Truth Be Told, I Like You

Firework Kisses

Truth be told, I didn’t understand Bryce at times.

He just got up and left the café, not saying a word to anyone. Normally he tells us where he is going when he randomly leaves like that, normally a smoke break but this time he seemed upset; really upset. I couldn’t put my finger on just what was upsetting him.

“Bryce wait!” I shouted after him as he entered the elevator. He was going back to my room, that is the only room he had a key for.

I flew into the elevator, bumping into Bryce. He caught me but then pushed me away, not even looking at me. I steadied myself before turning to glare at him. “What the fuck is up your butt Bryce!” I shouted, my hands on my hip; I was glaring at him.

Bryce looked at me with disbelief. “Really Trinity really? What’s my problem?” he spat.

I stepped back with my jaw hanging open. Where was this attitude coming from. “Excuse me, don’t get fucking lippy with me!” I snapped.

Bryce was just about to open his mouth when the doors opened, a family stood outside waiting. Bryce walked off and I followed suit, he stormed down the hall to my hotel room. He threw open the door rushing in, I walked in slamming it.

I crossed my arms and glared at him, I wanted to know what the fuck was his problem. “What is your fucking problem Bryce, you never act like this!” I snapped.

Bryce stopped pacing around to glare at me, it was a harsh glare. He never did this to me, ever. “My problem? I don’t have a problem, you’re the one with the problem Trinity!” he shouted.

“How the fuck do I have a problem!?” I shouted back.

“Because! We almost fucking kiss in your bed and now you are flirting with some other guy! How the fuck do you think I am suppose to feel, just fucking peachy?” he yelled.

“So what?! Even if we kissed it wouldn’t of meant anything!” who the fuck am I kidding, I would have been jumping for joy.



“OH MY FUCKING GOD TRINITY SERIOUSLY?!” Bryce yanked a hand through his hair as he paced faster, then stopping to look at me. “CAN I MAKE ANY MORE OBVIOUS TO YOU!”

“Make what obvious.” I croaked.


My body went ridged, a shiver creeping down my spine. I stared wide eyed at Bryce, he was panting from yelling; I watched as his chest went up and down. Did he really just say that he liked me? I thought.

I was speechless, not expecting this one. My eyes roamed the room, looking for some sort of an answer. “Seriously?” I whispered, slowly walking toward him.

“Yes. Seriously. You don’t know how jealous I get when you flirt with other guys, how much I envy Billy. Because you two would kiss and have sex, you don’t know how much I wanted to be in his shoes for a day. Just to know what it was like to be with you.” He said, his body starting relaxing a bit.

Speechless again, I didn’t know what to say. Here Bryce is confessing that he likes me and here I like him too but why am I not telling him that I like him too. I just walk over and sit on the edge of my bed, my hands resting nicely on my lap; I stared at the ground. Bryce was frozen in his spot, his hands tucked in his front pockets.

You better think of something fast to say or you’re going to loose him. I thought.

I licked my lips, looking up at Bryce I patted the spot next to me. “Bryce come sit by me.” I said softly, he walked over and sat down.

I could feel my skin taking in his body heat, which I could feel coming off him. I laughed quietly to myself, shaking my head. “What?” Bryce asked, I could feel his eyes on me.

I felt my own eyes laced with tears, I looked up at him half smiling. “I am laughing at myself because I don’t know how to tell you that I like you too.” I gave another light laugh.

I saw a blush creep to his cheeks, it looked so damn cute. I think I made him speechless now. I looked back at the ground smiling, I took one of his hands in mine. “The reason I always flirted around with guys and did shit with Billy was because I liked you. I always thought you didn’t like me and never wanted me, so I was trying to move on. Believe me, it was hard at first but I got use to it. But after awhile, my feelings came back; ten times stronger.” I looked at Bryce again.

His hand tightened around mine, a small smile coming to his lips. “So you really do like me?” he asked quietly, he was blushing again.

I smiled, reaching up to stroke his cheek with my free hand. “Truth be told, I like you.” I whispered.

“Truth be told, I like you too.” He said.

That was all that pretty much needed to be said. The gap in between us slowly closed, our lips met half way. Boy did he taste as good as he smelled, I found myself wanting more. There was something about the way he kissed that showed he cared so deeply about me, his kisses were passionate and there was something more behind them.

His hand moved to rest on the back of my head, pulling my hand closer to his. Our tongues danced together in a synchronized way. It as like the fourth of July all over again, but only a hundred times better.

I started moving back toward the pillows, so I could lay down and be in his arms. That’s what I really wanted, to lay in his arms; in a different way this time. Bryce moved with me, his body towering over mine; pressing slightly against my own. He laid down onto his side, pulling me into his arms. I felt them wrap securely around me.

My hands went to cup his cheeks, moving to get caught and tangled up in his hair. I never wanted to stop kissing him, never. Something about this just felt so right. Why did I wait this long to confess to Bryce, why was I so stupid.

Billy would give me shit later but it’s all good though. Because I can give him shit about Landon, so we’re even there. But then again, Billy doesn’t have to know.

I heard my phone vibrate in my pocket, we pulled apart. I sighed angrily and fished out my phone. It was a text from Billy.

From: Billy
Message: Trin you okay? Is everything okay?

Yeah, he definitely was not gonna find out anytime soon. I tossed it behind me, snuggling back into Bryce. His arms tightened around me again, soon; our lips met. The fireworks exploding all over.
♠ ♠ ♠
They are not going to have sex. >.>
Just clearing that up.