Truth Be Told, I Like You

A Party Of Four Now

I wasn’t sure how long Bryce and I were laying in my bed. We’ve been doing nothing but laying there and talking. About noting in particular, just random things that came to our minds. Mainly what else there was to do here in Vegas, so far we’ve done nothing but stay in the hotel.

“We should go and do something explore Vegas more. Fuck, Billy has actually left the hotel. Unlike us, we’ve stayed in the rooms and that’s it. I wanna go somewhere.” I said rolling over onto my side so I could look at Bryce.

He laid casually on his side smiling down at me, his hand propping up his head; he brushed my bangs out of my face. “What should we do?” he asked, a little uncertain.

I sat up, crossing my legs then sighing. “I don’t fucking know, something. I wanna go to a party, I miss those.” I pouted at the last sentence. I really did miss parties.

Bryce laughed, rolling onto his back. His arms resting behind his head, he stared up at the ceiling; he was thinking. That was his position when he was thinking about something. “Where are we going to party?” he teased.

“Good question,” I sighed in defeat. Let’s face it, I am going to be stuck in this hotel room. “I wanna go swimming.”

“Then go?” I glared down at Bryce, smacking his chest; he laughed again. “what was that for?”

“I don’t know.” I smiled laying down again, snuggling back into him.

Bryce rolled over wrapping his arms around me, pulling me in closer to him. Now I believe Bryce and I are. . . a couple now? I wasn’t sure, I mean we did confess and kiss. So I am assuming we’re together now.

“Bryce.” I said not looking up at him.


I peeked up at him, he glanced down at me. “Are we like. . . together now?” I paused.

Bryce smiled warmly, placing a soft kiss on my lips. “Trinity, will you be my girlfriend?”

My insides leaped for joy, I found myself blushing once again. “Bryce darling, I would love too.” I leaned up to kiss him, our lips locked.

I could never get enough of his firework kisses. They were simply amazing in so many ways. I couldn’t get enough of Bryce, I just wanted to lay here in his arms all day. Well, I guess I have been so far.

My phone vibrated on the nightstand table, causing both of us to pull apart looking around. “Damn phone!” I said sitting up and reaching over Bryce, I snatched my phone.

It was a text from Billy, I raised an eyebrow.

From: Billy
Message: I know this sounds strange, but can Landon join the road trip?

I smiled at the text, Bryce gave me a confessed look. “What? Who texted you?” he asked trying to look.

“Billy! He wants Landon to join our little road trip.” I smiled, Bryce smiled too.

“Why not, more the merrier. Now Billy will have someone else to bone besides you.” Bryce said.

My smile faded, I glared at Bryce; smacking him in the chest again. I laid down on my side, back to him. “Awe. Babe I’m kidding.” He said all cutely, he crawled up behind me.

Bryce wrapped an arm around my waist, planting a kiss on my bare shoulder. He nuzzled my neck, leaving butterfly kisses. I didn’t answer Bryce, I kept my eyes closed smiling to myself. Bryce buried his face into my shoulder blade, I could feel his smile against my skin.

“But I think it would be nice to have another person along on the trip.” Bryce said softly, he stroked my hair now. He was propping himself with his arms.

“I agree. And I think Billy likes him, even though he has known Landon for like 24 hours but still.” I rolled over to look up at Bryce.

“Mhm.” Bryce said. I gazed up at him, thinking.

“Bryce. . . how would you like to stay with me in my hotel room, while Billy and Landon share your old one?” I asked.

A huge smile came to Bryce’s face, oh how it lit it up; making him look cuter than ever. I think he was even blushing. “I would love too.” He said leaning down to kiss me.

We both smiled into the kiss. I was thinking how I should text Billy back but that sort of slipped my mind. . . for the time being. I seemed to get lost in Bryce’s kisses, like a hell of a whole lot.

I pulled away causing Bryce to pout, he laid his head on my chest. “I gotta text little Billy back. . . well maybe not so little, if you know what I mean.” I smirked.

“Oh god Trin please! I honestly don’t wanna know how big Billy’s dick is, please; keep that information to yourself you sick minded fuck.” Bryce shook his head, hugging me tighter.

I just laughed texting Billy back.

To: Billy
Message: Of course Landon can. (: I like him, and I think it would be fun to have him along for this crazy trip. Bryce agrees as well. <3

I set my phone down next to me. Wondering when Billy was going to return with mister Landon. I wanted to give Billy a big, big hug. I feel like I haven’t hugged him in what seems like years. I miss him.

I sighed, stroking Bryce’s hair; I heard him fall into a steady breathing. Is he really asleep? I thought. Man he sure does sleep a lot when I am around.

I still stroked his hair, I couldn’t really move without waking him up. Which I really didn’t want too, it would suck there was a knock on the door.

Truth be told, there was a knock on the door.

“Fucking kidding me!” I hissed under my breath.

Slowly I slid out from underneath Bryce. Laying him gently back down, I skipped over to the door. Throwing it open with a glare, which soon faded. I smiled at my best friend, and he smiled back at me.

“Billy!” I whispered loudly, jumping into his arms; I threw mine around his neck.

He stumbled back laughing while hugging me back. “Hey shawty.” He teased.

“Don’t ever say that again, you are white honey.” I mumbled into his chest.

I forgot how amazing his hugs were, he was my best fucking friend. I peeked at Landon smiling. “Hey sweetie,” He blushed, he is quite the little blushing boy. “I wanna call you Bashful, since you blush so much.”

Landon turned beet red, Billy laughed walking into my hotel room still holding me. I just giggled.
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