Truth Be Told, I Like You

Here We Come, Again

I just stared up at Trinity. She seemed serious enough with her threat, but something in her eyes told me otherwise. I placed my hands on her hips, rubbing circles into her skin. When she wasn't expecting it I bucked my hips up into hers causing her to gasp.

"You'd miss that too much." I said softly. I couldn't help but smile as she glared.

She was speechless. I could see her trying to think of a comeback, but none came to her. I thought of a few, but also had counter comebacks prepared.

She sighed in defeat after a few minutes and slide down to lay beside me. She didn't cuddle back into my side. She actually turned to face away from me. I adjust my position once again and wrapped my arm around her waist. I pulled her into my chest, kissing her shoulder blades.

"I won't say a word." I promised.

Trinity turned around in my arms smiling. She placed a soft kiss on my cheek before cuddling into my chest. I rested my head on top of hers, content to be with her at the moment.

"Promise?" Trinity's soft voice asked, breaking through a growing silence.

"Yeah. I promise."

"Thank you."

The silence began to grow again. But it was a nice peaceful silence. The longer the room stayed quiet, the more I wanted to sleep. I wasn't going to fall asleep on Trinity though. She might have more she wants to talk about. A minute later I realized that theory was wrong. Trinity was softly snoring.

I smiled before allowing sleep to take over.

I watched quietly as Trinity hugged Seth goodbye. Seth was trying not to cry. I could see him holding back his tears, trying to be strong. Trinity laughed softly and kissed him on the cheek before walking over.

I went back to packing the trunk. I only had two more things to put in. Two suitcases, both belonging to Trinity. I had the suitcases near the back, two coolers were up against the backseat. Easy access to food and drinks.

Bryce was already sitting in the front seat.

He had come back early this morning. He had woke us both up by jumping on the bed. Luckily Trinity and I had somewhat redressed after sex. Otherwise Bryce would have known, and Trinity would be upset because he was upset.

He had shown us the drugs he had gotten. He also bragged about how he found his iPod.

Trinity's new Hummer had a plug in for iPods. So Trinity made sure to have every song possible on her iPod. Bryce started looking for his once Trinity had bought the new vehicle.

I didn't have one, I didn't need one with Trinity having one.

"Hurry up!" Bryce shouted turning around to stare out the back.

I simple flipped him off before slamming the trunk shut. I could hear him cussing me out through the wall of the Hummer. Trinity rolled her eyes when she heard him.

I hopped into the backseat as Trinity got into the drivers side. She gave a little dance while she got buckled.

"Happy?" Bryce asked with a laugh.

"Yes. We are on our way." Trinity grinned widely. "Again." She added with a slight frown and irritated look.

"You did want a new Hummer." Bryce said trying to make things better.

"I know. But I didn't want that to be the reason I got it." Trinity started the Hummer, waving out the window to Seth. He waved back slowly, in a sad fashion.

I noticed that Trinity wasn't looking at Bryce. Normally she would look over at him while talking, but today she seemed to be avoiding his eye contact.

She so likes him. I thought with a smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Bryce asked turning to look at me.

I shrugged and looked forward. I meet Trinity's eyes through the rearview mirror. I smiled more before looking out the window. I heard Trinity sigh in relief. She relaxed in her seat, leaning back as she drove.

"What's the first thing you want to do in Vegas?" Bryce asked turning back around.

"Caesars Palace!" I shouted.

Trinity and Bryce both burst out laughing. I grinned. It wasn't a lie. I had always wanted to visit Caesars Palace. It just seemed cool and I wanted to get the real life experience. Instead of just hearing others talk about it.

I also really like the Roman time period.

"Alright. That's one thing. What else?" Bryce asked once he and Trinity had stopped laughing.

"Shopping!" Trinity shouted.

This time I laughed with Bryce. We both had already thought that was going to happen. With Trinity shopping is always in the plan. It's never a thought, it's an action. We also knew with how much money she had both Bryce and I would be going with, to simply carry bags.

"I don't find that very funny." Trinity pouted cutely. She was just joking and we knew it. It didn't stop us from laughing.

"We already knew that." Bryce said when he had caught his breathe.

I just nodded in agreement. Trinity smiled again, her pout disappear just as quickly as it had appeared. The mood in the Hummer lifted to a happier one.

Trinity finally looked over at Bryce. The both smiled at each other before turning away. My smile grew. The look on each of their faces was the same. They had feelings for each other but didn't know the others.

Damn Trinity for making me promise. I thought knowing I could help them get together. I couldn't keep my frown from coming back. This time I didn't even know why I was frowning. They'd be great together.
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Sorry it's short, and kind of crappy.
Please comment.