Truth Be Told, I Like You

Joining The Trip?

I watched as Trinity ran out of the restaurant after Bryce. I had a pretty good feeling about what was going on but not one hundred percent. I looked over to Landon once Trinity was out of sight. His attention was on the table, trying to keep out of it.

"Let's go." I said picking up the money Trinity left. Or most of it. I kept one twenty on the table to pay for the water and taken up space, the rest made it into my wallet. I'd give it back to Trinity later.

Landon didn't ask where we were going, just followed quietly as we left the hotel room.

I held in a groan when I looked around. The Las Vegas strip wasn't nearly as pretty or entertaining in the daytime. Vegas just looked like a normal city with the lights on. The groan escaped.

"Boring huh?"

I looked over to Landon. He was staring around at the buildings, a bored expression on his face.

"Yeah. A normal city." I mumbled as we started walking down the sidewalk. A totally different feel from the night before. Empty streets, only light from the sun and quiet. "What do you do for fun?"

"Fun?" Landon asked when he stopped walking. I stopped a few feet ahead of him and turned slightly to face him.

"Yeah. Fun. Like partying until the sun comes up. Doing something stupid to make others laugh." I stated like it was obvious. Landon just raised an eyebrow. "You've never had fun have you?"

Landon shook his head.

I wobbled a little on my feet. Never had fun. I couldn't believe someone had actually never had fun. It was physically impossible, at least for me, Trinity and Bryce.

"I'll explain." Landon said grabbing my hand and dragging me off somewhere.

I stared up at the rundown building. It was lucky to still be standing. And to think Landon lived here for the past eighteen years.

Landon had told me all about his life. Every little detail. I was surprised by how much he was willing to share.

He was raised by only his mom. His father was unknown to everyone. His mother was, and still is, a prostitute. He works at the Mesa Grill as often as possible to stay away from home. His mom is always bring clients home and it disgusts Landon.

I don't blame him, it would disgust me too.

It disgusted me even more that his mother tried to get him into prostitution. She said they needed the money it would bring in. Instead he got a job as a waiter. Didn't make her happy. Waiters apparently don't make as much as hookers do.

"Wow." I muttered.

Landon led me inside, allowing me to see just how bad the building really was.

"It's not much but-"

"You shouldn't have to live here." I whispered cutting him off. "Nobody should live like this."

"Billy it's fine." Landon muttered.

I looked over at Landon. He was staring at the floor, or his feet. Either way he refused to look up at me. I walked the few steps it was over to Landon. He still didn't look up. I grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up at me.

"No it's not." I stated firmly. I wasn't going to let him believe he wasn't worth better. It hurt me that he felt that way. I wasn't sure why, but in less than twenty four hours I had become attached to Landon.

I'm so gonna get it from Trinity. I thought as I pulled out my cell phone. Landon walked off somewhere while I fiddled with my phone.

To: Trinity
Message: I know this sounds strange, but can Landon join the road trip?

I shoved my phone into my pocket just as Landon walked back out. He had changed clothes. He smiled softly before handing me Bryce's clothes. I took them while smiling back at Landon.

"If you want to leave now it's fine." Landon said quietly. Once again he wouldn't meet my eyes.

"I think I'll hang around." I said making myself comfortable on the couch. It wasn't an easy task. "If that's alright with you?" I added looking up at him.

Landon said nothing. Instead he sat down beside me making himself comfortable. When he stopped shifting around he looked up at me with a smile. I laughed lightly before scooting slightly closer, just enough to wrap my arm around his shoulder.

"So. . . what's your favorite color?" I asked randomly.

Landon looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. We both burst out laughing seconds later. But the next few hours were spent talking, just getting to know each other a lot better. Trinity never did text me back.

I figured she was too busy talking with Bryce to answer. Or her phone died, but that never happened. She was too busy with Bryce.

"You should probably head back to the hotel." Landon said sitting up. Sometime during our conversation we ended up cuddling in his bedroom.

"Do you have to work?" I asked sitting up as well.

Landon looked up at me with sad eyes. Instantly I knew something was wrong. "Last night, after you left, I ended up spilling a tray of food on a costumer. I was fired after that. Seeing as the person I dropped the food on was the restaurant owner."

I smiled, I couldn't help it.

"Why are you smiling?" Landon asked.

"You should come with us." I said smiling more. I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips, not being able to help myself. "On the road with us. You don't like it here anyway so why not leave?"

"Because you are the only one who wants me to come." Landon said getting up.

"Wanna bet?" I asked jumping off the bed.

"Yeah, I do." Landon said giving me a sly smiling.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him from the rundown building. I just had to hope that Trinity and Bryce didn't give him the wrong impression.
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