Truth Be Told, I Like You

Nice Peaceful Silence

I set Trinity down on the nearest couch. Okay, set might not be the right word. I kind of threw her onto the couch, causing her to scream which then made Bryce come out of the bedroom rather quickly.

"You okay Trinity?" Bryce asked, concern clearly written on his face. He hadn't even noticed Landon and I.

"I'm fine Bryce." Trinity said while laughing.

Bryce finally noticed us. It took him a few seconds but he realized why Trinity had screamed. He smiled at the both of us with a soft embarrassed laugh. I just laughed at him before sitting on the other couch.

It didn't take long for Bryce to join Trinity and for Landon to join me. Bryce and Trinity instantly moved closer together making me smile. I really wanted to say something but bit my lip.

No need to embarrass them.

I was actually just happy they were finally together. Finally! Took them long enough to admit it.

"So, what did you guys do this morning?" Bryce asked with a smirk.

"Oh you know. Spent the morning at Landon's. His bed is very squeaky. Very, very squeaky. Every little movement cause it to make noise." I said smiling.

Bryce's jaw dropped slightly as did Trinity's. They both stared wide eyed over at us while I tried not to laugh. I felt Landon shaking slightly. I looked over at him, he was trying not to laugh.

"You guys fu-"

"No!" I shouted cutting Bryce off. Landon let his laughter go after that and I couldn't help but follow. Trinity and Bryce were now confused, and it was awesome.

"But you said-"

"I said his bed was squeaky. Never said how I found that out." I couldn't help but grin widely. "We hung out and talked in his room."

"On his bed?" Bryce was still shocked and confused.

"Yes. We laid on his bed and talked with each other. Nothing dirty or wrong like you would have thought. Jeez, do you really think I'm that way?" I asked crossing my arms and staring at Bryce.

"Yes." Was his simple answer.

I tried not to smile proving they were right but it was hard. Of course he thought I was that way. I did fool around with Trinity the past few years. But it had stopped a few days after the trip started.

Not that I'm complaining. Now she has Bryce and I had Landon. Or at least I wanted Landon. I knew we weren't official and probably wouldn't be for a while, but that didn't matter. I was focused on Landon now.

I also wasn't sure if Trinity and Bryce were official. I was pretty sure they were with how they were sitting. I didn't want to be wrong though and ask though. That would be awkward if I was wrong.

"What did you two do?" I asked changing the focus to them.

"Spent the morning talking." Trinity said with a small smile.

I went to say something but stopped when I heard someone's stomach growl. I looked around try to pinpoint whose it was but everyone was staring at me. I looked down at my stomach as it growled again.

"Shut up." I ordered poking my stomach.

It didn't listen. My stomach growled again making everyone in the room laugh but me. I glared down at my stomach but then realized I was hungry.

"I'm hungry." I pouted.

"Didn't you eat breakfast?" Trinity asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, we left the restaurant after you two. We headed out after that and have been busy ever since. I didn't notice how hungry I was until now." I stated still pouting slightly.

"It's too late for lunch and too early for dinner. Do you think you can wait?" Trinity asked seriously.

I nodded slowly and sadly. I could wait, but didn't want to. The room went silent after that, everyone just sitting and relaxing. It was a nice peaceful silence that I couldn't help but enjoy. And once I was done enjoying it I just had to ruin it.

I burped.

"Billy!" Trinity shouted jumping at the sudden sound.

I couldn't help but laugh at the disgusted look on her face. Bryce smiled over at me before shaking his head. I looked over at Landon to see him shaking his head at me also. I frowned slightly before burping again.

"Alright you're bored I get it." Trinity said standing up.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked sitting up straight.

"Move Bryce's luggage from your room down to this room." Trinity said heading into the bedroom. All three of us in the living room just stared after her.

"What?" I asked as Trinity walked back into the room, her hair freshly teased.

"Bryce is going to spend the rest of our Vegas stay here with me and Landon will be staying with you." Trinity said grinning widely.

I just nodded and stood. It worked for me, although I wasn't sure if Landon was that okay with it. He didn't say a word as we began making our way up a floor to the room. I walked a head of the group, playing with the room key.

I couldn't hear Trinity, Bryce and Landon. They were either talking to quietly or not talking at all. It was slightly annoying, but if I slowed my pace or stopped all together they would know I was trying to eavesdrop.

Damn the need and want to know what they were saying.

Luckily I had to stop and wait for the elevator. It meant they would have to stop talking, if they were even talking at all.

Am I being paranoid? I thought to myself as we entered the elevator.
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