried Olive. And she was vaguely aware of a group of gasps being heard behind her. She jumped in two seconds after puppy’s small figure that was continuing to go down and further down towards the bottom. She was underwater and desperately looking around for puppy. She had become disorientated when she fell in and the slash had made all the water cloudy and it was hard to see. Damn it! She cried in her head. She had sworn to her self that she would never swear but in moments like these you couldn’t help it. She felt so terrible and the seconds were ticking past. How long had it been since puppy had fallen in. Three seconds? Ten? It felt like a billion as she spun around and around looking under the water.
There! She spotted her south east of her. She plunged down and swam as fast as she could. The water was really strong in chlorine and it was hard to keep her eyes open. She was loosing air fast. Puppy kept going deeper. Everything was going wrong.

Everyone else was crouched up near the edge of the water and peering down anxiously as they watched Olive madly swim around trying to get to the sinking form of the puppy, who after helplessly trying to wave her tiny paws around, had grown tiered and curled up into a ball. For the first time in a long time, her tail had stopped wagging.

Olive pushed on and went even faster and managed to grab a hold of puppy’s tail. It was enough for now. Making sure she had a tight grip she used her empty arm to propel her upwards and kicked her legs hard. Finally she resurfaced and quickly raised Puppy out of the water and took in a deep breath. She swam towards the edge of the pool maintain Puppy above the water at all times, as cheers and sighs of relief broke through the tense air. She reach the edge and placed her on the border, feeling emotionally drowned. Mr. Jonas rushed to the puppy side and turned her upwards trying to put her in a better position for her to recover in. He took his fingers and lightly pressed her stomach and after a few seconds nothing still happened.

“Oh God, no! “howled Olive breaking down into tears. She was still in the water and her tears mixed in softly with her drenched face.

Mr. Jonas scowled and pumped harder, harder, still with no effect. He was about to stop when he caught the eyes of Olive which he had been avoiding. They were misery itself. He once more pumped the unresponsive puppy’s stomach, praying to God that it would work this one final time.

Joe had been pacing back and for in disbelief of what was happening. He felt so guilty to have let down his new responsibility so quickly. He felt tears start to come to his eyes. It was crazy, he had only gotten to know her for a few hours but they had bonded like crazy; her little heart beating fast against his shoulder. He felt a tear run down his cheek and a second was about to flow when he heard a small cough and sneeze shatter the deathly silence. He whirled around and saw Puppy slowly come to and turn around back on to her paws. A wave of relief washed over everyone’s face and Olive tears started to die down.

Nick who had noticed her tears, had edged closer to comfort her as they had waited for a miracle. He had slowly started rubbing her heaving shoulders in reassurance. He hadn’t been sure that she had noticed him at all, being all too caught up in her worry, but she had looked up at him. She had looked so helpless that he felt it was just as hard watching her as it was the puppy. He hoped he would never have to see such an expression dawn on her face every again.

Puppy slowly started moving again while coughing and sneezing in her high pitched manner, that made every one laugh out nervously. She turned around and around until she spotted Olive who was behind her. She whined quietly and slowly made her way over and started licking Olive’s troubled face. Everyone calmed down now as it seemed like she was going to be okay.

“Hummm? She must be finding your salty tears tasty,” said Demi trying to lighten the mood.

“Humph, well too bad for her. I hope she doesn’t expect to get anymore of it soon. I’d end up dying of a heart attack if she does a crazy stunt like that every time, she wants to taste salty water.” Everyone laughed and Joe stepped forward to pick up the little ball of trouble, which was getting too close to the edge again.

“Wow, there little one. Not again. Olive, you won’t believe how sorry I am. I should have understood quicker about why you were panicking. If I hadn’t held you back, you would quicker to reach her.”

“Nonsense, Joe. We were all confused. I think it was Olive who was incredibly aware and responsive. You were amazingly alert, Olive.” Said Mr. Harper

“A real hero, I think.” Said Frankie proudly.

“Hear! Hear!” sung everyone, while Olive ducked back under the water embarrassed.

“Here, let me help you out.” Said Nick giving her a hand as everyone backed up to give her space. Took his hand and his strong arm pulled her out with ease. She was still shaking and didn’t trust her own strength. When she was fully out a look of shock and surprised greeted her. She looked questionably at Gina how was shaking her head and pointing at her, while trying to hold back a loud laugh. Everyone was staring at her, and the boys were ogling.


“Olive you’re… you’re top!”

She looked down, and cringed when she saw that the white thin top she was wearing had gone completely see through and her push up bra was very visible. The top clung to her very curved and hid nothing.

“Oh Man! Why did I have to wear my bright red smexy ones today!” she pouted quickly crossing her arms over her top. Everybody laugh out loud as she turned her back on everyone and hissed in a fake angry tone. “Thanks a lot you wet fur ball” and stuck her tongue out at Puppy.

And Puppy just barked happily and wagged her tail.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you find this one funny and tense, and I got a good balance. Do you think it's too predictable what is going to happen next? Is the plot very obvious? Comment and tell me so I can make it better. Also there is a lot more to come so keep those subscriptions coming. I have a lot more readers than subscribers or commenter and that's not cool.