Truth Be Told, I Like You

I Kissed A Boy, And I Like It

I groaned as the sun made it's appearance, the drapes doing a horrible job of keeping it hidden. I turned away from the blinding light and slowly opened my eyes. It took a minute of looking around the room to remember where I was, or why my blanket was so heavy.

I was in Caesar's Palace. My blanket, wasn't really a blanket. Far from a blanket actually.

It was Landon.

Last night, after Bryce had claimed the couch by passing out on it, we had gone to bed. Each as far away from each other as possible. Not to the point of falling off, but we were giving each other space.

Sometime during the night we both must have moved. Cause now, we were in the exact middle of the bed, cuddling. Landon had his head resting on my chest and an arm draped over me while one of my arms was holding him close.I liked it.

Slowly and carefully not to wake up Landon I slipped out of bed.

I stretched as I walked into the living room. I heard my back crack and boy did it feel good. I smiled at the relieved pressure in my back. My smile quickly fell when I realized Bryce wasn't in the hotel room.

Please tell me he got hungry. I prayed silently as I went to fetch my cell. I found it in the pocket of yesterdays skinny jeans.

To: Bryce
Message: Where are you?

I threw my phone onto the nightstand before grabbing clothes for the day. My pajama pants were becoming itchy for some reason. Happened when I wore them for too long. I looked to Landon one last time.

He looked so peaceful. Sprawled out on the bed with the sheets bunched up around him. The sun was lighting up his skin, making it shine. It gave his skin a warm glow and. . . what the hell am I thinking!

I forced myself to look away. I didn't want to be caught staring. That would be embarrassing.

It didn't take me too long to get dressed. A quick shower, towel dry and on went the clothes. The thing that took the longest was brushing my teeth, they felt fuzzy and I had nasty morning breath. My hair was still damp when I exited the bathroom, but it would air dry.

Landon was awake by now. Sitting on the edge of the bed holding his clothes from yesterday.

People will think things. I thought walking out into the living room. I found Bryce's suitcase and 'borrowed' a pair of jeans and a shirt. They still wouldn't fit right, but Bryce was slightly shorter than I and they would fit better than my clothes would.

"Here." I said reentering the bedroom. I held out the clothes to Landon. He hesitated before taking them.

"Thanks." He whispered setting his clothes down and disappearing into the bathroom.

I noticed my phone blinking as I sat back down on the bed. It was obvious who it was from but I still checked the screen. Yup, Bryce had texted me back.

From: Bryce
Message: Trinity's room. Bring me clothes when you come down. I'm NOT coming back up.

I shook my head at the thought. He wanted out of the room so badly he hadn't bother to get dressed. I laughed when I thought of Trinity keeping him out of the room. Him standing in the hallway in only his boxers. For some reason I kept picture an old lady hitting on him and him begging for Trinity to let him in.

Landon pulled me from my thoughts. All he did was walk out of the bathroom but the thoughts went away. He looked good in Bryce's clothes.

"Let's go." I said making my way past him. I quickly grabbed clothes for Bryce, not really bothering to see if they worked together or not. That's what he gets for asking me to pick out his clothes.

"I should get home." Landon muttered looking at the ground.

Let the boy go home. It's best if he just goes home. I thought, but then another part of me was screaming something different.

"No you shouldn't." Guess which side was winning.

"I don't want to be a burden."

I suddenly felt bad. Let him go! I walked over to him, really close to him. He looked up with a slight blush on his cheeks. The internal battle to kiss him had begun. I was bad at battles, and. . . lost.

I felt my lips brush against his. My eyes closed on their own as we kissed. It was a simple and short kiss, but damn was it good. I pulled back after a few seconds and smiled softly. He smiled back.

"You won't be." I gave him a goofy grin when he didn't complain. I grabbed the room key and left, Landon right behind me.

The elevator ride was awkward, again. Only this time we weren't alone. The old lady I was picturing flirting with Bryce was in the elevator. She was on one side, while we stood all the way on the other. She kept giving us creepy looks. And I mean creepy looks.

When the elevator doors opened I grabbed Landon's hand and yanked him away. When the doors closed again I couldn't help but shudder. Landon laughed quietly at me.

"Creepy lady." I muttered dragging him over to Trinity's door.

"You have no idea how creepy they get." Landon said with a smile.

I couldn't help but shudder again before knocking on Trinity's door. The door opened quickly, with Trinity smiling widely. Her eyes traveled over to Landon, then to our hands. I didn't bother letting go, it was too late.And I like holding his hand.

"Hey guys." Trinity said opening the door to let us in.

"You bring me clothes?" Bryce asked as we entered. He stood in shorts leaning against the couch. His eyes were also focused on our entwined hands. I threw the clothes at him making him laugh.

"Get dressed I'm hungry." I stated ignoring the glare he gave me.

Bryce mumbled something incoherent under his breath. I was pretty sure he was cussing me out. Trinity just pointed to the bedroom and away he went. The door slammed shut and reopened a few seconds later.

"Happy?" He asked glaring at me.

"Yes now let us go eat." Trinity said with a smile. She exited the room with Bryce following quickly after her. I made sure to close Trinity's room door before we followed. We still hadn't let go of each other's hand.

Trinity led us all the way down to a restaurant. Augustus Café. It was a nice simple café that wasn't too busy. Bryce and Trinity sat next to each other leaving me to sit next to Landon. I wasn't complaining.

"Welcome to Augustus Café. My name is Jeremy, I'll be your waiter. What can I get you to drink?" Jeremy asked. He was a nice looking guy, but looked too jock. We all ordered water. Trinity flirting slightly as she did so.

The look on Bryce's face was scary. He was getting upset. I didn't want to see what happened when Jeremy came back. Unless it was Bryce punching him in the face, that would be cool to see.

"Here you are." Jeremy said setting down the drinks.

"Thanks." Trinity said with a giggle.

Punch him! I thought as Bryce stood up.

He didn't though, which was slightly disappointing. Bryce just walked out of the café, leaving behind a confused Trinity. I looked to Landon who was staring down at the menu, trying to avoid the conflict.


"Go after him Trin." I whispered looking over at her.

She nodded sadly and got up. She threw a few twenty's over to me before running out after Bryce. I just hoped she caught up with him.
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