Truth Be Told, I Like You

Plan B Sounds Good Now

“TRINITY MICHELLE CONRAD!” my mother scream at me. I flinched at her screaming.

Full name use, yikes. This cant be good. I thought.

After I reported my Hummer missing I had to call my parents and tell them. Boy were they not to happy to hear my Hummer got stolen. They came and picked up Bryce, Billy and me. Stuffing all our suitcases into another car that my mom drove. We rode with my dad.

Now here we sit in my kitchen, or here I sit. Listening to them yell at me, calling me irresponsible and that I cant do anything. Cant keep track of anything I own. Along with many many other mean things. I sat there taking it, letting them have their bitch fucking fit.

“Okay! You can stop fucking yelling at me! Screaming at me isn’t gonna solve anything, when will you two realize this.” I snapped. I sat back in my chair, folding my across over my chest. I looked off to the side.

“How could you let your Hummer get stolen Trinity, honestly. You loved that thing, it was your baby.” My dad said pacing back and forth. Running a hand through his balding hair, I rolled my eyes.

“Its not my fucking fault! I locked the god damn doors, I made sure of it. I parked it where I could see it.” I snapped, I was getting irritated by them and just wanted them to leave now.

“Then who should we blame? Bryce and Billy?” my mom snapped. My jaw dropped, I jumped out of my seat and glared at them.

“Don’t you DARE blame them. They had nothing to do with this at all!” I screamed shoving my mom away from me.

“Don’t you dare shove me missy.” My mom snapped, glaring harder at me.

I glared back at her. “I can do whatever the fuck I want too,” I growled through my teeth. “get the fuck out of my face, I am done with you two!”

“Don’t you talk to your parents like that!” my mom screamed.

Suddenly I felt a sharp stinging pain on my cheek, my hand immediately went to it. I cupped my cheek, I looked at my mom in horror. She looked a little shocked as well, she looked from her hand to my face. I felt hot salty tears brew up in my eyes.

I cant believe my own mother just slapped me. This wasn’t a playful kidding around slap. This was a full on smack. Like it echoed in the fucking kitchen. Pretty sure Bryce and Billy heard it from the living room.

“I FUCKING HATE YOU BOTH!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I turned on my heel and ran out of the room. Up the stairs and into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

There was no keeping our argument quiet, it could be heard from all over the house. So pretty sure Bryce and Billy heard it.

Bryce’s P.O.V

I flinched when I heard Trinity scream that she hated her parents. I looked back at the French doors that lead into the house, I shook my head. Billy and I sat outside on the patio smoking cigarettes. We decided that we should probably sit outside while they talked but I guess we could of stayed in the house.

“I fucking hate her parents.” I growled, sitting back in my chair. Propping my feet up on the table top again.

I looked over at Billy, he just nodded his head and inhaled his cigarette. I let out a sigh, looking out at the ocean. It was late in the afternoon, the sun starting to set. We were late sleepers, and it was a couple hour drive to the hotel we did stay at. So the day was wasted away, we weren’t getting any closer to Vegas.

“Well, time for plan B I guess.” I said flicking my ashes on the ground. I didn’t care where I flicked them anymore.

“Yeah, I guess so.” Billy said.

Trinity didn’t have any other car to drive. One that was big enough to hold all our shit in it. So whoever stole her Hummer needed to come forward and give it back or she needs to buy a new one. I think she wants to buy a new one but I am not sure.

“Fucking A!” I said running my hands through my messy hair. I didn’t put on a hat today, not in the mood.

I just wanted to get out of California, not be stuck in it. I looked back at the doors then at Billy. “Should we go check on Trinity?” I asked.

Billy looked at the doors too then put his cigarette out. “Yeah, let’s go.” He said standing, I followed pursuit.

We walked into the house, closing the door quietly. We both hurried past the kitchen and ran upstairs. We passed Seth’s room, I stopped. He looked sad, just sitting on his bed. Tossing his phone in his hands. I tapped Billy’s arm, he stopped as well.

