Truth Be Told, I Like You

Innocent Pool Side Fun

Oh your gonna fucking get it Billy Mead! I thought as I slowly opened the door to the bathroom.

Billy was currently showering, trying to solve his little problem he had goin on down south. I was gonna fix that shit, and was it gonna be wet and slippery. I smirked as I closed the door and skipped to the shower. I stopped just outside it.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes, reached in and turned the water from cold to hot. Then I threw back the curtain and got in, Billy looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I just smirked as I closed the curtain, inching closer to him.

“We’re gonna have some fun, whether you like it or want it.” I pressed him up against the back of the shower, his hands resting on my hips. Making little circles with his finger tips.

I grinded up against Billy, causing to him let out a moan and lean into me. I stood up on my tippy toes, kissing up his chest to his jaw line. My hands gripped his hair, his snaked around me pulling me closer. I smirked and nibbled on his bottom lip, which they traveled down my neck. Attaching to it, I gasped in pain and pleasure. I was gonna look like a hoe with all these hickeys on my neck.

I pressed myself closer to him, causing him to moan a little louder. I wasn’t going to fuck him in the shower, just tease him until I had enough. Then leave him to finish his cold shower. Or take a whole new one, god I am such a bitch.

“Trinity.” Billy moan into my neck. I loved the sound of my name being moaned, it was so enjoyable.

I just laughed and hip chucked him, he let out a loud moan. Towering over me, I looked up at him. his eyes were begging me to just let him have his way with me. I caressed his cheek, smiling sweetly up at him. I looked down south then back up at him, I smirked.

Patting his cheek I got out of the shower. Leaving him to groan in pain and curse under his breath. “Have fun in your cold shower!” I called wrapping myself in a towel, I exited the bathroom.

I slipped into the bedroom, I pulled on my bikini. I checked myself out in the mirror, it was white with outlines of purple hibiscus flowers. You could already see the hickeys forming on my neck, I rolled my eyes before grabbing a new towel and walking out of the room. Bryce had a key.

I probably should of wore something over my bikini, and not just walking out in public like this. I was gonna get cat calls from guys. Oh boy. Luckily I was a bitch and had terrific come backs, they normally made them boys shut up.

I texted Bryce letting him know that I was coming down. He said finally and all I did was just laugh at this. I pressed the down arrow button for the elevator, I waited quietly. Turning my phone over and over in my hands, I sighed.

“Damn, you’re sexy baby!” someone of the opposite gender called to me from down the hall.

Here we go again. I thought, turning to where the voice came from.

Two guys stopped to stare at me, stupid smirks plastered on their rather ugly faces. I rolled my eyes, putting my hand on my hip. “Why not take a picture, it might last longer.” I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Why don’t you come to our room for a little bit, we’ll show you a good time honey.” The other one said.

I barked at this, shaking my head. “Mhm, I bet. I already had a good time, probably the best ever. And you two probably have small dicks, the way you two are talking big. Your talk makes up for your small packages.” I said in a bitchy tone. Both their jaws dropped as I walked onto the elevator and descended downward.

“God I am amazing.” I said to myself.

“Finally you fucking made it.” Bryce said as I approached him. He was chilling in a lounge chair.

“I was busy.” I said sitting down in the empty chair next to him, draping my towel over the chair.

“I can tell. Nice hickeys.” Bryce said.

I looked at Bryce smirking but that soon faded. He almost seemed. . . sad. Or maybe jealous, I think he gets jealous that Billy and I can fool around and still be friends. I don’t fool around with Bryce, I just never thought of doing that with Bryce. “Thanks.” I traveled off.

“Well, since you are here. I don’t need to save our chairs. I am gonna go swim.” He took off his beanie and got up, diving into the pool.

I just sat there staring at Bryce, I gnawed on my lower lip. I felt bad, sure Bryce felt left out and I don’t like leaving people out. Maybe Billy and I need to tone it down a little. Or if we are at a restaurant next time, I will pretend like Bryce and I are dating. He probably wont be able to sleep tonight, so I might shack up with him. If I slept with Billy, we would end up fucking.

“Tease.” I looked up to see Billy sitting down next to me in a chair. I just laughed half heartedly.

“Well you weren’t nice either.” I said.

“I know.” He said smiling.

“Hey, I think we need to tone down our flirting and teasing a lot,” I said quietly. Even if there were other people in here, I didn’t want Bryce to hear. Billy raised his eyebrow. “I feel like Bryce feels left out. And you know how I don’t like having people feeling left out. Specially him, so I think we need to tone it down some.”

Billy nodded his head. “All right.” He said looking out at Bryce.

I just looked out the foggy window sighing. “Trinity!” someone sang behind me. I looked to see a soaking wet Bryce running toward me.

“Hell no!” I screamed trying to jump up and run. But Bryce was quick and caught my arm.

“Come on Trinity, we’re going swimming.” He said. Dragging me toward the pool.

I struggled to get away but Bryce was so much stronger than me. It was totally not fair. “I don’t wanna swim right now!” I cried. I latched onto him like a leech, Bryce tried peeling me off but couldn’t.

“Yes you do.” He said prying me off him.

“I will make out with you if you don’t throw me in!” I said suddenly. Bryce froze and stared at me.

“Seriously?” he asked.

I was sort of frozen myself. I didn’t know where that came from, its not like I wanted to kiss him. . . or at least I don’t think I wanted too. It just sort of came out. I noticed Bryce’s back was toward the water, an idea came to my mind.

I looked at Bryce, a smirk coming to play. “Nope.” I shoved him into the water.

“Ah!” he yelled falling backwards, but his hand caught my wrist. Yanking me into the water with him. I screamed before emerging into the cool water.

I felt Bryce grab me, he pulled me up for air I gasped and wiped my eyes. Bryce was wading while still holding me. I blinked before looking at him, I could feel the chlorine burning on my eyeballs.

“Jerk!” I said gasping for air still.

“Well you were a jerk too.” He said in a matter-of-fact tone. I rolled my eyes.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he swam back to the edge of the pool. I couldn’t help but glance at him out of the corner of my eye. Hmm. I thought as we reached the edge.
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