Truth Be Told, I Like You

A Turn For The Worse

"I will make out with you if you don’t throw me in!"

I sighed quietly and glanced over at Trinity. She was cuddled up next to Bryce who was out cold. She was snoring softly, her bangs moving with each breath she took. They both looked so peaceful and happy. Trinity would smile softly every so often and snuggle closer to Bryce.

I smiled and turned to stare at the ceiling. They like each other. I thought smiling more. It was obvious, at least to me, the innocent third party. I snorted, innocent was a lie. Third party was the truth though. Neither Trinity nor Bryce could see how they really felt about each other.

The more I thought about how cute they were together, silently hoping they would fucking realize it, the more my smile fell.

Right now we were three best friends. But if they dated, I'd be the one left out.

They'd go off doing their own thing. Loving every minute of being with each other. It would be sweet. They would be the perfect couple.

And I'd be alone.

"Damn it." I cussed getting out of bed. I quietly left the room, careful not to wake either of them up.

Just because they get together doesn't mean I'd be left out. Trinity wouldn't let that happen. She wouldn't, couldn't. We've been friends too long. I thought sitting down on the couch.

"What is wrong with me?" I asked quietly grabbing the television remote.

I flipped through the channels. Every channel had a romance movie playing. If it wasn't a movie it was a commercial with a couple on it. The couple, of course, was a man and a woman.

Can nobody sympathies with a half-homosexual.

"I need a man." I said turning off the TV. I grabbed one of the couch pillows and got comfortable. Hopefully sleep would come. My overactive mind needed a break.

"Billy?" I looked over to find Trinity standing in the doorway. She was still in her pajamas, a pair of short shorts and a tank top. She walked over and sat down on the couch, forcing me to move my legs. "How long have you been out here?"

"All night." I muttered sitting up.

"Did you even sleep?" Concern was written all over Trinity's face.

I shook my head and stood. My pajama pants hung slightly off my hips as I walked towards my suitcase. I grabbed my clothes for the day, skinny jeans and a band tee. I felt Trinity watching me the whole time.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You. . . because." I answered lamely. Before Trinity could question me any farther I disappeared into the bathroom.

After a quick hot shower, dressing and messing with my hair I exited the bathroom. As soon as the door was open I was whacked in the face with something. When the object moved I recognized it as a pillow, it's holder was Trinity. She was grinning wildly. I grabbed the pillow from her and whacked her with it.

"I disserved that." She muttered as I let the pillow drop to the ground.

"Ya think." I said with a laugh.

"Not normally." Trinity said seriously.

Seconds later we were both laughing. Trinity put her finger to her lips, a signal to shut up. I raised an eyebrow and she pointed to the bedroom. I walked over to the door and looked in.

Bryce was still passed out on the seconds bed. The sheets were tangled up around him and his hair was a mess, but he was asleep.

"Let him sleep." Trinity said softly.

I nodded and walked farther into the living room. The drapes had been pulled shut last night so I walked over and opened them. We had a view of the parking lot. I looked around, last night I had been able to see the Hummer. This morning however, it wasn't in it's parking spot.

"Hey Trin." I said turning to face her.

"What?" She asked with a mouth full of food. I hadn't even noticed the cart full of food sitting in the living room. It was overflowing with food.

"You move the Hummer?"

"What?" Her expression turned to a serious pissed off look. She quickly moved over to the window. The food in her hand fell as she looked out. She swallowed what was in her mouth before letting her jaw drop. "My Hummer's been stolen." She whispered.


"My Hummer's been stolen!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

I took a few steps back as she grabbed her keys and ran from the room. Bryce came walking out of the bedroom a minute later. He was yawning, stretching and rubbing his eyes all at the same time. Multi talented.

"What's wrong?" He asked groggily.

"Hummer's missing."

"What?!" Bryce was fully awake now.

He ran from the room, following the path Trinity took. I groaned and grabbed the room key. I followed quickly, not a full on sprint like the other two, but quick enough. The elevator seemed to take forever.

I met up with Trinity and Bryce outside. Trinity was cussing like a sailor and Bryce was on his knees. It seemed like Bryce was going to cry. I looked back at Trinity and noticed she was on the phone, it seemed like she was talking with the police. When she got off the phone she looked towards Bryce.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked, her mood lightening slightly.

"I had over five hundred dollars of drugs in that vehicle!" Bryce shouted jumping up and turning towards us. "FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!"

I let out a low whistle as Trinity held back a laugh. Bryce looked ready to burst, he was glaring and kicking at the ground. Trinity seemed angry as well. I would be too if I were her. Her Hummer, her baby, was gone. Her parents would flip if they knew, I wondered if she would even tell them.

What a great way to start a vacation. I thought as we made our way back into the hotel.
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