Truth Be Told, I Like You

They Call Me Tradgey

Truth be told. . . I am graduating today.

I stood there on my own balcony, a Newport pressed to my pale lips. I inhaled the cigarette, letting the smoke fill up in my lungs. Turning them black and filling with tar, I smiled while letting the smoke out. My brown eyes glancing downward at my family. They were in my enormous backyard chatting, all dressed up for my graduation today. I could see my cousins running around playing tag. While the snobby ones gathered in the back row of trees, looking at everyone and snickering.

Yeah, I was a filthy rich bitch.

What little fourteen year old bitches. I thought flicking my cigarette ashes, returning the cig back to my lips.

I pushed off the railing I was leaning against, letting out a quick stretch before returning back into my bedroom. My music playing softly, spilling out of my surround sound stereo. I wiggled my black painted toe nails in my soft white carpet, a strange sly smile appearing across my lips. Today was my big day, where the spot light was on me.

Self absorbed? A little.

Walking to the side of my king size bed, I dropped my cigarette butt into the ashtray. Looking around my spacious room, I walked into my bathroom. Stopping to look at myself in the mirror.

I let my hair down today, teasing it. I wasn’t done with my make up yet, I had mascara on but nothing else yet. My bathroom lights, which were a soft illuminating glow made my pale complexion paler. The only things that stood out were my black lip rings and septum ring. Also my brown eyes popped too but soon would blend in with my harsh fierce make up.

Titling my head to the side I let out a tiny sigh. I placed my hand on my small waist line, my boobs playing peek-a-boo with the white tank top I wore. I was the schools queen bitch, I earned that title this year in the year book. I was quite proud of it, I also earned the title heart breaker, which was also very true.

Oh yes, I was a heart breaker. I toyed with little boys minds, leading them on. Making them think they actually had a chance with me or that I was interested in them. Truth be told, I was deathly terrified of relationships and the word love. The only person I said I love you too was my bestest friend, Billy Mead.

I mean yeah I did have boyfriends but the relationship never lasted long. They would move in quick, take things to the next level when all I was looking for was some fun. Nothing serious, they were all about being serious. So I would break their hearts by breaking up with them. I was the schools flirt and tease, the schools heart throb. All the boys loved me and wanted to be with me. All the girls envied me and wanted to be me. I would just sit back and laugh at all the pathetic people.

Honestly, I am not that great of a person. My attitude is terrible, I am a bi-polar bitch with mega mood swings. I am an alcoholic in the making who has a drug addiction. I party too much for my own damn good. I am constantly high off of something. I swear like a fucking sailor. I wear too much make up, more than any normal girl should. I am obsessed with my looks and perfection, I am a camera whore with my pictures all over the internet. I can be the sweetest thing you ever talked too or one cold hearted wench.

I let out another sigh as I finished up my make up. I dropped my eye shadow back into my huge make up bag. All my other make up was spilt across my bathroom vanity. My bare feet sticking to the cool bathroom tile floor. I could spend hours doing my make up, trying to make it look perfect. Billy was always here to tell me it looked fine and to drop the eye shadow and back away from the make up.

Billy Mead.

He was my best friend since birth. Both of our parents have been best friends since they were in school. So it was only natural that we became really good friends as well. Billy was seriously the only person who understood me and why I do some of the things I do. And I was the only person who understood him too. We clicked, we got each other, we were best friends.

We were friends with benefits, that’s right we are. I think the best friendship is when you can make out with your best friend then the next minute laugh at something or lighting up a bowl of marijuana, snorting a line of coke. Maybe even shooting meth or heroin into your arm. Billy is the only other guy I have ever had sex with, besides the guy I lost my virginity too when I was fourteen. People think I am a slut and sleep around with guys, wrong, I only sleep with Billy.

Its why we are so close, we could be done having some pretty hardcore sex and laying in my bed or his talking, just talking. Billy is normally silent but I can get him to talk when it is just me and him. I smiled thinking about Billy.

Fluffing my hair once more I exited out of the bathroom. Padding over to my bed where my dress lay. I narrowed my eyes at the damn thing, oh how it was going to show off my legs and cute tight ass. Oh how I am going to get many cat calls from guys but who cares. Billy was there to send them evil glares. Which normally made them shut the hell up and keep walking, their tail between their legs. Truth be told, I loved Billy.

There was a knock on my bedroom door, my head looked over my should. I playful smirk on my lips, the door opened. Billy walked in, his eyes looking from the ground up to me. I could see a smile in his eyes, even if it did not come out to play on his lips. “Hey.” I said softly, he just closed my door. Walking over, laying down on my bed.

He was looking sharp today, he wore black dress pants with a black button up dress shirt, his shirt tucked in. Then he had on his blood red tie, his black hair was brushed today. It looked a little more tamed than normal, not wind blown. He still had on his necklace and brass knuckle belt buckle. I smiled down at him, he just smiled back up at me with his eyes.

Billy held up his hand to me, a plastic bag dangling from it. A white powder content was inside. I smirked taking the bag from him, I held out my other hand which Billy placed his I.D. in it. I walked into my bathroom, pushing my make up off the counter making room.

