Truth Be Told, I Like You

The Mesa Grill

Good god! Did our waiter have to be a guy, and a cute guy at that. I could feel Trinity's eyes on me, and even though she was hiding her smirk behind the menu I still knew it was there.

Landon, he even has a cute name. Oh god, how I hate you. The entire time he was getting drink orders I kept looking up at him. I tried not too, I kept looking away as soon as I noticed I was looking but my eyes gravitated back towards him.

Soon enough he left. I kept my head down, trying to figure out what to eat. The menu was fantastic, so if asked I could easily say I was deciding what to eat. It was hard to choice, at least for the appetizers.

I was having Baby Romaine Salad to start. And possible end.

Nothing in the entrée part of the menu was vegetarian. Fish, chicken, veal, tenderloin, pork and duck. Every meal had some sort of meat to it. I would just have to see what was in the tiny fridge our room had.

"Have you decided what you would like?"

Great, he's back. I held back a sigh.

It wasn't that I didn't like him. He was a great waiter. The problem was that I did like him. There was something about him that drew me to him, and I wasn't liking it. We weren't living in Vegas, we were visiting.

Getting close to him would only end up with us both hurt, or at least me.

"Yes." Trinity said with a smile. "I would like to start with the Black Bean Soup and then later the Grilled Mahi Mahi."

"Alright." Landon was scribbling away at the pad of paper he had. He then looked towards Bryce, who was still staring at his menu. "Sir?"

"Oh yeah." Bryce said looking up. "I'll start with the Rough Cut Tuna Nachos and then later the Green Chile Cioppino."

Landon wrote it down, taking his and Trinity's menu before turning towards me. I looked up, but he wouldn't meet my eyes. I tried not to smile.

"Baby Romaine Salad please." I said simply, handing him my menu.

"Is that all?" He asked, finally meeting my eyes. He had very pretty eyes. Nice brown eyes that someone could get lost in. Snap out of it!

"Yeah, that's it." I muttered.

He left quickly after that. Once he was out of hearing range Trinity and Bryce burst out laughing. I looked over at them with a glare.

"What?" I asked leaning back in my chair. I crossed my arms over my chest in a slight pout. I wasn't liking the fact they were laughing, I wanted to know why.

"You like him, you like him." Trinity sang doing a little dance. Bryce just joined her in the dance and song, only he sang quieter than she did. A few of the people around us looked to see what was happening, but didn't stare. A waitress chuckled slightly as she walked past.

"Shut up." I said kicking Bryce in the shin. He yelped and reached down to grab his knee. Trinity kept it up, but I wouldn't dare kick her.

"It's cute Billy. Besides, he's cute and I could totally see you two together. You'd make the cutest couple." Trinity said with a really wide grin. Bryce, not wanting to get kicked again, just nodded.

"Too bad he lives here and we live in California." I muttered.

"Yeah. But you hate California." Trinity pointed out.

I didn't have a comeback so I stayed silent glaring at Trinity. Bryce just grinned and drank his water.

The table was silent until our food arrived. My glaring at Trinity had turned into a staring contest. Neither of us blinking and my eyes were beginning to get dry. I was hoping she would blink soon, I didn't want to lose.

Luckily she did blink. She saw our food coming before I did so she looked towards the smell. Landon was carrying most of the food, with the help of the waitress who had heard Trinity's song.

She looked between me and Landon with a smile. I looked down at the spot in front of me, extremely glad that my hair was long enough to hide my face. I was sure I was slightly blushing by now.

"Here you are." Landon said setting the food down. "Enjoy."

With that he left. Trinity and Bryce quickly shoved their food into their mouths, possibly to keep from saying something they shouldn't. I ate my salad slowly. Knowing it was the only dish I would be getting.

Halfway through my salad Trinity's and Bryce's main courses were brought out. Bryce seemed overly happy to see more food coming out. It made me laugh softly. Trinity just raised an eyebrow at the silly boy.

Dinner was good. It took awhile for it to be done, but it was very interesting watching Bryce eat. He ate quickly yet with manners. I was surprised he wasn't making a huge mess. Trinity had order us a desert. Apple turnovers.

Bryce made fun of Trinity and the whipped cream. Bryce ended up getting kicked again.

"I'm not going to be able to walk soon if you two keep kicking me." Bryce said as we left the Mesa Grill. Trinity had paid, which was a relief to Bryce and me. The Mesa Grill was expensive.

"Maybe that's the point." I joked.

Bryce glared and shoved me slightly. I didn't stumble which caused him to pout. Trinity just rolled her eyes at the two of us.

"Immature." She muttered heading for the elevator.

"But you love us!" With both cheered grinning happily.

We didn't see the eye roll, but I was sure it had happened. Bryce quickly caught up with Trinity, walking backwards so he could talk with her.

"I'm gonna go for a walk guys." I said turning towards the entrance of Caesar's Palace.

Trinity raised an eyebrow but nodded. Bryce just ignored me, he had the room key already. They soon disappeared in the elevator. I quickly made my way outside into the crisp air of Las Vegas.
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