Truth Be Told, I Like You

A Threat Should Work

Truth be told. . . I hated being single.

I laid there biting my lip, staring up at Billy. His body was towering over me, his hair covering his face. Billy kept trying to flip his hair out of his eyes but it always fall right back into place.

“Trinity what’s on your mind?” Billy asked softly. Brushing my bangs out of my eyes, I sighed quietly.

“Lots of things are on my mind.” I said, my eyes holding his.

“Tell me.” He said.

I gnawed on my lower lip, if we were gonna have a conversation. We need to rid of the sexual tension between us. We both need to get laid, yes we both need too. Pretty sure Billy is not gonna argue with me on this one.

Billy brought his head down to mine, our lips meeting somewhere in there. His pressed his body to mine, increasing our tension more. Fucking little brat but I ran my nails down his chest, stopping to grip the end of his shirt. I began pulling it back upward, Billy sat back on his knees. He pulled his shirt off, tossing it off to the side.

I sat up, undoing his belt. Unbuttoning his jeans, I pulled the zipper down. Billy took my hands into his, slowly pushing me back down onto my back. He kissed my lips, moving down my jaw line to my neck. His hands traveled down my body. Stopping at my belt, undoing that he unbuttoned my jeans, slowly pulling the zipper down.

I was pushing back my sheets, trying to get my body underneath all while still making out with Billy. He did the same, our lips never left. I couldn’t help but smirk into our kiss. We both knew this what we needed. Neither of us getting laid for a day or something like that.

Way to fucking long.

Having sex while half naked is awesome. I mean, we both had on our jeans and I had on my bra. Trying to have sex when both of us are wearing extremely tight jeans. It was just harder and hotter. That defiantly makes the top ten best sex we had list.

We laid there in my bed, after our hardcore sex for a hour or two. I lost track of time. I snuggled into Billy’s side, his arms wrapped around me. I listened to his steady breathing, the sound of his heart beat was making me sleepy.

But I was going to talk to him. . . eventually.

“So you ready to talk?” he asked quietly.

I let out a tiny sigh, adjusting my body so I was comfy again. Here we go again. I thought.

I didn’t say anything, how do I start it. Should I just jump into it, skip the bullshit and cut right to the chase. Oh god, fuck my life.

“Trinity.” Billy said again.

I sat up, looking down at my bed. Billy’s hand resting on my hip. I looked at him, staring straight into his eyes. “I am tired of being single.” I said.

Billy just laid there, I could tell he was thinking. And waiting for me to continue. “That night when we were at Chili’s and all those fucking couples were there. Being all lovey dovey couples, it made me jealous. It made me feel lonely, like why cant I have that. I don’t wanna be known as the flirt or the tease anymore. I want something more than that.

“That’s what I have been known for my whole life. Guys only look at me as a piece of ass that they wanna get with but I don’t let them. So they just move on and don’t even bother to try and be friends with me. The couple relationships I did have only lasted a couple weeks. Before I got bored with them or didn’t feel anything anymore. I want something more than just a fling. I wanna know what it is like to be in love. To say those words to someone special.”

I sank low into my bed. Burring my face into my millions of pillows. I sighed heavily. I was pathetic, yes at times. But this time I was serious. Being single for the longest time is old and not fun anymore. Specially when you see other couples all happy. I just wish them all to hell.

Billy sighed quietly. He adjusted himself, my bed squeaking. His movement made my body go up and down with my bed. He was more than likely facing me now. Getting ready to give me some long meaningful speech. He was famous for them, I was the lucky one who only heard them.

“Trinity,” He said. I lifted my head to look at him, my face peeking out from my pillows. “you are being silly.”

I lifted my head up. “How?!” I asked quickly.

“Because you are so blind and wont admit something. Admit you like someone.” Billy said. Hinting on the word someone.

I gave him a blank stare, I wasn’t catching on. I think Billy realized this. “Bryce.” He said.

I felt my insides flutter and my cheeks get hot. I suddenly felt giggly and I just wanted so smile. I buried my face, hiding my blush. “What about Bryce?” I asked into my pillow.

Billy chuckled and probably shook his head too. “You like him Trinity. You like him a lot, it is written all over your face.” He said with a laugh.

I shot straight up glaring at him. I crossed my arms over my chest glaring. Billy just kept on laughing at me. “I do not!” I protested.

Truth be told I liked Bryce, I had a huge crush on him.

I didn’t realize I had a crush on him. When I saw how sad he looked when Billy and I fooled around a lot. But we’ve always been fooling around, I guess maybe I was trying to hide my feelings or something. I don’t know.

Billy just sat back in my pillows, his hands resting behind his head. A stupid smirk on his face. I tried to glare harder at him. “You like Bryce and its cute.” He said cockily. I rolled my eyes and slapped him, hard.

“Shut up Billy! I do not fucking like him!” I exclaimed.

My phone went off, the vibrate was really loud on my nightstand. I whipped around and grabbed it, smiling at who it was from. “Whose it from?” Billy asked.

“Bryce.” I said with a smile. He texted me.

From: Bryce
Message: Hey, I am making a drug deal. Or several drug deals tonight. So I wont be coming back ‘til tomorrow morning. But I will be there, don’t worry.

I frowned at the message, Bryce wasn’t coming home tonight. I quickly texted him back then sent my phone down. That made me sad now, he had drugs. Drugs I wanted, and I just want to see him.

“He’s not coming home tonight. He is making drug deals.” I said sadly.

Billy laughed harshly, I looked up at him. My face getting hotter every second. “What?!” I asked.

“You so like Bryce!” he said laughing.

My face probably looked like a tomato now. “SHUT UP!” I yelled smacking him with a pillow, burring my face into my pillows. Trying to hide from Billy.

I sat up, crawling and sitting on Billy. I glared down at him, pointing my finger at him. “Say one word to Bryce and I will cut your dick off and shove it in a blender.”
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