Status: Should be back on track in the next few days.

Who Says Love Has to Be Left up to Fate?

Mother of my puppy

Chapter Nine- Mother of my Puppy

The kitchen was filled with quiet murmurs as the sun started to lower down in the sky outside and the shadows grew longer. Danielle sat in Kevin’s lap slowly running her hand threw her hair absent mindedly. His chin was resting gently on the curve of her neck and he was blowing sweet warm air into her ear. They both had arrived in Dallas a week ago, and Dani had spent time getting to know her in-laws a lot better. She and Kevin were planning on buying a new house some time soon, but the plans weren’t underway yet. They were getting really comfortable with each other now. Pass the boyfriend and girlfriend stage and into the real profound married couple relationship. They were watching the conversation Joe, Mr. Jonas, Mr. Harper and Gina were having about that little, fluffy ball of love Olive had brought with her. Kevin and Dani both had put in their words early on saying that it wasn’t fair for Olive to never get to see the pup again, and that Joe should figure a way, to make it up to her.

Gina was perched on a stool and had a straw hanging lazily out of the pursed lips and her hand on her forehead holding her exhasperated head upright. It was taking much to long to come up with a solution. They had first of all considered giving Puppy back to Olive. Of course that choice had major flaws. Joe really loved Puppy as well, plus Olive living condition’s stopped her keeping pets. Then the thought of many other solution that wouldn’t work. Now Gina knew that timing was everything, and that when trying to get what you want, it is always best to make sure the other person thinks it was actually their idea. So she was waiting for the perfect moment to get Joe to understand her idea.

“I don’t know what we can do. It so confusing.” groaned Joe rubbing his face. This was really hard on him. He really liked Puppy. The way she looked at him, like she knew him when he first saw her.

“Well it would be ever so ideal…I don’t know, if you could just claim ownership rights, but still share her. You know… just a crazy idea,” hinted Gina.

Mr. Jonas had had the brilliant idea of both Gina and Joe should keep Puppy. They perfect pair of owners for that little ball of trouble and they both didn’t want to let her go. The idea was sweet enough, but Gina had spotted the loop hole. Who would actually take care of Puppy, since they didn’t live together?

“What you mean like… a divorced couple?”

“Yeah, but not as dramatic, and better.”

“Gina, you freaking, Genius! That’s what we’ll do. I can keep her but she’ll visit Olive when Olive is of on Uni breaks-“

“University? What are you talking about?” but Joe didn’t listen to Gina.

“And plus we go up to Boston often enough, and that’s not far. And then…. And then Olive can visit all this summer. It’ll be great!” Joe was grinning from ear to ear. He stood up and high fived everyone in the room and whooped out loud. Finally he had solved his problem. He could keep puppy, and Olive didn’t have to stay so sad. He had never dealt well with emotional girls, being a guy that preferred to look on the bright side of things.

“I’m going to go get her, and tell her the good news.”

“What good news?” Olive said stepping into the crowded kitchen. Everyone screamed in surprise to see her standing there. She smiled curiously at their expression. She was leaning casually against the arch and her hair was pulled back in a simple low ponytail.

Nick looked at her in his clothing and smiled. She looked good like that. It was funny though, he wasn’t used to see girls he barely knew in such laid back clothes. He wasn’t used to seeing girls in his clothes full stop. Most of the time they were extremely dressed up because, and they met when they were out clubbing or at parties, and restaurants and places like that. As a guy he liked that of course, but this was a change. And plus it wasn’t just any type of sweats. They were his. And though he got the tightest things owned, they were still loose on her. Shame, he liked seeing her curves with that water tight top. Joe was thinking the exact same thing. It was the first time since she changed that he got to look at her completely.

“Olive dear,” said Mrs. Jonas, approaching her attentively. “Joe said you had run off upset and crying. But you‘re looking fine now. You weren’t crying were you” Joe threw his mother a dark look. Oh, he completely understood Frankie now. His mother was clueless.
“Uh…,” said Olive looking bewildered. “I wasn’t? I mean; No of course I wasn’t. I was just using the toilets”

“British.” grumbled Gina from her corner as Joe said, “I sorry I must have been mistaken, of course you wouldn’t be upset. You look absolutely fine. I don’t know why I keep think that I’m upsetting you,” said Joe

“I don’t know, maybe I had something in my eyes before I left,” replied Olive laughing. She peeked a look at Gina, who smiled at her reassuringly. Poor Olive, no one thought she was sad. Gina understood why, it wasn’t really noticeable. Her eyes weren’t red and she managed to pull off a real looking smile even when she wasn’t trying.

To Gina, it was pretty much a curse.

But if you had hanged around with Olive enough, you notice the little things that escape her façade. The way she was trembling was her give away for crying.

“Hey, are you cold, Olive?” said Mr.Harpre? Gina looked at him in disbelief; her father wasn’t helping her at all.

“Um, yeah. It’s the air conditioning, I think, that’s all.”

“Sorry about that. I’ll turn it up a bit.” Said Mrs. Jonas moving to do so.

“Oh, no it’s okay. That’s one of the things about Texas right. Too hot outside, too cool inside.”

Everyone laughed, as Olive nervously side stepped her way to Gina and propped herself one her lap.

“I’ve never been able to do that before,” she said to her loyal friend.