Carefully I opened the bag, dumping the white powder onto the counter top. I chopped it up more finely with the I.D. I liked my lips, I could practically taste it already in my nostrils. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Billy drop a twenty on the counter as well before walking away. I grabbed it, rolling it up tightly. Leaning over the powder, I snorted up the line. I loved cocaine.

Standing up I kept snorting the cocaine back into my nostrils. I blinked several times, coughing and spitting into the sink. I coughed some more before staring at myself in the mirror. I could feel my intense high coming already, I laughed. I walked out of the bathroom, falling onto the bed next to Billy.

He turned his attention from looking outside to looking at me, his eyebrow raised. I smiled at him, making my way so I was straddling him. I let out another giggle, it made Billy chuckle lightly. He placed his hands on my hips, my hips burned underneath his touch. I felt my tank top strap slowly slid down my shoulder.

Biting my lip I bent down, pressing my lips to his. His locked with mine, his fingers gripping these things I called shorts. They hardly covered anything for me. My hands moved up his chest to his hair, gripping it as I pressed deeper. If Billy wasn’t so gay, I would prolly date him but I wouldn’t wanna ruin our friendship.

Someone cleared their throat behind us, I sat up glaring over my shoulder at them, they totally ruined the moment. Bryce stood in my door way, a cigarette dangling between his lips. His hands resting in the front pocket of the black skinny jeans he wore. Bryce had on red DC polo the collar popped, the two buttons unbuttoned. Underneath the polo was a white tee. The sleeves of his polo were rolled up a little. Bryce also had his black Volcom backpack, prolly had his drug dealing shit in there and skateboard. You could see some of his tattoos peeking out of his sleeves.

“Was I interrupting something here?” he teased closing my door, walking over to my desk. He dropped his bag onto my carpet before making himself comfy in my desk chair.

Bryce knew about Billy and I’s friends with benefit thing. He didn’t really care except he wondered why me and him aren’t like that. I slap him every time it comes up, I’ve known Billy longer. We became friends with Bryce back in eighth grade, or toward the end of eighth grade.

I rolled my eyes at him, crawling off Billy and sitting on the edge of my bed. Bryce smirked before leaning forward, digging in his backpack. His white flat brim DC hat slid off his head. “Fuck.” He cursed under his breath, picking it up he slipped it back onto his head.

“What the fuck are you doing? Making a drug deal before we graduate.” I asked standing up, I grabbed my dress off my bed.

“Hell yeah. Tom wants a ounce of pot and a gram of cocaine as well. Tom is paying me hella money, he wanted more but its all I got on me right now. He’s having a party tonight.” Bryce said taking some weed out of his baggy, gently placing it onto his scale.

“You are dumb.” I said closing my bathroom door.

I stripped out of my clothing then slipped into my dress, which looked hella nice on me. It was a super mini yellow dress. Came to about the middle of my thighs. Tight at the waist, free flow the rest. Thick loose two inch straps, very low cut. Made my ass look fantastic.

I was out of my bathroom and standing in front of my full length mirror. Checking myself out, damn I looked good. I glanced at Billy, he nodded his head. A real smile appeared. I looked back at myself in the mirror.

“Damn Trinity, you have a nice ass. You make my penis hard.” Bryce said from his spot, I flicked him off.

“Nice too know.” I fluffed my hair again.

“So you should get on your knees.” He teased.

“You got hands Bryce. Only ugly girls get on their knees.”

“So do you, and a mouth and a vagina.” Bryce snorted his laughter, I grabbed my TV remote, chucking it at his head. “Ouch!” I smirked.

“Trinity! Come down here so we can take pictures!” my mother yelled up the stairs.

“Ugh, fine!” I yelled back.

I put on my black flats, I looked at the boys. “Come on.” I said walking out of my room.

Billy up to follow me, Bryce said give him a minute. So Billy and I walked downstairs then out into my backyard. I lit up another cigarette, my family knows of my smoking and drug habits. They aren’t happy about it, they tried to get me help but I said a big fuck you to that. We were all gonna die some day, I was gonna have fun while I do it.

My mother frowned but shook her head, holding the camera up to her face. “Okay Trinity, you and Billy stand next to each other. Where is Bryce?” she asked taking a photo.

“Jacking off.” I said taking a drag. Billy stifled his laughter.

“Oh your funny Trinity.” Bryce said flatly standing next to me. I smirked up at him before looking back at my mother, who was shaking her head.

For about thirty minutes I was posing with family. It got old, I was being passed around from person to person. I was getting sick of smiling, I was high as a kit and all I wanted to do was another line of coke or just listen to some tunes relaxing. But I had a diploma to get and more pictures to take there. Fuck my life.

“Okay enough!” I said breaking away from family photos. “we’re leaving now.” I nodded toward Billy and Bryce.

Skipping inside quick, I grabbed my keys and graduation gown. I put on my huge white rimmed sunglasses. I walked out to my dark red Hummer H2. I fucking loved this vehicle, I was so fucking fun to drive dude. Pays to be filthy rich.

We piled into my Hummer, Billy taking the passenger seat while Bryce occupied the back. I revved the engine, my parents giving me a disappointed look. I just smirked back at them.

“You know we are having a party here tonight Trinity.” Bryce said from the back, lighting up a bowl.

“Yeah I know. I got enough alcohol.” I said before speeding out of my driveway.

Let’s get this over with.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story I am writing with Jessica again. (:
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