Truth Be Told, I Like You

Payback's A Bigger Bitch

Trinity wasn't kidding when she said an expensive hotel. We passed a few motels and a, according to Trinity, three star hotel while searching for the this one. I can't pronounce the name, some big long French word. All I know is the receptionist almost called security on us, until Trinity pulled out her credit card.

Amazing how fast people can become your friend when you have cash.

"Two rooms or three?" The receptionist, Debbie, asked glancing up at Trinity from her computer.

"One." Trinity smiled sweetly. "With two beds."

Debbie did a double take before going back to the computer. I could see her glancing up at Bryce and I. We were standing behind Trinity, awfully close together. It didn't bother me, and Bryce was a little out of it.

He had taken a hit before we pulled in.

"Alright, room seven-thirty-eight." Debbie said smiling. She handed the key to Trinity and we headed for the elevator. "Enjoy your stay."

"Oh, I bet we will." Bryce commented smirking.

Trinity bit her lip to keep from laughing. Something clattered behind us as the elevator doors opened. Turning we saw Debbie picking up a tray of pens. Bryce was quick to get into the elevator and press floor seven. Once the doors shut Trinity and him began laughing.

"Did you see her face?" Bryce asked. "She thinks I'm serious."

"I know, it was priceless." Trinity brushed her bangs out of her eyes. "To think we'd get down and dirty."

Trinity and Bryce both looked over at me. Bryce was smirking while Trinity looked a little scared. I gave a little smile that made Trinity take a step away from me, towards Bryce. My smile turned into a smirk and Trinity went to hide behind Bryce.

"I don't even want to know." Bryce said looking towards the doors.

I couldn't help but smirk more as the doors opened and Trinity took off down the hall. I followed after her slowly, falling behind as Bryce walked at a normal pace. He stopped a few times to wait for me to catch up. Each time he stopped he'd give me a questioning look, which I would reply to with my own questioning look.

When we arrived at seven-thirty-eight the door was wide open and Trinity was nowhere to be found. She was hiding, somewhere in the room.

"I'm going for a smoke." Bryce said. He grabbed the key off the table before turning and leaving, shutting the door after him.

"Bring me something!" Trinity shouted jumping up from behind the couch. She gained an 'oh shit' look as she realized he was already gone. "Billy I love you." She said sweetly, slowly sinking back behind the white leather couch.

I advanced towards her slowly. She didn't try to run, oh no. She slowly crawled out from behind the couch, trying to sneak off quietly. If I were any shorter it might have worked, but I was tall and could see over the couch. I quickly caught up with her and grabbed her. Before she could scream I covered her mouth with my hand. Trinity being Trinity licked my hand, but that didn't get me to remove it.

I easily picked her up and placed her over my shoulder. She fidgeted and squirmed as I made my was into the bedroom. The two king size beds just invited me over. I tossed Trinity onto the nearest one. She gave a squeal in surprise.

"Billy?" I heard her ask quietly.

I slowly crawled up to where she was lying. She gulped loudly as I hovered over her small frame.

"You've been naughty." I whispered kissing her gently on the lips. When I pulled back Trinity was utterly confused. "Naughty girls get punished." I leaned down and kissed her again, harder than the last time yet not with a lot of force.

In one quick motion I pinned her hands above her with one hand. With my other hand I undid my belt, Trinity following with her eyes the entire time. I brought the belt up, quick to tie her wrists to the headboard. I double checked that they were tight, but not hurting her.

I kissed her forehead and slowly trailed down. Kissing her check, lips, jaw line. I lingered on her neck kissing gently before biting. I smirked when Trinity moaned.

"Billy this isn't fair." Trinity pouted pulling at her bonds.

"Life's not fair." I muttered into her neck.

I moved farther down, kissing at the exposed skin of Trinity's chest. Thank you hot weather. I thought looking down at her tank top. It left a large amount of skin for me to tease and torture. Torture more than tease.

I kissed Trinity's shoulder as the door opened again. Trinity relaxed slightly and sighed with relief. I groaned, I wouldn't be able to torture Trinity as much as I wanted to if Bryce stayed in the room.

"I'm going swimming. Meet me by the pool once you two are done." Bryce stated. I waited patiently for Bryce to get his things and go.

Trinity tensed again when the door shut. I attacked her neck, biting and sucking. I caught her by surprised. She gasped and moaned, arching her back into me.


I smiled at the sound of my name. I pulled away from her to look at her face. She was flushed and glaring.

"Yes?" I asked kissing along her jaw once again.

"Stop the teasing and just do me." She growled out.

I knew it was mean, but that was my cue to up and leave. And that's just what I did. I untied Trinity's arms before rolling off the bed. Trinity cussed loudly as I left the room. I heard her shout after me once before giving up.

I quickly got my swim trunks out of my bag. Now which bag to look through? I thought glancing at Trinity's things.

"Jerk." Trinity muttered picking up a suitcase, opening it, and pulling out her suit.

I just smiled more before heading into the bathroom. A nice cold shower was needed before heading down to the pool. A public place wouldn't appreciate my current condition very much.
♠ ♠ ♠
Billy is such a tease. :)
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