Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Eavesdropping Conversation leads to some confusion.

OLIVIA’ Point of View

I was a complete mess. I was an emotional wreck. I was very, very wet. I turned away from the laughter for a moment and tried to calm down. I only had a few seconds to collect my thoughts before I’d have to interact with people again. Breath Olive, breath. I looked at the bright blue pool and the way everything reflected in it. The fierce sun and the blue cloudless sky. The Yard of the Jonas domain, was impressive. It was wide and open with an amazing pool, a basketball court and a wide patch of green grass and a lot of toys and leisure things laying about. The pool had a pool house which look so small and romantic, in every possible way.

I thought back to the day so far and how amazingly fun it had been. I really enjoyed the early dinner and being reunited with Gina was the best. Then there was Joe and Kevin and Nick. They were the first celebrities I had ever met.

Ever. And boy, was I starstruck.

What really bothered me was the way I couldn’t get them to talk to me earlier on, but now looking back, it wasn’t so bad. I got to become friends with Frankie instead. I do remember though and still feel every single touch. When I hugged Joe, and when he held me back. I wasn’t really paying attention to him then but I still felt a spark. And when Nick comforted me, when I was completely broken down and crying was very nice. I had felt his warmth and sympathy flow threw me. And now… and now I had made a fool of my self for the x number of time today. I had shown everyone my bra. Great. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but it was one of those half bras that were really only useful for pushing up and not covering up. If you get my meaning? I definitively made an impression that was a given. That was one thing about me, some who it always had to be all the way, and not somewhere in the middle.

“Olive?” that was the uber sweet Mrs. Jonas calling, that woman was like an angel.

“Yes?” not turning around, and still facing away from everyone.
“Would you like to have a towel?”

“No, could I just change into something…”

“Less see through?” teased Joe. I blushed madly, luckily they couldn’t see.

“More appropriate?” I said.

Gina, being the amazing friend that she is, quickly put in, “Could she maybe borrow one of you boy’s shirt and sweats?” Before the girls could offer me some of their clothes.

“Yeah, no prob,” said Joe and Nick in unison. I did a happy dance in my head; this almost made it worthwhile falling in the pool. Though never, never losing my sweet little puppy.

“I should probably go get my things; it’ll take Joe ages to find something clean.”

“What! That isn’t true. We just got here, our clothes are still packed and clean,” but Nick was already inside. What was this did they both want me to wear their clothes. I peeked and look around and saw Joe now playing with Frankie and puppy. ‘Olive,’ I told my self, ‘You are becoming delusional. Seriously.’

“Well, everyone inside and back to the table. Joe could you show Olive to Nick’s room and at the same time get a towel for the puppy. I afraid she caught a cold, she won’t stop sneezing.”

It was true, every so often a little sneeze could be heard, it was too darling but it made me worry. I fully turned around to face Joe crossing my arms across my chest. He smiled at me in the nicest way possible and led me inside after everyone else.

“So…” he started.

“Yeah it definitively was a ‘so…’ type of day.” He quietly laughed at that one.

“Thanks for saving her, its unbelievable how much I adore her already, everyone actually. We were all ready to cry.”

“She does tend to have that effect on people. Even my dog hating uncle was won over.” I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, not felling confident enough to be fully impaled with his beauty.

“Here we are, Nick’s room. You’re one of the few people that would ever get to see this.”

“I should take a picture.” I said staring into the room.

“It’ll last longer,” he finished and we both grinned before I realized something.

“My phone!” I patted my wet pockets madly before reassuring myself that it wasn’t in them and completely dead.

“Lucky.” Said Joe. His voice suddenly sounded different and chocked. “That reminds me, you’ll have to give me your digits.” I was over the moon, with joy. The plan to get his number wasn’t suppose to happen for a long time. Score! I nonchalantly nodded my agreement, but noticed he was looking slightly weird like he was hiding a side joke. And his voice was still weird. “And then I’ll give you mine. Cool?” he added.

