Truth Be Told, I Like You

Party 'Til You Pass Out

Truth be told. . . drunk people are fun.

I stood off in the corner, away from the crowd of dancing drunks. A red plastic cup in my right hand and a lit Marlboro in the other. I raised the cup and drained it of it's contents. Without a second thought I let the empty cup fall to the floor. I'd be helping Trinity clean up later anyway, so why not help make the mess I'm cleaning up.

Drunk ass losers. I thought smiling slightly.

One of the girls dancing on the coffee table suddenly lost her balance and went tumbling to the floor, dragging a few friends with her. They burst out laughing as they sat on the floor tangled up in each other.

I shook my head at their stupidity. Some people need to learn their cut off points. Half the skinny bitches from our school, should stop after none. They were stupid and clumsy enough without impaired thought process.

Mean, hell yeah. I am mean, rude and a total jerk. Most wouldn't think so just by watching me for a while. They'd think I was silent and sensitive. Gag me. My glares and stares can send half the female population at our school running off in tears. Silent doesn't mean sensitive. I decided long ago many people weren't worth my words. Few people are the exception to that. Those people being my grandma down in Florida and Trinity. Yup, very few people have earned that honor.

I'm also one of the biggest druggies are our school. I should be saying was, past tense. After today I, plus the entire senior class, were no longer high school students. Finally graduated from the government institutional prison that they named high school.

Although it wasn't as bad as rehab. That place was literally hell. No drugs, no alcohol and no freedom. I was constantly watched by the nurses, doctors and psychiatrists that believed they could help me. I didn't want help. I loved the high from any drug I could get my hands on. I loved the buzz a few shots of Vodka could give me. The only reason I ever ended up in rehab was my loving father thought I had a problem. I do have a problem, but I admit it and am fine with not seeking treatment.

As soon as I was released I caught up with Trinity, who happily helped me contact my old dealer. We spent three days celebrating my release. Snorting cocaine and smoking pot. It was the best high of my life.

Trinity Conrad.

I smirked thinking about her.

My best friend. The only one that understood me without words. Funny though, she understands me the best without needing me to talk yet I'll talk with her more than others. I believe that's how she earned it. She never once asked me to verbalize an answer. When I wouldn't say the answer and she couldn't figure it out she would simply drop the subject. We just bonded. From birth we were inseparable.

Our relationship was only strengthened when we took it farther. Sex with a friend has so far been the best sex I've ever had. It doesn't help that I've only had sex with three other people. Two other girls and my first gay experience, so far. When I slept with each girl I was wasted and only agreed because I was beyond horny and in need or release. My gay experience was with a boy I thought I had loved but broke it off once we had taken that step. I've only been with Trinity since then.

The hardcore sex that didn't evolve into a full blow relationship was great. Trinity was the only reason I wasn't completely gay. She was the only girl worth sleeping with. All the others, just didn't turn me on like she did.

Many of the girls at the school have attempted to flirt with me. I find it rather amusing. They try so hard to receive a response when it's obvious that none is going to come. It's even more amusing when Trinity scares them off. All she has to do is walk towards me and the flirting female and they go running. She's not queen of bitches for nothing.

I smiled remembering that day. Normally the girl given that title hates it, Trinity loved it. She was super excited about it. I was named most likely to end up on MTV. Trinity found that hilarious. She pictured it, me standing there holding a microphone and not saying a word. Best episode ever.

I raised the cancer stick to my lips and inhaled deeply. The smoke relaxed all my nerves, even more than they already were. All the heroine flowing through my veins had me extremely relaxed. I wasn't sure how much more relaxed I could become before falling to the ground. I dropped the butt of the smoke into the nearest ashtray and pulled the pack out of my back pocket. I lit another as I heard a very girly giggle beside me.

I debated for a while on whether I wanted to find the owner or not. As the giggling got worse I had to know who the annoying runt was. I wasn't surprised to see Meghan Lund leaning against the wall for support. I could see how dilated her eyes were. Completely gone.

I would place good money on her not being able to remember tonight.

"Wow Billy, lookin' good." She slurred stumbling closer.

I sighed heavily and scanned the dance floor. Trinity was on the opposite side, not a care in the world. Two guys were talking with her, making her laugh. She was wasted and high. I instantly noticed that the guys, both completely sober or sober enough.

"Billy. Lets gooo upstairs." Meghan said grabbing my arm and tugging.

I turned to look back at Meghan. She was half asleep leaning against me. She looked up at me with a huge grin and half closed eyes. Suppressing a groan I led her over to the nearest chair and sat her down. Within seconds she was out of it.

I made my way over to the booze table. Empty bottles were scattered across the table. I quickly searched through the mess until I found a bottle with liquid in it. I downed the rest of the Vodka before adding the bottle to the pile of empties. Another search graced me with a half full bottle of Jack. I raised it to my lips only to have it taken out of my grasp. I turned to see Trinity taking a swig.

"Having fun?" She asked handing me the bottle.

I gulped down a good portion of the bottle before recapping it and placing it back on the table. I looked back to Trinity to find her staring. What do you think? I asked with my eyes. I looked back to the party.

"Right, sorry. You like small gatherings better. Less people to share with." Trinity said answering her own question.

I ran a hand through my hair before using both to fix it. I was sweaty and it was sticking to my neck. I knew it wouldn't stay styled much, but luckily it was naturally straight. Once I had fiddled with my hair long enough I stuffed my hands into my pockets.

I licked over my lips before looking back at Trinity. We stood in silence. A comfortable silence. Trinity was watching everyone dance around. I was watching her, playing with my lip ring.

"Let's play poker." Trinity suddenly said turning to face me.

Without another word she disappeared into the kitchen. I finished off my cigarette before following her. I found Trinity sitting at the head of the table with three others. She was dealing out cards, to five places. I smirked and took my place next to Trinity.

"Let's make this interesting." Trinity said with a smirk. "Strip poker."

An hour later the group in the kitchen was half naked, all except Trinity and I. I had the most clothing on. I had only lost my shirt. Trinity had lost her shirt and tank top. The three other girls in the kitchen were in their undergarments. They had quit, not wanting to lose anything more while in a house full of drunks. Trinity refused to quit until either I or herself was naked.

"Do you fold?" Trinity asked with a smirk.

I was tired of the game. If I folded it was over if I didn't one of us would lose their pants. I set my cards down and leaned back in the chair. Trinity jumped up and did a victory dance around the table. She grabbed the clothing she had won and left the room. I left my stack of clothing on the table, not really interested in them.

The party had dwindled a little from earlier. Most had broken off into couples or groups of three. Dancing to the music or just talking. The room was a lot less crowded. If I had to guess I would say half of the partiers had wondered away. Trinity had taken her place on the coffee table. Even with the shirts she had gained she didn't bother to but one back on.

"How much has she had?" Bryce asked appearing next to me.

Lets see. The cocaine I gave her earlier. The heroin she found before the party started. The cocaine she convinced you to give her. Whatever she bought with the twenty I gave her if she bought anything. A lot of the booze here. I thought staring at Bryce. A lot.

"Never mind." He muttered when I wouldn't answer.

I rolled my eyes. Why must people always had verbalized answers. Trinity would have understood that answer perfectly. Then again she would have known how much she had drank, smoked, snorted and shot.

Bryce wondered off when he noticed a group of girls dancing together. One of them looked ready to hurl. I had to laugh. Bryce was going to be in for it if she did. It was hard for me to believe how hard it was for some people to hold their alcohol.

"Billy!" I turned my attention to Trinity in time to catch her. I stumbled backwards a little at the sudden extra weight.

"Yes." I said quietly.

"Meet me upstairs in three minutes." She stated holding up three fingers. She had a goofy grin on her face as I set her down.

I watched as she walked up the stairs, swinging her hips as she did so. I was sure it wasn't on purpose, she had a natural sway to her walk.

"Lucky bastard."

Without thinking I turned and punched the guy who said it. It was one of the losers that had attempted to flirt with her earlier. He was on the ground holding his bleeding nose while his buddy kneeled by his side.

"What the hell?!" He shouted jumping up.

His buddy grabbed him and pulled him away. Bryce started laughing from his spot in the room. He was surrounded by a couple of girls. I believe at least one of them was from our poker game.

Once the three minutes were up I went upstairs.
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