Truth Be Told, I Like You

He Just Likes The Girl

Bryce’s P.O.V

Asking Alexandria blared through Trinity’s portable CD player. I sat at the desk in her hotel room, my drugs out in front of me. Some cocaine on my scale, a very jumpy guy sitting next to me. He was bouncing up and down in his seat, he was coked out of his god damn mind.

Amazing what you find here in Vegas in elevators. You find coke addicts looking for some to buy. Trinity and I ran into this guy and I told him I had some to sell to him. I think his name was Cody.

Cody was moving around in his spot, his eyes focused on Trinity as she thrashed around on her bed. I noticed Cody kept licking his lips and I kept tensing close to ripping his fucking dick off. I knew what was going through his dirty mind, I wasn’t stupid.

“She is so pretty.” Cody said staring at Trinity. I glanced over at her and went back to my drugs.

“Cody keep your eyes over here and don’t look over there. If you want to keep your dick attached to your body then I would stay focused here.” I said casually. I was finishing weighing his coke.

“She ain’t your girl so why do you care?” he asked.

I turned to give him the dirtiest glare ever. “True she isn’t but she is my best friend and I am not gonna let some guy coked out of his mind look at her like that. Now I don’t havetoo give you this cocaine.” I said. I knew he wanted his coke, I could see he was about to cry after I said that.

“Okay okay dude I will stop! But please just don’t take my coke away.” He begged. I barked a harsh laugh.

“That’s what I thought bitch,” I said under my breath. I rolled up his cocaine in a plastic bag. “where’s the money.” I angled my body so I was looking at him.

Cody dug out his wallet, opening it he dropped a wad of cash onto the desk top. I placed my cigarette between my lips before grabbing the money. I sat back in my chair unrolling the money. I slowly counted it, no way I was letting this guy underpay me. The cocaine I had was good shit.

“There’s one twenty there so just give me my coke.” Cody said reaching for the bag, I slapped his hand away.

“Sit down and shut the fuck up.” I glaring at him, he sat back and shut up.

There was one hundred and twenty dollars here. I grabbed his beg and threw it at him then pointed to the suite door. “Get the fuck out of here now.” I hissed. Cody gulped and quickly got out of the room.

I sat back smirking, when you are a drug dealer you had so much control over addicts. They were buying your shit so of course they have to listen too. If they wanted to get their next fix, god I loved this job. I was the best drug dealer back at home. Everyone came to me. I was making hella bank.

“Bryce!” Trinity shouted from the bed.

I glanced over at her, she was standing in the middle of her bed panting like a dog. Her face looked red, like hella red. I quickly got out of my chair and hurried over to her. She sank to her knees when I got to her bedside. I took her face into my hands.

“Trinity?” I asked brushing her bangs out of her face.

Her face was a scary red. Her eyes were blood shot like there was no tomorrow. Her face felt hot underneath my hands. I pushed her hair behind her shoulders. When on drugs you work up a sweat and over heat a lot. She changed into shorts and a tank top before I let her do any coke. I had to go back to my room to get my drugs and change myself, just into shorts and no shirt.

“I don’t feel good.” She said resting her forehead on my chest.

She didn’t look so good either. “Hang tight doll, I will go get you some water.” I sat her down and walked over to her mini fridge. I opened it and grabbed two water bottles. Trinity was badly dehydrated.

I turned around only to see Trinity gone and the bathroom door open with the light on. I ran in there to find Trinity leaning over the toilet puking her guts up. I grabbed the nearest pony of her’s off the counter and knelt down by her. I took her hair into my hands and pulled it back.

Trinity kept empting her stomach. The dinner she ate came back up. I watched as her body cringed every time she puked. I bit my lip and continued to rub her back. I knew it wasn’t a good idea for her to be jumping around. She told me she would be fine. Mental note, don’t listen to Trinity again.

She groaned and sat back, I bunched up some toilet paper and wiped her mouth off. I threw it away before grabbing one of the water bottles. I cracked it open and handed it to her. She needed water badly right now.

“Drink Trinity.” I said. she took the water bottle and chugged the whole thing.

Her swollen eyes rolled over to look at me. Trinity looked like shit, complete shit. Hell was written all over her gorgeous face. She is normally pale but she was a scary pale right now, it was scaring me. I placed a hand over her forehead.

“How you feel?” I asked.

“Like shit.” Trinity said in a groggy hoarse voice.

I handed Trinity the other water bottle. She chugged that too, her whole body just looked weak. I don’t think she could even make it to her bed. “Can you walk?” I asked quietly.

Trinity looked at me with sad eyes, slowly she shook her head. Her bangs slipping in front of her face. I brushed them back. “Okay, I will carry you.” I said.

Slowly and carefully I slipped my arms underneath her fail weak body. Slowly I lifted her up and walked out of the bathroom. I laid her gently down on her bed, pulling back her covers then pulling them back over her. Trinity started to shiver now. “I’m cold Bryce.” She whispered.

I nodded before walking over to my chair, I grabbed my sweatshirt and walked over to Trinity. She sat up and slipped on my sweatshirt then laid back down. I got her more water bottles, setting them on her nightstand table.

Walking over to the other side of the bed, I sat down. I texted Billy letting him know what was up and that I would be coming back to the room soon. He was still out on his walk, it was night time but Vegas was lit up with lights.

Trinity groaned and rolled over, the front of her body facing me. She held her pillow, her eyes shut tight. All she needed to do know was just sleep everything off. Trinity just needed sleep. Slowly I slipped out of bed, I was going to pack up my drugs and get ready to leave.

I went back into the bathroom to flush the toilet and turn off the light. Then I walked back to my desk area packing up my shit. I slipped on my backpack, I looked over at Trinity. I listened to her steady breathing, I could hear her light snoring. Quietly I walked to her bedside.

She looked beautiful when she slept. Almost like an angel, no. Trinity was prettier than any angel out there. I swear she put other angels to shame. I sighed softly.

Come on Bryce, just go back to your room. I thought bending down over Trinity.

I softly brushed her bangs out of her face. My face hovered over her’s, she laid on her back now. Our lips centimeters apart, I licked my lips. Pausing I brought my lips up to her forehead, planting a gentle kiss on it. I pulled away. I couldn’t do it, I just couldn’t. Not while she was asleep and under the influence.

Slowly I turned around and walked out of the room. Heading back to my room, to sit in complete darkness with the curtains open and the Vegas lights lighting up the room. To wait for Billy to come back. I didn’t like that he was not here, I mean I didn’t know if he was okay or not. Sometimes I felt like the dad for these two.
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