“Seth bud what’s wrong?” I asked walking into his room.

Seth looked up and shrugged, his eyes glancing back downwards. I sat down on the edge of his bed. I wonder if he heard the fight between Trinity and their parents. “I don’t like it when they fight.” He mumbled.

“We don’t either.” I said softly. Nobody liked seeing them fight. We all knew they never got along the greatest and their fighting proved it.

“Is my sister all right?” Seth asked, looking up at me. I looked down at him.

I have always thought of Seth as my little brother. We liked the same things, skateboarding and Trinity. . . or maybe I just liked Trinity. Not in a best friend way. Yup, I had a crush on my best friend. I get jealous every time Trinity and Billy fool around, sour is more like it.

Reason why I get so sour is because I wish I was Billy. I wish I could feel Trinity’s small arms around my neck, her tiny frame against mine. I want to know so badly how her lips fit against mine.

Every time Trinity cuddles with me to help me sleep, I never want the night to end. When I have her in my arms for that short amount of time, I feel amazing. Like I am the luckiest guy in the fucking world. Her body fits so well with mine, it’s like we’re suppose to be together. Meant to be together.

Ha, now I am just getting to carried away with myself. Trinity has fun with her teasing and flirting. I don’t wanna ruin her fun, besides she probably wants to be single. Not tied down and having to worry about a boyfriend. . . but I want to tell her that I like her. I just don’t know how.

“Bryce.” Billy said smacking me along side the head.

“What?!” I said looking around quickly, didn’t even realize that I was spacing out.

I looked at Billy then Seth, they both had confused looks on their faces. I just got up, shoving my hands quickly into my pockets. “Let’s go check on Trinity.” I said hurrying out of the room.

I walked right up to Trinity’s bedroom door, not even bothering to knock. I grabbed the door knob and walked right in. Trinity was laying on her bed, her face buried in her million pillows.

I smiled, running up to her bed I leaped on it. Landing behind her but then laying on top of her. “Trinity darling wake up sweetness!” I said hugging her. I earned a giggle from her. “Billy come join this. . . something of love!”

I heard Billy bark a laugh before jumping on top of me. “Oh god!” I said. Billy was a heavy son of a bitch. “god damn Billy, you’re killing me!”

“Are you calling me fat Bryce?” he asked.

Trinity busted out laughing as did I. “Oh yes totally. You fucking fat ass. You need to stop eating right now.” I said in a serious voice, or the best that I could at that state.

“Will you two get off me! I cant breath!” I smushed Trinity said from underneath us.

“Billy sir, I believe we are squishing thee Miss Trinity.” I said in my fake British accent, I was good at it.

“Oh really?” Billy said in a surprised tone.

I smiled before being shoved off the bed. I landed straight onto the ground with a thud, then I just laid there. “I hate you Billy.” I said flatly.

Billy just snickered, I looked up to see Trinity was sitting up now. Her beautiful smile on her face once more. God did I love her smile, it could light up a room. Turn any cloudy into a sunny one. If you were having a bad day, you would just have to look at Trinity’s smile and you would feel better instantly.

“Thanks guys.” She said.

“No problem sweetness, you needed to smile,” I said from my spot on the floor. but I sat up and laid down on her bed. “so what’s plan B?”

“Well we could either get a flight out to Vegas-”

“Flying ain’t fun. What’s your other idea?” I edged on. Fucking flying, no fun in that.

Trinity rolled her eyes and smacked my back. “Let me talk Bryce!” I flashed her a smile. “or we could stay here and then tomorrow morning we go look at new Hummers for me. Because I got a feeling I am not getting my old on back.”

I nodded my head. Billy did too. “I like it, another night to do drugs.” I said.

I was smacked in the face with a pillow by Trinity.
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Thank you to the one person who did comment. (: