Truth Be Told, I Like You

Can't Keep His Mouth Shut

The lights and the sounds. Beautiful. The city was lit up like a Christmas tree. Everywhere I turned a large neon sign was flashing or a row of lights were moving in sync to music. I found casino after casino filled with screaming people, winning or losing.

It was very amusing to watch the losers.

They'd scream and cuss before shoving more money into the machine. Then they'd lose yet again and the entire process would repeat.

I didn't try. I had seen to many people lose to even want to try. For every person that did win, at least two hundred lost. I'm not lucky in anything, so I wasn't taking my chances with the little bit of money I did have.

I was a few blocks away from Caesar's Palace when I felt my phone buzz. I jumped slightly, earning a few looks from the people I was surrounded by. I shouldn't have put it on vibrate and my back pocket.

I pulled it out and saw Bryce's name flash across the screen. I sighed, was he really checking up on me. Sometimes he feels more like a dad than a friend.

I opened it anyway.

From: Bryce
Message: Where are you? I'm heading back to the room, Trinity's out. I'll explain more when you get here.

I figured it was as good of time as ever to get back to the hotel. It would only be a few blocks of walking, and I was tired.

Shouldn't have walked so far. I thought as I began making my way back.

A half an hour later I was standing at the entrance of Caesar's Palace pissed off. It should have taken me fifteen minutes to get back. Should have. But with how many people in the walkways it took twice as long.

A lot of people found it absolutely necessary to stop in the middle of the sidewalk. I ran into a few people who did that. They weren't even polite about it. They blamed me for running into them.

I screamed at a few of them. Telling them the truth about how it was actually their fault. They were the ones who randomly stopped to stare at something. They were the ones who didn't find it necessary to move out of the fucking way!

I just hoped that I didn't run into anyone on the way up. I might snap at them as well. But as I mentioned earlier, I am never lucky. I ran into a few people and had to bit my lip to keep from screaming.

I'm going to sleep after Bryce explains. I thought running my hands through my hair. The elevator was only a few steps away, short enough space to keep from running into people. And I did, only someone ran into me as I turned the corner knocking me to the ground.

And guess who it was. . . Landon.

"I-I'm s-sorry." He stuttered grabbing my arm and helping me to my feet. I brushed the 'dust' off my pants before looking up at him. I suppressed a laugh when I noticed Landon turning pink.

"I'm fine." I whispered with a small smile. It only made him blush more. He went from pink to red.And I was finding it adorable.

"I should have look where I was going. I just got off my shift and I was heading home. I guess I was so excited to just be done I wasn't paying attention-" Landon said quickly and blushing even more.

"It's alright." I said louder and cutting him off.

"Sorry." He whispered looking down. "I just have to get home before it gets too late."

"It already is late." I pointed out looking at the clock. It was already after one in the morning. Not normally late for me, but late for the normal people of the world. I turned back to Landon when I heard him cuss.

"Why is it being late a problem?" I asked curiously. I should have already been upstairs talking with Bryce, but Landon made me completely forget about it.

"No reason." He muttered staring at the ground.

There's a reason. I thought containing an eye roll. "Why don't you spend the night with me and my friends? It's here and then you won't have to walk home this late." What the hell am I saying?!

"R-really?!" Landon asked back to stuttering, and blushing.

"Yeah sure." Again, what am I saying?! Trinity's going to have a too much fun with this. I thought thinking of just what Trinity will do. It disturbed me, I knew it was going to be bad and the questions would involve sex.

Landon followed me into the elevator, where we stood close together. Nobody else was in the elevator, yet our hands were close enough to touch.I like it.

When the elevator doors, without even thinking about it, I grabbed Landon's hand and dragged him out. Our door was only a few down. I realized I was holding his hand when I looked back at him and his face was red, bright red.

I released his hand and went to open the door. Of course it was locked, and Bryce had the room key.

Instead of knocking I pulled out my cell and texted Bryce, letting him know we were outside the door. Seconds later I got a text back asking, we? But the door opened anyway. Bryce smirked when he saw Landon.

Bryce opened his mouth to talk but I cut him off by pushing past him. He chuckled softly and went to sit on the couch. He made himself comfortable and raised an eyebrow. I didn't explain, I gust glared. He would also make fun.

"Trinity?" I asked when Bryce scowled.

"Oh yeah." Bryce sat up. "Trinity's not feeling to hot. She got high and overheated. She was jumping wildly on the bed and then got sick. She's asleep in her room."

"We'll have to check on her in the morning." I said making my way into the bedroom. I yanked off my shirt as I did so, needing to get out of the tight pants and shirt. I was sweaty.

I froze with my head buried in my shirt when I heard a whistle. Shortly after I heard Bryce trying not to laugh. I quickly got my shirt off and threw it at him. He screamed, but it didn't even hit him.

Landon laughed quietly from the doorway.

"Make yourself comfortable." I said going into the bedroom finally. I quickly changed into my pajamas, which was just a pair of lounge pants. I wasn't really thinking when I put them on. I had forgotten about Landon, if I had remembered I might have put on a shirt.

"Looking to get laid?" Bryce asked when I walked back out. I raised an eyebrow and he pointed to me. I looked down and just got more confused, until I turned to Landon. Once again the boy was red.

"I can't sleep with shirts on." I whined quietly.

Bryce just smiled his little smile. I knew he was thinking of many things that would happen and things he could say. I wanted to hit him, but thought that might only make things worse.

The want to hit people is really strong. I thought as Bryce started laughing. His smile turned into a smirk. What's going on in his mind?

I looked back over to Landon. His blush had gone down and he was relaxing on the couch.Damn did he look cute.
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