“And mine too.” I whirled around to face Nick, who had appeared at the entrance of his room, holding his clothes that I’ll soon be wearing. He looked me over and his expression matched Joe’s. What was wrong with them? Were they going to give me a fake number and laugh about it later? Looking down feeling confused when I noticed I had stopped crossing my arms and by breast were on show again. I yelp and the boys roared in laughter. I frowned and grabbed the clothes from Nick.

“When were you planning on telling me this?”

“Ummm,” they answered meaning basically, never.

“Get out! Out!” I said closing the door to Nicks from on their face. I was a bout to turn away when Joe said through the door.

“Dude, she just kicked you out of your own room.”

I giggled quietly and looked around the room. It was a really nice room, with a king size bed and extremely comfy looking covers and pillows. There were a lot of things that said Nick in the room. Such as his instruments and shirts and caps of his favorite sports team.

Did I dare? I did.

I ran up to his bed and laid down on it for a short moment. It faintly smelled like him. Cool cucumber type of smell, mint fresh. I didn’t notice for a while that I was making his bed wet, and when I did I back away in horror. Oh great. He’ll know I laid on his bed. Smart olive, really smart. I decided to focus now and went into his bathroom to change. But there I had to stop again and look around. It was actually quite neat for the male species. There were a lot of beauty products on the counters though, at lot more than I would ever use. It must take him hours in the morning. I realize that being a celebrity must be very tiring. I didn’t really like pampering and doing all the beautifying treatment things. It was like a chore to me. Of course though I had followed my rituals religiously ever since I planned my voyage here. I pluck and shave, exfoliated and scrubbed like never before. I hoped it was worth it.

I quickly changed into a simple dark polo shirt that was much to big for me. It wasn’t way to long though, since I wasn’t that much shorter then Nick. Just a couple of inches. I also slipped on a pair of his Nike sweats and those were much too big. I pulled the cord as hard as I could and rolled the sides up around four times. They barely hung to my small waist.

I looked at my self in the mirror. My hair was drenched and completely unstyled. Though it was a good thing that my hair was thick so it didn’t look like stringy spaghetti, it was double bad because it took for ever to dry, and since my hair was so long it looked like a mop. Frustrated I tied it up into a pony tail and left it at that. So much for those thirty minutes I had spent doing it. Alright so thirty minutes wasn’t long for most girls, but it was for me.

I went out of the bathroom and moaned at the wet stains that were all over Nick’s bed. I just hoped they’d be dry before he reentered his room. Slim chance with how cool it was in here. In the hallway I decided to go check up on puppy. I was worried that Mrs. Jonas was right and she had caught a cold. She was so young that her immune system probably wasn’t up to scratch yet. I went through numerous hallways realizing that I had no idea which room would be Joe’s. But at the same time I didn’t remember the way we reached Nick’s room and how to get back to the kitchen. After a few minutes of quite searching, I came to the conclusion that never wanted such a large house. Instead I’ll take a one room apartment in Japan. I was about to go into a even longer hallway, when I hear voices coming form a room in the opposite direction. The voices were faint but I followed them walking quietly as to not be heard for some reason. The conversation became clear and clear as I got closer, but it was still muffled over the noise of a hair dryer.

“Yeah, I wished we hadn’t played that game, and just talked to her sooner. She’s quite something.”

“I’ll say, I mean she got me a puppy, she’s in my good book for life.”

“Only for that?”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on what would you rate her?”

“Rate her…?”

“Joe, come one you know what I mean, I mean we got a pretty good view.”

My eyes opened wide and so did my mouth. How dare they go and rate my breasts. I wanted to turn around, but for some reason I didn’t. I wanted, though I had to admit it, hear Joes answer.

“Sorry dude. Can’t be a rater when we have a bird, remember? Rule number one.”

“Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting, about her.”

“So what would you rate them as?”

“I’d say T.”

