Truth Be Told, I Like You

Shut Up And Kiss Him

Truth be told, I am an idiot.

I cursed under my breath as I rolled over in my bed. Burring my face further into my fluffy pillows. I let out a huge sigh which was muffled. Trinity you are without a doubt probably the stupidest person between the three of you. I thought. No yelled at myself in my head.

How could I be such. . . such. . . a moron last night. I think I did too much cocaine and it probably didn’t help that I was jumping around, no make that thrashing around on my bed like a wild crazy insane person. I couldn’t help myself, the band Asking Alexandria gets me all pumped and full of energy. I had to thrash around like that, I just had too.

And I was a good persuasive person. I convinced Bryce to give me a little more than usual. I just had to bat my eyelashes and Bryce would do anything I asked him too. God I am such a whore.

I turned my face so I could breath, a smile coming to my lips. Hmm, Bryce. I thought with a giggle.

But that soon faded, once realizing what I did. Smothering myself with my pillow again I let out a scream. Then sat up in bed, looking around the place. Bryce was no where to be seen, I grabbed my phone from next to me. There was a text from him.

I opened it.

From: Bryce
Message: Hey doll, text me when you wake up please. I think I am going to die in here.

I chuckled at the last part. Where was he, back his room. How was he going to die. Being the curious cookie that I was, I texted him back. Letting him know I was awake and to come to my room ASAP.

I smacked my lips, tasting puke. “Ugh!” I said jumping out of bed. I rushed into my bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush. I couldn’t brush my teeth fast enough.

After brushing away the disgusting puke taste in my mouth, I stood there in my bathroom. What happened last night came flashing back to me. I fell to my knees, the cold hard floor of the bathroom didn’t feel to good. I buried my face into my hands.

“Oh Trinity what did you do.” I whispered. I made a complete fool of myself last night.

Bryce had to witness me puking my guts out. Witness me over heating and being dehydrated. I looked like a weak girl when I really wasn’t. Bryce has never seen me like that before, so it was embarrassing knowing that he did last night. Maybe he wont bring it up.

There was a hasty knock on my door, sounded rather urgent. “Bryce.” I said getting up, running toward my hotel door.

I peeked through the peek hole and saw Bryce standing there. Fidgeting, bouncing in his spot a little, shirtless and in just shorts. Oh wait he had on his white skate boarding DC shoes as well. No hat, that’s a first. I let out a giggle and smiled.

“Come on Trinity! I know you are peeking at me through the fucking peek hole,” He said flatly, staring straight at me. I rolled my eyes opening the door. Bryce looked at me, brushing past me. “Thank you.”

I rolled my eyes once again. “Well good morning to you too.” I said closing the door. I followed Bryce into my room.

He lounged on my bed, his hands covering his face. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Slightly confused at what was going on. “So-” I started.

“Billy invited Landon to spend the night in our hotel room last night.” My jaw hit the floor, I stared at Bryce with wide eyes.

“NO FUCKING WAY! DID THEY HAVE SEX?!” I shouted smacking Bryce’s leg.

“OW! OH GOD FUCK NO!” he shouted back, shooting up in his spot. He rubbed the spot where I smacked him, I gave him a sweet innocent smile.

“Gimmie me details hoe!” I said facing him, giving Bryce my undivided attention.

Bryce raised an eyebrow. “Uh. . . I slept on the couch. Billy and Landon used the bed. The one fucking bed.” He said flatly. I smirked.

“It’s all suites come with darling. Get use to it. moving on.” I said with a smile, inching closer to Bryce.

“That’s it, they slept. They are still sleeping. I couldn’t take it anymore. I practically sprinted out of the room when I got your text.” He said sighing, rubbing his eyes. He looked hella tired.

“You didn’t sleep at all last night did you?” I asked frowning.

“Barely. Maybe four hours of sleep?” he laid back on my bed. I wouldn’t doubt it, couches are not fun to sleep on.

I sat there pondering, I was gonna let Billy enjoy his time with Landon. Even though they aren’t not together now, but oh trust me. They will be together. . . eventually. I snickered loudly, rubbing my hands together.

“Trinity,” Bryce said, peeking at me from under his hand. I smiled at him innocently. “Be nice.”

I pouted, puckering my lips out. “Bryce I am always nice.” Bryce shook his head, covering his eyes once again.

I laid down next to him, on my side facing him. I folded my arm underneath my head, tracing light circles on Bryce’s side. I listened to his steady breathing, I lifted my head. Is he asleep? I thought.

“Bryce?” I asked softly.

“Yeah babe?” he asked back, turning his face to look at me.

“Oh, I was just wondering if you were asleep. That’s all.” I laid my head back down, going back to tracing circles.

“Yeah babe I am awake. Did you want to go have breakfast?” he asked, adjusting his body so he was facing me.

My finger tip traced along his tattoos. Tracing his brutal chest piece, following them downward to his belly button. My eyes admired his tattoos. . . and body.

“Not if you are tired.” I said quietly, my eyes fluttering up to look at him.

His warm chocolate brown eyes gazed down at me, with a look of admiration in them. The way the sun was shining in through my window and reflecting in them, they were gorgeous. I could get lost in them for hours. Everything about Bryce I could get lost in.

Bryce moved his hand slowly, my eyes followed his movements. His hand took mine in, lacing his fingers with mine. Both of our eyes locked on our hands. He squeezed my hand tightly but not too tight. There was something about this. . . about the way he held my hand. That is felt so right.

“Babe, I am never to tired to do anything with you. . . or for you.” Bryce said, a soft smile coming out to shine.

I found myself smiling back, my cheeks starting to heating up. I noticed Bryce’s eyes light up, I must be blushing. And for some god damn reason, I couldn’t pull myself away to try and even hide it. I wanted Bryce to see my blush. I wanted him to know that I liked him. I wanted him to know that at that very moment, I all I wanted was for him to. . . kiss me.

My body inched closer to Bryce’s, his began to tower over mine. Our faces slowly closing in on one another. Bryce’s hand slipped from my hand and moved across my stomach. Resting on my hip, it burned underneath his touch. I liked the way I was feeling.

My eyes glanced down toward his hand, I rolled onto my back. Bryce was leaning over me, his hand rubbing the open spot on my hip. I looked back at his face, which was only inches from mine. I felt my heart beat race, my stomach was swarming with butterflies. I stared into Bryce’s eyes.

Trinity what on earth are you doing. I thought.

To be honest, I wasn’t sure what I was doing. Truth be told I never know what I am doing. I never think, I only do. Like right now, all I wanted to do was kiss Bryce. I wanted to know what his lips felt like against mine. How he tasted. How he cradled my body while kissing me.

But, I ruined it.

“We should see if Billy is hungry, same with Landon.” I said pulling away, sitting up grabbing my phone.

I did the worse thing possible, and that was walk away. I walked away from Bryce. My heart dropped as I dialed Billy’s number, dropped to the pit of my stomach. I glanced over at Bryce over my shoulder. He laid back down, staring at the ceiling. Hurt was all over his face.

I pressed my phone to my ear, tearing my eyes away from Bryce. “Hey Billy.”
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