Truth Be Told, I Like You

That's How We Do It

After I told Billy three minutes I made my way upstairs, swaying my hips as I did. I knew that would make Billy cringe in pain because he was turned on. Along with several other guys as well, god I loved being a tease. It brought joy to my life.

I stumbled into my bedroom, slamming my door. I stumbled my way to my bathroom, flicking on the light. I opened a drawer pulling out a baggy. I smiled at the contents inside it. I knew I was going to need it for a good rush for a few hours. Cocaine was my friend.

Quickly I made myself a line, got out a dollar bill then snorted that shit up. Just then my bedroom door was opened then closed. I heard someone fall onto my bed, I peeked to see Billy laying down. I smiled at him, he actually smiled back at me. I put my baggy back into my drawer.

Flicking off the light I skipped over to Billy, jumping onto the bed next to him. His arms immediately wrapped around me, pulling my face down to his. Our lips met, can you say total turn on. My god did Billy know how to kiss, he was very good in bed. Why do you think I always came back for more. . . oh yeah.

It wasn’t long until my hands were traveling up and down his chest, my legs straddling his waist. His hands rubbed my hip area, finding their way to the zipper of my jeans. The coke I just snorted got me going and full of energy. Pretty sure I was turning Billy on.

I rolled over, pulling Billy on top of me. He was pulling back the covers as I was trying to crawl underneath them. All while making out, our lips never parted. Soon the clothes were scattered all over the floor and we were making sweet pleasurable love. It was to die for.

Who knew that the next morning I would be in pain, or have pain in my lower region. I guess when Billy and I are both under the influence things get hotter. Which they did, wow. That is all I can say about last night, wow.

I laid there in bed, letting out a huge yawn while stretching. Billy’s arms let go from around me, he knew I was going to get up and I knew he was not. So he let go of me so I could get up. My eyes stuttered before slowly opening. I smiled softly.

Sunlight poured into my room through the big French doors that lead out to my balcony. All my windows were opened, my satin curtains flapping in the summer breeze. I could hear the birds chirping from outside. Today was going to be a good day.

Deciding to get up now, I threw back my covers. Standing up I walked around my room naked, picking up clothes and putting them on. I decided to go with some comfy shorts, sports bra and tank top. I left my hair down while I touched up my make up. It was around noon, so everyone who crashed was gone by now.

Slowly I made my downstairs. My parents were gone at work, my little brother stayed the night at his friend’s house. I mainly asked him too because I was having a party and I didn’t want him around alcohol or drugs. I may not care about my life but I cared about my little brother’s. I didn’t want him to end up like me, killing himself fast like I am killing myself. I loved my little brother, I spoiled the shit out of him.

All the windows were open in the house, the nice warm California breeze was coming in through them. The sun was high up in the sky, I was thinking about maybe going for a swim. It was hella nice out. Walking into the kitchen I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. Looking around the place, it was gonna take hours to clean this house. Forget the swimming then.

I heard someone cough from outside on the shaded patio. It was a huge patio, a nice glass top table that could seat ten. With comfy ass chairs around it, there was a roof over it with pillars, nice and cool under there. I walked out onto the patio from the kitchen and smiled.

Bryce was sitting back in a chair, his legs propped up on the table. A bag of weed in front of him and a bowl in his hands. He wore black swim looking trunks that were shorts, white pin stripes, shirtless. His gorgeous brown hair hidden underneath a black flat brim DC hat.

“Awh, Miss Trinity.” Bryce smile while inhaling some weed.

I smiled back at him walking over, he patted his lap and I sat down. His right arm resting around my back, his left hand offered me his bowl. I took it, taking a hit. “So how is Miss Trinity this morning? Sex good last night?” he teased.

I looked down at him smirking while exhaling. “Hell yeah, Billy knows what he’s doing in bed. Hot damn.” I let out another yawn, looking around my messy yard I groaned.

“Bet I am better,” he brought his bowl to his lips, trying to hide his smirk. “wanna find out.”

I was about to say yes but caught myself, I rolled my eyes. “Nice try Bryce you bitch.” I smirked.

He shrugged. “I tried.” He took his hit.

“Ugh, my house and yard is going to take hours and hours to clean!” I said laying back into Bryce. He set his bowl down before wrapping a arm around me. He took a swig of water from my water bottle.

“I got the upstairs living room cleaned and the whole downstairs cleaned. I couldn’t sleep, you know my sleeping problems. Cant sleep by myself.” He said stroking the side of my thigh.

You know, Bryce can be a totally dick and asshole but deep down he is a sweetheart. It worried me, his sleeping problem. He had a girlfriend for two years, they were absolutely adorable together. She slept over at his place all the time or vice versa. Until one day he found out she was cheating on him. Ever since they broke up, he cant sleep at night. Maybe a couple hours but not enough. I mean sometimes I will cuddle with him at night just so he can sleep, it makes me worried.

“Thanks Bryce, that makes the cleaning list a little shorter.” I said closing my eyes.

“Yeah, I also started cleaning the bathrooms on the main floor. But I needed to smoke some mary jane to keep going.” He laughed, I shook my head smiling.

“Well once Billy gets up we can start cleaning. This yard is terrible. My mom will flip a tit if she comes home and it is not clean.” I said sitting up again, Bryce continued to stroke my thigh.

We sat there in silence for a little bit, I was thinking. I was tired of the drama filled California life. I needed a vacation from this place, to get away from everything for a little bit. Maybe with Bryce and Billy, us three could go on a road trip or something. It would be fun as hell. Like take a month off or maybe two. Before we all go off to college, or before I go off to college.

Bryce got a sponsor for skateboarding, something he loves to do. So he already has his life set. Not sure what Billy is gonna do. I mean I don’t really need to go to college but I wanna experience the college life before I die.

“We should go on a road trip.” I said out of the blue, my eyes fixed on the horizon of the ocean.

“What?” Bryce said, apparently I caught him off guard.

I looked at him. his brown eyes looking up at me for an answer. “A road trip. You know take a vacation. Just us three. You, me, and Billy. We can travel across the United States. Stopping wherever we please, we can travel in my Hummer, more roomy and travel in style.” I said.

Bryce licked his lips looking off into the distance. I could tell he liked the idea and was thinking. “I like it, I actually really like it. We gotta ask Billy.” Bryce said looking back at me.

“Pretty sure Billy wont care. He’ll go wherever I go.” I smiled.
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