Truth Be Told, I Like You

Trinity's A Bitch

Our waitress came back with our drinks, I think her name was uh. . . Heather. I honestly don’t fucking remember. Wow. Drugs sure do effect my brain and memory. Awesome!

“Here you all are,” Heather said stiffly. She set down our drinks and took out her ordering pad. “ready to order?”

“No, we need a little more time thank you.” I said with a bitchy evil smile. The girl Heather tensed up, glaring at me before walking away quickly.

I sat back in the booth leaning on Billy more, smirking evilly. Bryce cocked an eyebrow. “Trinity has a little evil game she wants to play. Am I not right?” Bryce asked. His hands folded across his mouth.

I giggled and sat up, scooting way closer to Billy. I draped a leg over his legs, I felt Billy tense but soon relaxed. His arm slipped down my back, his hand resting on my hip. I grabbed a piece of my hair and began twirling it, gazing up at the handsome Billy. I let out another giggle.

Bryce sat back in his booth, his hands covering his eyes. “Oh god please don’t do that Trinity. You are such a fucking little tease. Oh god.” Bryce groaned and smacked his head on the table top.

Billy and I eyes met, we both knew what was about to happen. The space between our faces closed and our lips met. Lip locked and enjoying every minute of it. I heard Bryce laughing from across the table. He must be looking at Heather’s expression, or just laughing at the people staring at Billy and I now. We are the only ones kissing in Chili’s right now.

“Dude! Heather is sending you glaring daggers Trinity!” Bryce snorted his laughter, falling over in his booth.

Billy and I broke away, I looked over to Heather. She was gripping her pen and glaring at me. I sent her a sweet smile and a little wave. “I think she likes me.” I said happily.

Bryce and Billy both busted out laughing. “I don’t think so Trinity, nice try though.” Bryce said.

Soon Heather was back over, I was stroking Billy’s cheek. Twirling his hair, the whole time we were ordering. I was being very giggly and smiling a lot. Kissing Billy a lot as well, did Heather wanna smack me or something. It was just fucking great. But soon the little pest was gone.

I got off Billy and sat normally, leaning back in the booth. I sighed crossing my arms. Bryce was looking off at the TV, Billy was looking at the table top. “I cant wait until we get to Colorado. I cant wait to go snowboarding, its been way too long.” I said.

“I agree!” Bryce said slapping his hand on the table top. “though we didn’t bring any snowboarding gear hun.”

I looked at Bryce and smiled. “Did you forget I am rich and have a card with lots of money on it?” I asked sweetly.

He chuckled, shaking his head. “Nope, I did not forget. Just didn’t know if you wanted to buy all new shit for all of us.” He said.

“Pish, I could careless. Not my money I am spending. Its my parents.” I winked.

“Where we staying in Colorado?” Billy asked.

“At this fancy resort. Lemme tell you now, this shit is high class fancy shit. Like cream of the crop. My mom’s brother owns it, or I should say my Uncle does. So he can get us any fucking suite we want. Don’t matter the cost of it, its free.” I said smirking.

Both Bryce and Billy’s jaws dropped. I knew they knew I was rich but I guess they just didn’t know how rich I was. Man was I spoiling them rotten, but I could careless, they are my best friends and I love them to death. I will do anything for them fuckers.

Shortly afterwards our food came. We pigged out and this food was delicious. I loved Chili’s, they had like the best food ever. I think we all ate way too fast because now we are all spreading out in the booths rubbing our full and happy tummies.

I laid on Billy rubbing my tummy. “I am so god damn full, it is fantastic!” I said rubbing Billy’s thigh.

“God, I don’t think I can fucking move. Trinity you are gonna have to carry me out to the Hummer.” Bryce said winking at me. I rolled my eyes.

Billy wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. I glanced around the restaurant, there was a lot of couples here tonight. I mean like a lot of couples. They were all lovey dovey and it was disgusting. Or at least that is what I wanted it to be to me.

Honestly, I was lonely. I was terribly lonely. Sure I did fuck around with guys and their minds a lot but after awhile its gotta stop. I mean I do have Billy but he’s my best friend and I wouldn’t ruin our friendship. We are better off being friends with benefits. Don’t get me wrong, I love him to death but we are just best friends.

I was tired of being the flirt and tease I am known as. I want something more, something different but I am afraid I wont get that. It is honestly killing me, people will only see me as a flirt and tease nothing more. I think I ruined my own fucking image, great. I will need to talk to Billy later about this.

Suddenly I let out a burp, I looked around making it look like it came from somewhere else. “Nice push there.” Bryce said sitting up, stretching.

“When you gotta burp, you gotta burp.” I sat up smiling.

Heather came back with our check. “Will that be all?” she asked.

“Yes that will be.” I said digging out my purse from under the table.

Heather set down the bill and I got out my card. I handed it back to her, she disappeared once again. I pulled out my gum and ate a piece, throwing one at the boys as well. “Now we get to drive more, yay.” Bryce said rolling his eyes.

“We could always find a expensive hotel and crash early. Maybe go swimming there. I am rather exhausted right now.” I said letting out a yawn.

“I say we do that. I need to smoke some weed.” Bryce said yawning as well.

“Okay.” Billy said quietly.

Heather returned, I signed the damn check then we walked out of there. Billy and I walked hand in hand, we tried acting like a loving couple. Just to piss off Heather even more. I found enjoyment in this, but I think I was turning Billy on.

I looked up at him, he looked down at me. “I am gonna have to pay for this later, aren’t I?” I asked opening the driver’s side door.

“Yup.” He said popping the ‘p’.

Great. I thought getting in.

When Billy teases, it is never a nice tease. It is pure torture. . . and pleasurable as well.
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