Truth Be Told, I Like You

A Day Filled With Flirts

Trinity did get us a discount, a big discount. I think Scott cut the price in half. It might have been less, except for when he was ringing us up Trinity 'had' to tie her shoe. She had taken off her tights earlier after complaining about being hot for twenty minutes. So when she bent over, Scott got a rather good view. By now I was sure he had a good mental image of Trinity.

"Thanks Scott." Trinity said as we left the shop. She gave him a wink and a flirty smile over her shoulder.

"Tease." Bryce muttered as Scott stuttered a reply.

I gave a short laugh as Trinity skipped over to the drivers seat of the Hummer. I took my place in the back seat. Bryce and I had decided we could switch over at this stop, seeing as we wouldn't stop for a while now.

I got comfortable in the backseat, pulling out the pillow I made sure to put in the backseat.

"Going to sleep on me?" Trinity asked with a pout.

"Yup." I said with a smile.

I didn't sleep. I wasn't really tired or anything so my body wouldn't relax enough to allow sleep to take over. I did try, I tried for a good ten minutes before giving up. But I didn't say anything. I stayed silent in the backseat, pretending to be out of it.

It kept Trinity and Bryce quieter than normal.

"Billy's being quieter than normal." Bryce stated turning down the radio.

"Yeah. Something's eating at him." Trinity said sadly.

I frowned. I didn't like my girl being sad, and it was my fault. That made it worse. I normally punched anyone who upset Trinity. But I couldn't punch myself, I've tried to before. I fell off the bed and made Trinity burst out laughing.

"Do you know why?"

"No. Which sucks. Normally I can figure him out, but he's unreadable." Trinity pouted slightly, I saw her look from the rearview mirror.

"Wow. When Trinity can't figure Billy out nobody has any chance." Bryce muttered.

I felt the Hummer slow slightly. Trinity was coming to a stop, either a stop sign or traffic lights. I figured it was time for me to 'wake up'. While I was at it I figured I could give Trinity something to laugh at. When the Hummer lurched forward I slide from the backseat onto the floor with a thud.

"Ow." I muttered sitting up. It shouldn't have hurt, but I landed on Bryce's skateboard. I got back into the seat while rubbing my back.

"You break my skateboard?" Bryce said turning around worried.

He's worried about the skateboard. Of course, it's Bryce. I thought rolling my eyes.

"Sorry about that." Trinity said smiling.

"I'm fine." I muttered buckling my seatbelt.

We rode in silence for a while. Then the radio was turned back up, way up. Trinity was back to her happy self, dancing and bouncing around in the drivers seat trying to drive and not kill us at the same time. Bryce sang along to the lyrics, or screamed along to the lyrics. It was very amusing to watch the two of them.

"I'm hungry." Bryce said suddenly stopping his wild movement.

"Good timing. A diner is only a mile away." Trinity said motioning to the road sign that had restaurants listed on it. Taco Bell, Applebee's and Chili's were on the list, along with a Holiday Gas station.

"Chili's." Bryce and Trinity said at the same time.

Trinity pulled off at the exit, careful not to miss it. Bryce started getting excited the closer we got. Trinity laughed as Bryce shouted with joy at the sight of the restaurant.

"A little hungry?" Trinity asked parking the Hummer.

"Yes!" Bryce jumped from the vehicle.

Trinity waited for me and we walked into the restaurant together. Bryce was waiting impatiently for us at the hostesses station. The hostess was trying not to laugh as he stood there. She pretended to be busy checking a book.

"Table for three?" She asked looking up as we walked in.

"Yes please."

She nodded before grabbing menus. She led us over to a rather crowded area and placed the menus down. I flinched while looking around. We were surrounded by families with little kids. The kids were screaming and laughing. I wasn't much of a kid fan. They were messy and needy. The fact that it was a booth helped slightly with the packed restaurant.

"Your waitress is Heather and she will be with you shortly."

I scooted into the booth. Bryce sat opposite of me and Trinity stood on the outside, looking back and forth between Bryce and I.

"I won't be offended if you sit with Billy." Bryce said grinning.

Trinity smiled before quickly sliding in next to me. I grinned and stuck my tongue out at Bryce. I pulled Trinity close and draped an arm over her shoulder. She didn't seem to care, she just picked up her menu and began looking at what she was going to eat.

"Hello. I'm Heather, I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with anything to drink?" A busty blonde asked appearing at the end of the table.

"Water." Bryce said with a smile. Heather nodded and turned her attention our way. Her smile faltered a little when she saw the way we were sitting.

"Dr. Pepper and he'll have water." Trinity said, not even looking up from the menu.

I noticed Heather clench her jaw but nod anyway. She walked away quickly after that.

"I think she likes you." Bryce sang picking up his menu.

Trinity looked up confused. She turned towards me and I shrugged. She sighed, rolled her eyes and went back to looking at her menu. I flipped mine open, right to the burgers. I shuddered and quickly turned to the salads.

That's right. I'm a vegetarian. I haven't gone as far as vegan yet, I still like eggs and cheese. They make yummy scrambled eggs, can't go without eating those. I'm not one of those vegetarians who tries to change everyone either, I don't care what other people eat.
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