“Yeah I know you are so much lighter now. It’s actually scary. But Olive, you can’t hide things from me.” Gina whispered. “You were so crying. Are you alright?”

Olive didn’t answer for a moment, and looked back at her oldest friend. And she smiled really wide, and hugged her tight. “Of course. I’ve missed you so much, and I am in the Jonas’s house.” She whispered. Gina laughed and forgot about it for now. Olive was a puzzle.

Demi watched Olive and Gina laughing and sighed to herself. Gosh, she missed her friends. But even more so simple friendships like they had. All her friends were work friends, that came with it’s pre-packaged work friends. Gina and Olive seemed really cool, because they seemed so normal. Well Gina did. Olive was too…funny to be really classified as normal. Demi could tell hanging with her would be interesting.

Joe had a goofy look on his face as he was holding back Puppy from running of to Olive just yet. He watched her speak to Gina and laugh. It was such a relief that she wasn’t upset, but he could have sworn that she had been. Before when he had made that rude comment. But she was laughing straight after like nothing had happened. He came up to her and tapped her shoulder. She didn’t notice so he spoke up.

“Hey, Olive?” she shrieked and fell off Gina. She looked up at him petrified and clutching her chest tightly. She looked at Joe wide eyed for a moment speechless, be for she laughed and cried out at the same time, small tears coming out.

“Now, you cry.” Said Gina looking at her dizzy friend who was still on the floor clutching her stomach as tears ran down her flushed cheeks.

“Is she going to be okay.” asked Joe. He was kind of frightened; he wasn’t used to this kind of reaction from the ladies. But her laughter was seriously contagious soon everyone was laughing with her and she just kept going and going, until

Gina walked up to her and plashed a glass of water on face.

“Hey! not cool. Actually I am sorry. Really sorry.” said Olive, calming down instantly. She stood up timidly and brushed herself off and smiled embarrassed at everyone, who were not laughing even harder at her face that was wet for the second time.

“Yeah I thought it’d be a good idea to just give you a black top.,” joked Nick. Joe nodded in unison, but whispered to him.

“Kind of a shame though, huhn?”

“Boys.” Said Demi next to them, “behave.”

“Yes okay. Olive, about our little puppy. The thing is, well I kind of ruined the surprise saying ours didn’t I?”

“Real smart.” Quipped Kevin

“Shut Up. That is the idea, we share her. I’ll mostly live with her but you can see her when you want, or can. And we have all summer, when you can drop by and see her and hang out with her anytime.” Olive heart dropped when he said that. Only invited hang out with puppy, and not him. But other than that she was ecstatic.

“That is a phenomenal idea! I can’t believe you’re willing to share with me. Is that actually okay?”

“Yeah, plus it would be mean of me to separate the two of you. Can you see how I’m struggling to hold her back; she is itching to you since you came in. It’s kind of insulting.”

“Well sonny, one day you’ll know that a father can’t stop a baby wanting to be with his mother first of all.”

The room went sort of quiet as Joe and Olive looked at each other, thinking about what his father said and what it meant. Mrs. Jonas elbowed her husband as he looked guiltily at her, realizing he should have said that.

“Humm,” said Joe breaking the silence. Olive was looking slightly uncomfortable. “So you’re the mother of my puppy?”

“Hello, Daddy-O!” she said, not knowing what else to say.

“Wow!” said Demi, getting up, to leave the room. “That was awkward. Really akward.”

“Yeah,” agreed Kevin, following her out, with Demi. “I also taught I’d be the first one.”

“Oh honey!” squealed Mrs. Jonas, leading Mr. Jonas into the living room with the others. “We might get grandpuppies soon.”

“Hey, Olive’s like niece to me,” said Mr. Harper jumping up to join the wagon. “It’ll be like grand nephews and nieces.”

Joe was looking nervously around him as the kitchen started emptying. He didn’t dare look at Olive anymore. Gosh his family and friends were embarrassing. Did they forget he had a girlfriend, cause this was the biggest set up ever. Gina was filming the whole scene on her phone while laughing. Not stopping the clip, she got up in turned and went to Nick and the frowning Frankie.

“Come on boys, lets go. I am going to me a godmother soon.” Nick seemed somewhat reluctant to move and Frankie even more so.

“NO! I don’t want to go, why is everyone but joe and olive leaving. I want to stay with Olive. I want to have puppies with her as well.”

“Dude,” said Nick, leading him out with Gina who was bursting out with laughter. “That sounded so wrong.”

Soon the kitchen was empty except for Joe, Puppy and Olive. Olive stood on a stool petting her while looking at Joe who was looking helplessly at the entrance where everyone had gone.

“Those good for nothing fr”

“Is something wrong?” asked Olive.

“No, but everyone seems to be expecting that-“

“Good, now lets get down to business.”


“We need to pick a name for her.”

Joe relaxed considerably. He appreciated the way Olive had dismissed everyone’s hints. He hadn’t thought that when he’d be agreeing to be her boyfriend. Luckily she was more rational than that.

Olive, saw the way he sighed in relief after what she said, the only thing that she thought could change the subject. She had liked the direction the conversation had been heading, but it was obvious he hadn’t. Just keep calm, Olive. You are sharing a puppy. That’s more than you ever truly wanted.

Joe walked over and pulled a seat next to her. “So what were you thinking of exactly?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Right this is the 9th chapter. Can't believe it. Hope it made you laugh.
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