“Oh really,” said Joe, sarcastically. “Just a T, now are they. What do you think of Gina though, she could be the person your looking for. She is Russian, that is one box ticked. And she has changed a lot since we last saw her two years ago.”

“Yeah, she seems like a completely different person, personality wise. I think its Olive that makes her more fun. She is a completely different person around her.”

“Too true. So do you dig her, she is actually really pretty.”

“Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no. If you catch me drift.”

“Oh, yes I am definitively filling you vibe. Come on lets get back downstairs, this little one is all done.”

I only just had time to run backwards and turn the corner, before I heard the door open. T! T! What did that mean for goodness sake. And what vibe? Did he ‘dig’ Gina or not. Though I doubted she did, since she had a boyfriend I had yet to meet. And since when does Joe have a bird, and what did that even mean. Oh this boy talk was not making any sense. But what about me. Why wasn’t I up for Nick’s considerations? I huffed a bit feeling confused before turning the corner and acting like I just got here and was surprised to see the boys just there.

“Hey, sorry I got a bit lost. You know you have a very big house.”

“Y’a don’t say,” mocked Joe. “Come one well escort you back downstairs.” Leading the way I followed them quietly back downstairs and into the bustling kitchen were people were clearing off. Nick went of to talk to his father about something and Joe turned to me.

“Hey. I was wondering if there was any more information you wanted to tell me about her,” he pointed at Puppy, “since she’s going to be mine and everything. And I think we should practice you leaving her alone, little by little ’cause she is really attached. See; she wants to go in your arms now that she’s seen you. It’ll just make it hard for her when you really leave. It’s crazy, but when I left you in Nick’s room she wouldn’t stop whinnying for the longest time. And I also thought you could take a picture as a memento of her.


“Well I just thought that you’d want a photo of her to remember her by for later on.”

I felt the colors drain from my cheeks and my eyes start to sting like whenever tears were about to come. “Excuse me; I have to go to the loo.” I said brushing past him and running off with out explaining myself. Past Gina who was standing near and she threw me confused glance, before I ran past her and locked myself up in the toilets. I remember hearing, Joe asking Gina, what he had said that upset me so much, before I started crying. I was trying to be quiet, but I knew that they would all be able to hear me if they really listened.

I figured it out. This feeling of loss that I had since Joe agreed to own puppy. I had pushed it a side with all that has been happening, but it came back and even stronger. I had become too attached. I wasn’t ready to leave Puppy alone, and give her away. I didn’t ever want to be without her. I knew I couldn’t keep her though. Uncle was allergic and refused to keep her and at home we were renting and weren’t allowed to keep any pets. That’s why I had never considered keeping her. But now, now I didn’t know what to do. I felt so lost at the idea of not sleeping next to her ever again, or seeing her grow.

I stopped crying all of sudden and tried to stay calm. Now that I was quiet I could hear the conversations that they were having in the kitchen.

“Man, I feel so stupid, putting it like that. I should have know she be sad to let her go.”

“Don’t get hung up about it Joe, she didn’t realize it her self that she had become so attached.” There goes Gina, understanding me better than myself.

“Poor thing. It true now that I think about it doesn’t seem right to separate the two of them.” Said Mrs. Jonas in her worried tone.

“The three of you actually. You three are like a little unit, I don’t think Puppy could stand being away from either of you. It amazing actually.”

“What should we do then,” said Joe.

“I have an idea,” said Mr. Jonas. His voice went low and I couldn’t understand what he was saying. I prayed that it was a good plan that kept puppy in my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
First off hope you like this chapter. And please note, I am sorry that I haven't made a link to polyvore like I plan to do almost every time Olive has a new outfit. It's just that this time it wasn't significant enough.

Secondly, did you guys like it, that is the question. Answer by commenting, or I'll have to give you guys the silent treatment and not post a chapter for a really long time. And I am on a roll here. Four chapters in two days, you got to give me some credit.